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Enough of these ridiculous costumes, give us something we can admire.

  • Reverb
    mrfrontman wrote: »
    Stupid ballroom dresses and ugly colored plain clothes with snow flake symbols on them are NOT what this community wants.

    Based on the number of players buying and wearing these costumes, its clear that you are not qualified to speak for what the community wants. Not all players will like all options, but your opinions are just that - your opinions. Do not presume that they apply to others.
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • gw2only1b14_ESO
    Agree the pets the costumes have to go, How about some PvP love Hell even Warhammer had a pike to plant in ground over victim and the best was mailing them back there severed head. Geez ESo get with the 2016 now
  • Calippe_Hac
    Reverb wrote: »
    mrfrontman wrote: »
    Stupid ballroom dresses and ugly colored plain clothes with snow flake symbols on them are NOT what this community wants.

    Based on the number of players buying and wearing these costumes, its clear that you are not qualified to speak for what the community wants. Not all players will like all options, but your opinions are just that - your opinions. Do not presume that they apply to others.

    Rather unsubstantiated unless you have a "survey."

    I think as someone above said this stuff just isn't lore related so it breaks the immersion of the game.

    I am not a role player but seeing ballroom dresses makes me think of, dare I say it, you all know it, the dreaded -- one word -- three letters -- first and last letter the same -- middle letter the fourth vowel in the English alphabet -- other letter the fourth from the last in the English alphabet.

    Next -- wings so we can fly around -- flaming twelve foot (relative to a six (?) foot character) swords that sprout ice flames in rainbow colors -- 3" dwarves that carry 24 foot twirling psychedelic light flashing curved bows -- armor that flashes and sings when hit -- and then its downhill from there.

  • LegacyDM
    They save all the cool costumes earned in game. Why can't we get demonic looking stuff like what is found in random IC armor bags? Or like monster helms? Instead we get wedding dresses and ballroom suits. Or armor that is litterely stitched together looking like something a peasant or squire would wear.
    Legacy of Kain
    Vicious Carnage
    ¥ampire Lord of the South
  • Reverb
    Reverb wrote: »
    mrfrontman wrote: »
    Stupid ballroom dresses and ugly colored plain clothes with snow flake symbols on them are NOT what this community wants.

    Based on the number of players buying and wearing these costumes, its clear that you are not qualified to speak for what the community wants. Not all players will like all options, but your opinions are just that - your opinions. Do not presume that they apply to others.

    Rather unsubstantiated unless you have a "survey."

    I don't need a survey when I can see real proof, in the form of costumes worn by players. That's far more telling than anything a forum survey would reveal.

    When I'm in a bank and can see that half or more toons in there are wearing a crown store costume, when my entire group decides to raid in costume because we all have (at least) one of the new ones, it's clear that a large section of "the community" does want what zeni is selling, despite @mrfrontman's assertions otherwise.
    Edited by Reverb on January 8, 2016 5:48PM
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Daraugh
    I don't see many Pumpkin Specters running around, lots of Dark Seducers and servant's garb from Stros M'kai though. Most people seem to prefer attractive or realistic over looking like a squash that keeps coming back on you.
    May all beings have happiness
    May they be free from suffering
    May they find the joy that has never known suffering
    May they be free from attachment and hatred
  • PrinceBoru
    It's a mixed bag.
    We all have different tastes and I think the store reflects that.
    It ain't easy being green.
  • Recremen
    The costumes are lots of fun. I hope they're dyeable soon, and I hope there are more customization options coming related to armor re-styling, etc., but for now they're filling a need!
    Men'Do PC NA AD Khajiit
    Grand High Illustrious Mid-Tier PvP/PvE Bussmunster
  • sickboy2808
    Agreed most of them look junk except the one i bought lol Pumpkin Skin looks amazing
    ZOS takes cheating very Lightly. You have been warned, and any cheaters found out will get the Least punishment possible...
  • I55UE5
    "Ridiculous costumes" .. Then OP states he wants more pumpkin heads walking around.. GTFO.
  • maboleth
    Actually, costumes in this game are beautiful. Designers, keep up the good work.
  • DaveMoeDee
    Earelith wrote: »
    I totally agree..i have 3500 points sitting in my account from eso plus and have nothing to buy...i usually buy costumes in games with shop but eso costumes are not good...

