TL;DR Title <_<
A little while ago I came here exploding in rage about how useless my sorcerer was at the point I wasn't able to finish most of veteran dungeons.
With the awesome tips and guidance I received, despite my stupid and out of purpose cockiness, I improved A LOT, so much that now not only I can beat Valkyn Skoria, the purpose of that old topic, but also the new ones, Molag Kena and Lord Warden, even in veteran mode.
However, except for the hardcoded movements created specifically to OHKO us, like Lord Warden's mega blast, I'm still very fragile at the point of not being able to achieve the no-death achievements in IC dungeons (well, at least the one from WGT, which easier than ICP)
As Magicka user all my points are on Magicka to increase my pool as much as possible. Currently I have 33k and it's not enough, even using Orzorga's Red Frothgar that roughly doubles my Magicka Regeneration.
My HP, thanks to Undaunted Mettle and the mentioned food, is around 16k plus close to 20k of shields (assuming I did the math properly - 33% more the value mentioned of pet shields).
And I just can't survive if I want to dish the most of damage because sorcerer's strongest AoEs, as far as I know, are Liquid Lightning in the beginning of the fight followed by Elemental Ring/Pulsar. But even with all this protection, if I jump in the middle of a group of mobs to start spamming ER/Pulsar, I die, because the shields are not strong enough and the health... meh
As a result, I hold down the team, experienced players that even finished VMA, at the point of in the middle of fight, they stop attacking/tanking/healing to come to me and before rez, perform some sort of disrespectful action, like squat over my head or play the broom emote where I died.
Like I probably said in other topics, I don't recall, I don't have the physical abilities to move that fast to dodge a powerful attack (and the ridiculous stamina cost of dodge/break free doesn't help). My hands, fingers and wrists are not what they used to be, although I'm not an old man, so I have to rely on the shields but it's not being enough and the tendency is to get worse with future DLCs or future dungeons.
Hell... I couldn't even survive the first final boss of VMA without being vaporized. Two hits of those Nerien'eth look-a-like little skulls and my shields are down and before I can raise it again (because this "instant move" is hell not instant) and these milliseconds were enough to the whole pack of mobs kill me in two more hits
I am the very model of a scientist Salarian, I've studied species Turian, Asari, and Batarian.
I'm quite good at genetics (as a subset of biology) because I am an expert (which I know is a tautology).
My xenoscience studies range from urban to agrarian, I am the very model of a Scientist Salarian.