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As DPS what 'values' should I be getting?

I ask this because while I can hit 20+K dps on aoe mobs(easy being so many targets to hit) I can only reach around 7-8k on single target(sometimes 9k-10k if i get crits) and i've been stumped in CoA (vet) on the last boss just because its a dps race, and I can manage 1.5mil max total dmg before he wipes out the 3rd platform.

I am sick of 'failing' runs because of 'my low dps' (Group members have told me I'm not doing enough damage) and I'd like to try to remedy this situation if possible.

I usually use 2h + bow, sometimes 2h+dw or dw+bow(got skills for all 3) and my gear is v15(Few pieces v16) purple, stamina, imperial nightblade (Was magicka before but heard even more of the 'your dps is low' comments so switched to stamina)

Looking for advice from the community on how to be better to be 'accepted' by elite groups running these.
  • ThePonzzz
    Curious on this as well. I can occasionally get up to about 15k on a single target, but I've been tossed from a group stating that was too low for vWGT.

    I'm still using VR14 gear, since I have no interest in the IC grind for materials/TV until the new DLC.
  • SirAndy
    What's you base weapon damage (without procs) on the 2H?
  • Cuyler
    generally 12-13k single target is the minimum for the burn strats (= ignoring most mechanics) for most bosses. That said it's still going to be difficult and slow with those numbers.

    If you're looking for an idea of what the top 1% of dps are doing (again not necessary to actually pull it off) look HERE.
    Edited by Cuyler on October 12, 2015 8:46PM
    Guild: STACK n BURN (gm) PC - NA
    CP 810 18 Maxed Characters:
    "How hard can u guar?" - Rafishul[/spoiler]
  • AtmaDarkwolf
    Ignore this post!
    Edited by AtmaDarkwolf on October 12, 2015 9:13PM
  • AtmaDarkwolf
    2462 base dmg (with 2h)
    2902 after self buffs(no pot used)
    45% crit, with shadow stone(was warrior but switched to shadow when using dw since my crit was 55+%)
    Edited by AtmaDarkwolf on October 12, 2015 8:51PM
  • Cuyler
    base 2h dmg before buffs is 2.1k (roughly, game crashed so am trying to load it again()
    Magicka and/or stam nightblade can be great dps atm....hang in there B)

    Anyways yea 2.1k is low right now need to get that weapon damage up. what sets are you wearing?
    Guild: STACK n BURN (gm) PC - NA
    CP 810 18 Maxed Characters:
    "How hard can u guar?" - Rafishul[/spoiler]
  • AtmaDarkwolf
    5peice hundings, 2 piece night mothers, 1 piece molag kena, 3 piece endurance(Due to agility being way, way, WAY too expensive lol)

    Thing is, i've followed guides, (within the best of what i can afford to spend on gear, example above, with agility being out of reach, so used endurance at least for the extra stamina regen) I should be, by what Im 'losing' by not having access too, only be a few hundred points (on weapon dmage) at most from them, yet somehow I'm THOUSANDS off (These guys are showing base weapon damage of 3.5-5k)

    How in the heck is someone able to 'grind' out the gear you need to reach the thresholds by which others measure them up to, if the gear needed is behind the wall held up by said thresholds?
    Put in as many CPs as possible into mighty, governs wpn dmg.

    Agility jewellery, drops are way way better than they were and prices are in freefall.
    Put wpn dmg glyphs on 1/2 of them, reduce stam costs and stam recovery.

    Maybe a wpn dmg glyph or two on your wpns, all legendary vr16 glyphs on all your gear/jewellery etc.

    CPs into stam reduction/stam recovery and armour pen good too.
    Once I was a lamb, playing in a green field. Then the wolves came. Now I am an eagle and I fly in a different universe.

    Been taking heads since TeS 3 Morrowind..

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    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight EP [PC-EU] = Illuvutar = Ex The Wabbajack = (Stam DK)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Legendary Blades = Evil Ninja/Dueller = (StamBlade)
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    LvL 50 - Dragon Knight DC [PC-EU] = Tenakha Khan = (Stam DK)
    LvL 50 - Templar DC [PC-EU]] = Blades The Disgruntled = (Stamplar)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Ghost Blades = (Assassin)
    LvL 50 - Night Blade DC [PC-EU] = Malekith The Shadow = (Mag NB)
    LvL 50 - Warden DC [PC-EU] = Crimson Blades = (Stamden)

    Guild Master of The Bringers Of The Storm.

    Member Of The Old Guard
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    Been playing since Beta and Early Access

  • AtmaDarkwolf
    so basically, what i get from this is 'all' I'm missing, to reach that 25k dps needed (Seriously?) is agility set, and 300+ cp?

    Seems silly that I have all the 'basics' down, but because I haven't sunk money into buying xp boosters and spend tons and tons of time grinding (And not having gotten lucky with drops) i'm locked out of ever being a 'contributor' to a group? That seems really silly.