    I understand that costumes need to be lore friendly..also as i see, the body takes the shape of costume instead the costume take the shape of body.. Thats another thing i dont like
    Thallia wrote: »
    I like the pretty much all the costumes, with exception to the poly-morphs....

    I find them kind of unnecessary and I find that appeals more to the younger audiences as they might think it looks "epic" or something like that. I mean i can agree with they do look quite "epic" and cool. But as said before I feel that is it unnecessary for ESO's sake. As @Heindrich has said, I too don't want to see the whole of Tamriel filled with Draugr's, and other weird monsters or things that some people in this thread would want.

    I think Zeni releases costumes according to their Sales, and it looks like more people buy the Town & Trade Costumes and Cultural ones. I like those the most :)

    Seeing Tamriel filled with Draugrs is as good as anything else. Has nothing to do with age. Doesn't look any worse than seeing someone in combat wearing a gown.

    My perspectives on costumes is that they make sense in PvP. Better to have everyone in your group look generic so that skills are the only class cues. I have no interest in cosmetics, but for those that do, taste is highly variable and personal and it doesn't make much sense to generalize about people who aren't ourselves.
  • Fissh
    mrfrontman wrote: »
    Made this a post but decided it should be made into it's own thread, I'm sure many other people feel the same.

    Personally I don't like ANY of the costumes that they release. The only 2 I find remotely half decent looking are the Draugr Polymorph and the Pumpkin Spectre Polymorph. Everything else they've released looks like complete garbage to me. Why can't we have more cool looking polymorphs and costumes, rather than these plain, dull and reckless costumes? Honestly, I don't think a single costume besides the 2 I mentioned had any time put in them at all. To be completely truthful, I could design everything else in Photoshop and STILL present a better job (Yes I know this stuff isn't done through Photoshop, I'm using it as an example to how poorly thought out all of the costumes are).

    Stupid ballroom dresses and ugly colored plain clothes with snow flake symbols on them are NOT what this community wants. Please put some more effort into your designs, because these are definitely not going to make my wallet itch even the slightest bit. You are wasting both your own time AND your designers time, you are also throwing money away that will not profit in the end. Stop wasting valuable resources and put them to good use please.

    Forgive me for calling some of the designers art "stupid" and "ugly" but at this rate you need to wake up. I meant no offense by it, I'm just saying we don't want to spend money just to have our characters look worse than they already do. If you want to get your hands on our money then you're going to have to try harder than that. Give us something that at least makes our characters look admirable. Any person in their right mind would not spend a dime on their characters to make them look worse. Fair enough you may have a few select customers who believe these costumes actually look good but to people who want their characters to look "bad ass", these costumes are a joke. Just looking at them makes me feel like I'm in a land of carebears. Enough is enough, we want to look BAD ASS!

    If you can do a better job in Photoshop, then why not offer up some ideas?
    You simply rant because of your personal taste?
    Criticism is better when constructive.
  • FortheloveofKrist
    mrfrontman wrote: »
    To be completely truthful, I could design everything else in Photoshop and STILL present a better job (Yes I know this stuff isn't done through Photoshop, I'm using it as an example to how poorly thought out all of the costumes are).

    Alright then. Time to put your money where your mouth is. Submit at least two photoshopped up ideas of your own for new costumes, and we will all rate them in the forums. Let's see how good your ideas are since you have so much judgment pointed at the designers (who are real people who have done a great job, btw).


