ZOS hates Stam Sorcs confirmed.

Maintenance for the week of March 24:
· [COMPLETE] Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – March 26, 6:00AM EDT (10:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
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So I just managed to complete Vet Maelstom arena on my Stamina Sorc for the first time this evening (my first time I actually had the time to try the last boss) and reached a score of a bit over 256000 points. Excited as I was I instantly checked the leaderboards only to not find myself on them. A quick relogg fixed the Issue. Sort off.

  • Erondil
    Dont lie to me you were magicka sorc and just before you took a screenshot you equipped some random 2h :D
    EU server, former Zerg Squad and Banana Squad officer
    Dennegor NB AD, AvA 50 Grand Overlord 24/05/2016
    rekt you NB AD, AvA 32
    Erondil Sorc AD, AvA 23
    Denne the Banana Slayer NB EP, AvA 14
    Darth Dennegor lv50 Stamina NB DC, AvA 19
    Youtube Channel
  • OrphanHelgen
    Hey Ahzek.
    Myself have two max level sorcs, one stamina khajiit and one magicka high elf.
    I have not been on pts so Im wondering what the main problem to stamina sorc is in the arena?
    Is it the lack of shields? Because my stamina sustain are pretty good on stam sorc and dmg is really good aswell. The only problem is getting oneshotted due to no shields in my opinion.
    PC, EU server, Ebonheart Pact

    Finally a reason not to play League of Legends
  • Minsc
    Check his score. Congratulations cat by the way :)
  • SleepyTroll
    When I was checking the leader Board and saw this i was like holy *** this guy had some patience lol
  • Ahzek
    @OrphanHelgen If you get oneshot you either need some more HP (i ran with 20700 ) or you need to be more carefull about some mechanics. Shields basicall allow you to ignore those to a certain extent. I think stam sorc are pretty well equiped to take on the arena at least comparing the stamina classes. Against every magicka class the will obviously be the inferior choice simply becuase those have the "oh snap" healing ward.

    What really pissed me off that run was the natural lag from PTS though. There is no fun in getting hit by attacks that were cleary dodged or to get shrekt by the argonian behemoths scream while standing under a bubble.

    @SleepyTroll while i needed several hours for this run (I think about 3) I still had to learn the complete mechanics from stage 9 and so it actually was not THAT much an act of patience. Gettin such a score is quite impossible by the way, since just completing the first round of stage one without using a sigil gave me 3k points.
    Ahzek wrote: »
    @OrphanHelgen If you get oneshot you either need some more HP (i ran with 20700 ) or you need to be more carefull about some mechanics. Shields basicall allow you to ignore those to a certain extent. I think stam sorc are pretty well equiped to take on the arena at least comparing the stamina classes. Against every magicka class the will obviously be the inferior choice simply becuase those have the "oh snap" healing ward.

    What really pissed me off that run was the natural lag from PTS though. There is no fun in getting hit by attacks that were cleary dodged or to get shrekt by the argonian behemoths scream while standing under a bubble.

    @SleepyTroll while i needed several hours for this run (I think about 3) I still had to learn the complete mechanics from stage 9 and so it actually was not THAT much an act of patience. Gettin such a score is quite impossible by the way, since just completing the first round of stage one without using a sigil gave me 3k points.

    Nice job man - did you use a template stam sorc? surprised you were able to do it with only 20.5k HP. While Ill have that on live and MUCH better sustain than the template setup - its really tough to handle some of the mechanics even with 20.

    I did a lot of stam sorc in here too, and honestly everything up until the last is not a big deal once you learn what youre doing. That last arena is tough. Id be interested to know what you ran in there. I was trying to work through a pretty crit heavy build for sustain but that was brutal given crit wasnt working properly for a good chunk of PTS too.

    Either way, there is absolutely no disadvantages to ranged in here, and the lack of shield sucks. I tried to explain to ZOS how poorly this was designed with balance in mind. What will happen is maelstrom will be nerfed just across the board - X% reduction from mob damage for example. Magicka builds will be that much stronger then, its pretty silly.
  • F7sus4
    I can assure you Ahzek is a Stamina Sorc. :smiley:

    By the way, what is interesting about the leaderboards is that you can see only 1 class there. Take a hint. :smile:
  • Ahzek
    @FENGRUSH I was using my copied charackter from live.
    That means:
    ~360 CP
    Exept for weapons all purple gear (5 Hundings, 3 Endurance, 1 bloodspawn, 1 Kena)
    2 tri glpyhs, rest stam + 2 wep dmg and 1 cost reduction.
    Thief as mundus.

    My bars or the final boss were:
    DW: evil huntard, crit surge, boundless storm, caltrops, bound armantments - stormy
    2H: stampede (should be crit rush honestly), dizzying swing, executioner, vigor, bound armantments - FDB

    The hardest part of the fight for me was while the boss was in the air. I managed to finish the last phase on my first try, however I expect that to be actually more difficult when i will try to grind out my 2h in there (beginners luck and all).
    My biggest issue was the 200 ping coupled with the necrotic stab from the boss ( dodge didnt work 100% >_> ) as well as getting all tree adds at once ( clannfear, pyro and daedroth). However I am now beginning to slowly find ways around that.

