KNIGHTS OBSIDIAN || PvP/End Game [AD] Relaxed Fun Active Members.

We here at KNIGHTS OBSIDIAN are a PvP and End Game guild in Aldmeri Dominion. We are looking for semi-serious mature gamers to help us dominate Cryodiil. Our home Campaign is set to Haderus.

Are you tired of waiting around in the Keeps of Cryodiil or the Imperial Sewers looking for a group to come by to pick you up? Wanting to play as a complete team using tactics and strategies by working together, instead of running around aimlessly? A guild where other members help you out instead of complaining or yelling at you? Join a semi serious guild with little requirements? Read on!

What semi serious is:

-Knowing your role within the group.
-Having the right build for PvP.
-Using tactics and working as a team.
-Knowledge of the basics of PvP, ie how to take a keep.
-Decent in game activity.

(If you do lack in some of these areas, no worries. As long as you are up for training and receiving advice, if needed, you will ft in.)

What semi serious is NOT:

-Leaders yelling at you over your build, lack of dps, etc.
-Raging over the mic.
-Hardcore PvP'ers.
-Expectations to make all scheduled events.
-Guild Fees.

The ONLY requirement to join this guild, is to join our base guild, that is a causal guild for all alliances. We ask for about a week of a probation period to make sure you won't just rob our banks blind, among other reasons. Also, if you are interested in more than just PvP, this will work well for you then.

So, if you want to kicka$$ in Cryodiil/End Game content with mature gamers in a fun relaxed environment, then KNIGHTS OBSIDIAN is for you!

Please leave your GT here and I will invite you in game.
Or send me a message on XBOX Live at my GT: MrPUNISHER7.
Edited by mrpunisher7 on October 23, 2015 8:51PM
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