    Edited by FortheloveofKrist on January 8, 2016 7:03PM
  • Asherons_Call
    To each his own. In my opinion the scarecrow polymorph is one of the worst looking (and lore breaking) costumes. It's teetering on the edge of the ridiculous seasonal outfits that FFXIV gives out
  • catalyst10e
    Speak for yourself. The pumpkin and draugr armors have got to be my least favorite. The Noble Suit, Wedding Suit, high collared coin ball gown, and evening dress most vampires like to wear makes them look cool, I wear the mages guild formal robes all the time. I'd love to see the fighter's guild get added in. The Ordinator armor is pretty nostalgic for anyone who played morrowind. Yeah sure, they're not for everyone, and not all fit me or my character's needs but it's still cool just to see other players running around as Imperial soldiers or even jesters.
    "Why settle for just stabbing your foes when you can roast them alive in a gout of arcane fire?"
    [| DC Breton Sorcerer || NA PS4 || PSN: Catalyst10e |]
    [| DC Dunmer Dragon Knight |]
  • Erdmanski
    I55UE5 wrote: »
    "Ridiculous costumes" .. Then OP states he wants more pumpkin heads walking around.. GTFO.

    I take it you do not support the power ranger costumes and ninja turtle polymorphs the OP is probably proposing they add? did i miss anything? oh, the santa claus costume? maybe alien polymorphs? t-rex mounts? giant chicken polymorphs?

    Where does it end?
  • JMadFour
    the Polymorphs, in general, are dumb.

    much rather have more cool-looking armor Motifs and costumes.
  • Thornen
    I just wish they were higher res with more detail, most of em look like original xbox skins...
  • Erdmanski
    I have it from a reliable source that we will soon be getting another lore breaking polymorph:
  • catalyst10e
    Erdmanski wrote: »
    I have it from a reliable source that we will soon be getting another lore breaking polymorph:

    Nah it totally fit's lore, manbearpig is the beast Hircine made in the duel with Sheogorath, that's mentioned in Sixteen Accords of Madness, v. VI
    Edited by catalyst10e on January 8, 2016 7:38PM
    "Why settle for just stabbing your foes when you can roast them alive in a gout of arcane fire?"
    [| DC Breton Sorcerer || NA PS4 || PSN: Catalyst10e |]
    [| DC Dunmer Dragon Knight |]
  • Erdmanski
    Erdmanski wrote: »
    I have it from a reliable source that we will soon be getting another lore breaking polymorph:

    Nah it totally fit's lore, manbearpig is the beast Hircine made in the duel with Sheogorath, that's mentioned in Sixteen Accords of Madness, v. VI

    Lol. I see you have chosen to morph your Forum Response skill to the Super Nerd ability instead of the Super Troll ability.
  • Jennifur_Vultee
    mrfrontman wrote: »
    Made this a post but decided it should be made into it's own thread, I'm sure many other people feel the same.

    Personally I don't like ANY of the costumes that they release. The only 2 I find remotely half decent looking are the Draugr Polymorph and the Pumpkin Spectre Polymorph. Everything else they've released looks like complete garbage to me. Why can't we have more cool looking polymorphs and costumes, rather than these plain, dull and reckless costumes? Honestly, I don't think a single costume besides the 2 I mentioned had any time put in them at all. To be completely truthful, I could design everything else in Photoshop and STILL present a better job (Yes I know this stuff isn't done through Photoshop, I'm using it as an example to how poorly thought out all of the costumes are).

    Actually...its very likely the textures for the costumes are made in Photoshop or at least a program with very similar functionality. My own 3D workflow goes like this...

    Open reference images in Photoshop and edit them to provide at least two to three views of the subject.

    Open 3DS Max and apply my reference images to singe polygon planes.

    Model the 3D model, unwrap its texture maps (long tedious process of breaking the model into pieces and laying them out flay to create a texture template).

    I then take the UVW maps into Photoshop to create 2D textures that are then imported into 3DS Max and applied to the finished 3D model.

    Reference image, in this case I needed just one.

    3D model created in 3Ds Max.

    UVW Map rendered in 3DS Max after the 3D modeling was complete and the UVW unwrapped.

    Texture created in Photoshop from the UVW map.

    Finished Sword of Kahless as seen in Star Trek Deep Space 9 rendered in 3DS Max with a very simple lighting rig.