    Below I will add a screenshot with my stats combined. This is without pot buffs, but i mostly used the 0815 stamina ones anyways. On live I will use some crafted ones with crit% and HP on top.

    Edit: @F7sus4 You can actually choose the class you want to see the ranking of. This works just like the leaderboards in PvP, which are divided by alliance.

    Edit no2: I checked the leaderboards again today and found another sorc with a score of 255, a NB with a score of 248 and a templar with a similar score as well. So this seems to be neiter a class based nor a charackter based bug, but instead looks like it hits all those that completed the arena after the mainenance from thursday (?).

    Edited by Ahzek on October 31, 2015 11:14PM
  • Instant
    F7sus4 wrote: »
    I can assure you Ahzek is a Stamina Sorc. :smiley:

    By the way, what is interesting about the leaderboards is that you can see only 1 class there. Take a hint. :smile:

    lol is that supposed to be a joke? Maelstrom leaderboards are class specific and OP happens to be in the sorc leaderboard.
    Peace is a lie, there is only passion.
    @Ahzek nice job man - not having unchained breaks my heart in there at times! This place will be very tough in general for those without decent CP to manage a good sustain. I look forward to trying it with my live char though, the template just wasnt up my alley. Learned all the mechanics and all of the arenas are very manageable - the last one is significantly harder for sure. Those Crem guards are pretty brutal but weaving in some gauranteed crit rush heals helped - my crit in general just sucked in here. Upping that will help a ton.
  • Leifnier
    Nice set up man. I can't wait to try it on mine, I'm on xb1 so I have a few more weeks to prepare. Just made full gold set of twice born, and farming up engine guardian/extra rings with different enchants. I want to run in there with any possible armor switch I want for each arena since I'm only at 154 CP.

    It sucks that we will never be able to come close to our magicka counterparts on the leaderboards, with them hitting for 40k+ overload light attacks and putting up 20k+ shields to ignore mechanics.

    (Atleast I have time to grind up a high elf sorc for it -_-)
  • cschwingeb14_ESO
    25k shields are much more attainable than 40k overloads (or even 30k overloads)
  • Valrien
    F7sus4 wrote: »
    I can assure you Ahzek is a Stamina Sorc. :smiley:

    By the way, what is interesting about the leaderboards is that you can see only 1 class there. Take a hint. :smile:

    That's because that's the sorcerers-only leaderboard :smile:
    Valrien Dravic -- Level 50 Dunmeri Sorcerer (EP)
    Garahel Dravic -- Level 50 Bosmeri Nightblade (EP)
    Tamriel Unlimited was a mistake. One Tamriel was a bigger mistake
  • Leifnier
    @cschwingeb14_ESO Nah, saw a video of an overload sorc hitting for 42k light attacks in there. Didn't just pull that number out of my ass.
  • Jar_Ek
    Chances of a stamina sorcerer actually being in the leader boards in 2 weeks? Zero?
  • Erondil
    Jar_Ek wrote: »
    Chances of a stamina sorcerer actually being in the leader boards in 2 weeks? Zero?

    There is already at least two in EU and one in NA, lol...
    EU server, former Zerg Squad and Banana Squad officer
    Dennegor NB AD, AvA 50 Grand Overlord 24/05/2016
    rekt you NB AD, AvA 32
    Erondil Sorc AD, AvA 23
    Denne the Banana Slayer NB EP, AvA 14
    Darth Dennegor lv50 Stamina NB DC, AvA 19
    Youtube Channel
  • Ahzek
    @Erondil I think @Jar_Ek is more concerned about 100 magicka sorcs beating all the stam sorcs out of the leaderboards by achieving higher scores due to the ease they can blast through it.
    That said I am number 9 on the EU leaderboards atm with my stam sorc and I think ill be able to get my weekly reward for some time until there are actually enough mag sorcs able to beat me to it ;).
    Edited by Ahzek on November 4, 2015 8:26PM
  • Jar_Ek
    @Ahzek Exactly and especially if the general community view is to farm it with magicka sorcerers.
  • Erondil
    Oh I misunderstood my bad^^ But considering the state of the game and current population playing ESO, I'm not sure there is enough good PvErs having a magicka sorc left to fit 100 slots with more than 300k points lol..
    EU server, former Zerg Squad and Banana Squad officer
    Dennegor NB AD, AvA 50 Grand Overlord 24/05/2016
    rekt you NB AD, AvA 32
    Erondil Sorc AD, AvA 23
    Denne the Banana Slayer NB EP, AvA 14
    Darth Dennegor lv50 Stamina NB DC, AvA 19
    Youtube Channel
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