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Lords of Anarchy Trading Guild - Live in Windhelm - 300+ Members

Lords of Anarchy was developed after I was fed up with the existing guilds I was a member of. Guilds with 300-500 members but yet they had no plan on what they were trying to accomplish other then to say they had a guild with a lot of members. A couple of the guilds had my donations going straight to the guildmaster and officer pockets, not towards the guild. Some guilds have members/officers who are "grandfathered" in that don't have to pay fees. They feel entitled just because they have a higher rank in the guild. If you're a leader of a guild and you're not donating yourself, how can you expect others to follow you? Some would never use feedback from their members to try and improve. I was frustrated deposting thousands of gold and tons of items, yet others would deposit nothing yet withdraw many items. I've seen dozens of guild banks wiped out yet nothing set in place to deter it moving forward. I felt I could grow a guild that has a solid vision and an end goal. A guild that holds people accountable in a fair way. A guild that has transparency. A guild that has a leader who treats you as a person and not a random member.
Anyone can run a guild, very few can lead a guild.

Website ---- ---

This guild isn't for everyone. You will be expected to contribute as per guild requirements.


-5000 gold to join. (You can make this quickly by stealing/pickpocketing/writs in no time). This must be paid immediately or you will remain a "expendable asset" rank with no guild trader access.
-3000 gold weekly membership fee. This must be paid by Sunday night before the trader expires. We use all gold to maintain guild traders.
-This is not a crafting guild so you will not have access to the bank. (this may change for elite members but not right now)
-You must be willing to make gold.
-Don't complain about the donation fees.


-Consistent Guild Trader.
-Completely transparent. Watch the withdrawals and deposits.
-A guild that is designed to make money.
-Complete pricing guide that is updated weekly.
-You are with members who contribute and understand this concept.
-Giveaways/Tiered Raffles. Optional raffles. This week we have a massive legendary crafting materials raffle. Last week we had an Imperial Motif raffle. Many weeks we have free raffles for gold for doing random things. Our extended 50/50 recently was over $1.1 million gold. Our raffles are processed through So there is no guessing on whether the raffle was done ethically. The seal of approval is posted on our website.
-Active leadership who invest in the guild and its members. We don't stand back and watch the donations come in. I donate at least 25k per week myself and use my personal gold for certain raffles.
-Having fun.
-Guildmaster is an adult and business professional.

In the grand scope of things, the initial deposit fee and weekly fees are affordable if you want to have a solid guild trader. Yes the guild will build off of membership fees, donations, revenue from raffles and guild store transactions but you must have more if you care about the quality of a guild trader. Top tier locations are going for a lot more gold then you think. If a guild doesn't have gold to bid consistently, you will not win bids or you will have a trader every 4-6 weeks. Nobody who operates a free guild has a solid guild trader. (Also please note if a guild says they're"free" but yet they are forcing you to participate in raffles each week, that is not a free guild.)

Come join a guild that is built on wealth, transparency, accountability and great members. There is a very detailed FAQ posted on our website. Sustained success will not happen overnight but if you have a solid business model, a focused vision, great members and attainable goals, you will get there.

Thank you for considering and let me know if you think this is a good fit for you.

Guild: Lords of Anarchy (GT -- Lord Lunesta)
Xbox One NA Server
Ebonheart Pact (doesn't matter what faction though)
Edited by LordLunesta on November 9, 2015 4:50PM
  • MancandyMcDong
    Mancandy McLong
    GamerTag- Mancandy McLong

    I may be a Bosmer, but I'm hung like a Redguard.
  • LordLunesta
    Join us.

  • LordLunesta
  • LordLunesta
    260+ members and 8 weeks in a row with a city guild trader. We must be doing something right...
  • LordLunesta
    9 weeks in a row with a city trader. Live in Windhelm this week.

    Join us.
  • LordLunesta
    Join us.

  • LordLunesta
    Still have a trader. Join us in Windhelm.

  • LordLunesta
    No drama. No over-promising and under-delivering. Just a good group of players who understands the power of investing.

    Check out or FAQ and more on our website.

    Join us.

  • LordLunesta
    320+ members.

    It's only video game currency. You get what you pay for. Join us.
    Edited by LordLunesta on November 15, 2015 6:31PM
  • LordLunesta
    Guild trader live in Windhelm.

    Join us.

    --- ---

  • DrizztRount
  • KaleidoscopeEyz
    GT: KaleidoscopeEyz
  • DrizztRount
    If necessary I can make some dues every week
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