Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

Zénimax what is the game you actually play with us ?

  • Lava_Croft
    To the posters
    Lava_Croft wrote: »
    Tors wrote: »
    @Eldorhaan , (and the shifty Dutch of course)

    I am dutch and i take offense with that :O
    I am Dutch and I can confirm the Dutch being shifty as ***.
    Who isn't? Do you think the French (the people of France) are not?
    I cannot confirm nor deny the French being shifty.
  • Balthors
    Post to delete
    Edited by Balthors on June 29, 2016 9:09AM
  • Hlaadriel
    They are an American company and speak English. English is also the language of the world.

    Until the billion of Chinese people will tell you to use Mandarin my friend!
  • lathbury
    DenMoria wrote: »
    DenMoria wrote: »
    It was nice of Zenimax to translate everything for you for over a year, but if they want to stop doing that, I don't have a problem with it.

    They are an American company and speak English. English is also the language of the world.

    That's not how this should work.

    Since they've been offering translated information since the beginning they should continue to do so. A break in communication is never good for anyone.

    While I agree with your supposition, cost constraints and staffing may lead to the inability to do so. Besides, as someone with many friends in Europe and elsewhere that I play ESO with on a regular basis, English speaking is actually quite common for most of them. Contextual issues may occur, but, my foreign friends would certainly get over it. The OP did note that, even a post on the European server in English would have been better than nothing.

    dont act like a smart-ass... English is a main language in "the world"...where "the world" is North america, europe, australia. aka "western world"...which is probably more than 80% of playerbase if not 90%....

    Im from Croatia btw, so you dont start arguing that im a stupid murican...

    Well then. You are wrong. You are coming off as a standard product. English is not the "standard" language anywhere.

    It is the most widely spoken language in the world and is the standard language used in business by default and in air travel as standard ie all pilots and air traffic controllers must speak english.
  • Lava_Croft
    lathbury wrote: »
    DenMoria wrote: »
    DenMoria wrote: »
    It was nice of Zenimax to translate everything for you for over a year, but if they want to stop doing that, I don't have a problem with it.

    They are an American company and speak English. English is also the language of the world.

    That's not how this should work.

    Since they've been offering translated information since the beginning they should continue to do so. A break in communication is never good for anyone.

    While I agree with your supposition, cost constraints and staffing may lead to the inability to do so. Besides, as someone with many friends in Europe and elsewhere that I play ESO with on a regular basis, English speaking is actually quite common for most of them. Contextual issues may occur, but, my foreign friends would certainly get over it. The OP did note that, even a post on the European server in English would have been better than nothing.

    dont act like a smart-ass... English is a main language in "the world"...where "the world" is North america, europe, australia. aka "western world"...which is probably more than 80% of playerbase if not 90%....

    Im from Croatia btw, so you dont start arguing that im a stupid murican...

    Well then. You are wrong. You are coming off as a standard product. English is not the "standard" language anywhere.

    It is the most widely spoken language in the world and is the standard language used in business by default and in air travel as standard ie all pilots and air traffic controllers must speak english.
    Nobody really cares about linguistic insecurities.
  • Knootewoot
    You wanna know what game they play?

    They play the game every DEV from a mmo does.

    They play World of Warcraft.
    "I am a nightblade. Blending the disciplines of the stealthy agent and subtle wizard, I move unseen and undetected, foil locks and traps, and teleport to safety when threatened, or strike like a viper from ambush. The College of Illusion hides me and fuddles or pacifies my opponents. The College of Mysticism detects my object, reflects and dispels enemy spells, and makes good my escape. The key to a nightblade's success is avoidance, by spell or by stealth; with these skills, all things are possible."
  • Maotti
    No one has noticed that Matt Firor hasn't been online on this forum since May 18.? really?
    PC EU
  • Elsonso
    Maotti_Nor wrote: »
    No one has noticed that Matt Firor hasn't been online on this forum since May 18.? really?

    Who cares?

    It is possible that Matt Firor has never logged into the forums, ever. His account could be used by his staff for when "Matt Firor" needs to post something on the forums.
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Elloa
    Xendyn wrote: »
    Ouch, that isn't right.

    Let me throw some tags out for you. The more the better, right?
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom @ZOS_RichLambert

    Well, @ZOS_JessicaFolsom has been gone from the forums for almost a month now.

    I know the reason for that one. Not sharing it here, but it's not bad news.
  • black-gryphonb14_ESO
    Zimnel wrote: »
    EU server however - well you've got (Queen's English), German, French, Scandinavian, and I'm sure I'm missing a few

    You're missing Spanish, the third most spoken language of our beloved planet :p
    Yes, Spain is part of Europe, yey XD !!

    Good catch...which made me realize I forgot Italian too. was late - all synapses weren't firing when I made the original post
    Aaelefein, a Veteran Templar of the 14th Level seeking to complete his Master Crafter Certification but still needs to finish exploring Craglorn in order to acquire all the knowledge pertaining to the Nirnhoned Trait.
  • Kublakan
    It was nice of Zenimax to translate everything for you for over a year, but if they want to stop doing that, I don't have a problem with it.

    They are an American company and speak English. English is also the language of the world.

    Thats poor logic, English isnt the language of the world, its the language of the empire. The world has many languages. And Zenimax isnt doing a favor, its a producer selling its product.
  • 7788b14_ESO
    You'd probably get answers on Reddit, since that's their unofficial, official forum.
  • Apocyrrhose
    lathbury wrote: »
    DenMoria wrote: »
    DenMoria wrote: »
    It was nice of Zenimax to translate everything for you for over a year, but if they want to stop doing that, I don't have a problem with it.

    They are an American company and speak English. English is also the language of the world.

    That's not how this should work.

    Since they've been offering translated information since the beginning they should continue to do so. A break in communication is never good for anyone.

    While I agree with your supposition, cost constraints and staffing may lead to the inability to do so. Besides, as someone with many friends in Europe and elsewhere that I play ESO with on a regular basis, English speaking is actually quite common for most of them. Contextual issues may occur, but, my foreign friends would certainly get over it. The OP did note that, even a post on the European server in English would have been better than nothing.

    dont act like a smart-ass... English is a main language in "the world"...where "the world" is North america, europe, australia. aka "western world"...which is probably more than 80% of playerbase if not 90%....

    Im from Croatia btw, so you dont start arguing that im a stupid murican...

    Well then. You are wrong. You are coming off as a standard product. English is not the "standard" language anywhere.

    It is the most widely spoken language in the world and is the standard language used in business by default and in air travel as standard ie all pilots and air traffic controllers must speak english.

    You deviate from the subject, Zenimax chose to create several forums in different languages, and the French community just wants to know why we have more communication from ZOS. We think Zenimax decided to remove the CM of the French community, but for what reasons and why not let us know and we wait with no information ...

    At this date we still have any official returns...
  • Anjali
    GM Guilde Vindicte /
    Alliance de Daguefilante / Serveur EU
    Twitch et YouTube
  • ladyonthemoon
    Anjali wrote: »
    Long overdue...

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