    The only other step needed for a character model like a costume is rigging the model to the appropriate skeleton used in the game engine so it can actually move with the character its worn on. Now that you have a basic understanding of the 3D modeling workflow show us how its done in Photoshop! Make those Bad Ass! costumes. As a side note it is possible (very likely) Zenimax is also using zBrush or Mudbox in their workflow to sculpt the models and in place of 3DS Max they may be using Maya, Softimage or Lightwave but still the basic workflow will be very similar.
    Edited by Jennifur_Vultee on January 8, 2016 10:10PM
    "Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters." – Albert Einstein

    Treat a customer fairly and they will remember you. Treat a customer poorly and they never forget.

    Imperial City: Zerg, gank or die.
  • CaptainObvious
    DaveMoeDee wrote: »
    My perspectives on costumes is that they make sense in PvP. Better to have everyone in your group look generic so that skills are the only class cues. I have no interest in cosmetics, but for those that do, taste is highly variable and personal and it doesn't make much sense to generalize about people who aren't ourselves.

    And that is exactly why they should be auto-unequipped in PvP like was done with the Kolopi.
    Due to a typo in the system, the area was accosted by the Daedric Prince Moar Lag Brawls.
  • CaptainObvious
    The problem is that no two peoples' tastes are alike. Some people only care about polymorphs, some people want everyday clothes, some people revealing clothes, some people want non-revealing clothes, some people want just pure absurdity.

    The one constant here is that there are always people who feel that their singular opinion represents the entirety of the community.

    IMO, ZOS should do their best and provide as much variety as possible. Listen to peoples' requests for different looks and ignore the criticism that often floats behind those requests.

    Once you cover enough of the spread, sales will probably start dictating a direction to take, but remember the precepts of simulated annealing and institute a bit of a shakeup from time to time.
    Due to a typo in the system, the area was accosted by the Daedric Prince Moar Lag Brawls.
  • Erdmanski
    The problem is that no two peoples' tastes are alike. Some people only care about polymorphs, some people want everyday clothes, some people revealing clothes, some people want non-revealing clothes, some people want just pure absurdity.

    Thanks CaptainObvious

    Sorry, I couldn't resist. I popped a forum troll potion 40 minutes ago, so I'm just making sure I use it up.
  • Jennifur_Vultee
    I know I speak for all players when I say...

    Zenimax needs to create a Mudcrab in a pink bikini with top hat and monocle polymorph! Who wouldn't want to PVP as a top hat monocle bikini mudcrab!
    "Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters." – Albert Einstein

    Treat a customer fairly and they will remember you. Treat a customer poorly and they never forget.

    Imperial City: Zerg, gank or die.
  • Shunravi
    I know I speak for all players when I say...

    Zenimax needs to create a Mudcrab in a pink bikini with top hat and monocle polymorph! Who wouldn't want to PVP as a top hat monocle bikini mudcrab!

    And when people trade with you it opens a merchant listing.
    This one has an eloquent and well thought out response to tha... Ooh sweetroll!
  • CaptainObvious
    Erdmanski wrote: »
    The problem is that no two peoples' tastes are alike. Some people only care about polymorphs, some people want everyday clothes, some people revealing clothes, some people want non-revealing clothes, some people want just pure absurdity.

    Thanks CaptainObvious

    Sorry, I couldn't resist. I popped a forum troll potion 40 minutes ago, so I'm just making sure I use it up.

    No problem. Just doing my job as Captain Obvious. ;)
    Due to a typo in the system, the area was accosted by the Daedric Prince Moar Lag Brawls.
  • CaptainObvious
    I know I speak for all players when I say...

    Zenimax needs to create a Mudcrab in a pink bikini with top hat and monocle polymorph! Who wouldn't want to PVP as a top hat monocle bikini mudcrab!

    Does that mud crab have a Martini in one of its pincers?
    Due to a typo in the system, the area was accosted by the Daedric Prince Moar Lag Brawls.
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