    There really has to be more I'm missing here to close that 'huge' gap (If just judging by my 'low' weapon damage of just shy of 2.5k and whats 'needed' is twice that. The ONLY difference I have is less cp(93 total) and no agility set(Remember they are v16 pieces with v16 gold enchants with + weapon damage on all 3, and yes, 1 of the weapons also has it)

    I really think there's something else.
  • Kraxis
    Appologes, didnt read entire thread, but...

    Are you using potions? Weapon power potions can give u a nice boost. Are you weaving light attacks? That can boost your dps a good 10 to 15% and help with sustain.
  • Kraxis
    Also.. Get a dot into you rotation if you don't already..Beast Trap?

    Several minor adjustments can really improve your overall dps.
  • AtmaDarkwolf
    using pots. yes. v15 crit + 20% dmg + stam pots.

    Using dot. 2 actually.

    Using light attack weaving + surprise attack. CHECK.

    I got the 'basics' all done.

    Simple fact is, its lack of cp and pimped out v 16 gear only (IE the reason people RUN these) and pvp ranked skills(caltrops, vigor)

    Other than those (And those 'minor') things, Ive got all the 'stuff' down, im still lacking dps like im told i need (IE i pull 7-9k or so, and am told I need 15-25K to ever have a chance)
  • Kraxis
    Hmm well.. 62 points in Stam, I assume? Let me ask some more questions that might seem like "the basics" because it does help us troubleshooters come up with ideas...

    All Gold v16 gear, enchants, plus caltrops would def boost your DPS a bit.. All gold v16 is quite a boost from purple v15. I think you should focus on gear. Also stick with dw/bow.

    CoA vet is rough for Stam NB. Annulment in light armor can help keep you alive... I hate that boss too.. I can only do it with a good group. You CAN melee him if your tank keeps him positioned right, use annulment, and your healer is good, along with your other DD.

    BTW what's your undaunted rank? You running 5/1/1? Heavy chest, light belt?

    Are you starting bosses with an ult like ice comet? You are keeping up evil hunter on undead and daedra right?

    How many skill points do you have? Do you have ALL passives, even if they only give you a slight boost? For example, one of the mage passives increases dot by 2 seconds for ice comet. Get all passives! You should have all NB passives, all medium passives, all heavy except the 5 piece one, and same for light passives.. Most mage passives, all fighters passives, all weapon and race passives of course...

    I have just under 200cp, 280ish SP, rank 5 pvp, all gold v16, dw/bow and I usually do 12-16k on bosses with no adds (depending on the boss).. 16k+ with adds.... 30-40k on aoe trash. Caltrops would boost me a bit more.. Not being lazy in my rotation is a lil boost too...

    But yeah, get ALL GOLD v16.. Agility stuff is dropping like a rock too.. Give it another week.
  • AtmaDarkwolf
    all undaunted passives maxed, always open fights with comet, unless the fight requires something like viel of blades, or another, have 279 skillpoints total (EVERY passive is maxed aside from mage guild ones and a few in the siphon tree related to spell damage/etc, and a couple light armor passives related to the same)

    Still got 30pts left over i think.(Crafting ate a ton)
  • Kraxis
    What is your Stam at? Are you running vr16 gold +stam/divines on all armor pieces? Then +weapon DMG on 2 rings, and maybe cost reduction on neck?

    To have that "elite dps"...yeah most of those guys have way more cp and yes it makes a difference, along with agility gear, caltrops (for certain builds) and high crit/crit DMG. You don't need 5k weapon DMG..4k AFTER buffs/pots will be fine. Those elite dpsers also tend to be very good at their rotations.

    Not sure what else to say... You can ask on tamriel foundry nb forum.. Look at Jecklls thread. He's a very helpful pro stamblade.
  • Gilvoth
  • Tomato
    With the new 501 cap the current dps standard will most likely change in a few weeks.
  • tangy.citrus
    Magicka nightblade is definitely better to go with for pve, but for pvp stamina is better. Overall, you cant go wrong with either since both can get to 20K+ single target on bosses.

    Check out some videos of people with 15k+ dps or specifically ask people with 'high' dps in your guild what kind of sets they are using, then what their build or rotation is. Also, make sure to ask how many CP they have. CP and DPS scale exponentially and it can be a huge deciding factor if they are doing 14k dps or 20k dps.

    For now, without knowing specially what set you are using or what kind of skills, its difficult to tell you how to improve. At best, try different things and ask for advice from a lot of idfferent people to see what is working for them and try things out.

    As for the 501 cap, you will start to see some who were once doing a lot of dps now not doing as much while others will be doing more because it will be easier to get cp if you arent close to the limit.
    Edited by tangy.citrus on October 19, 2015 7:43PM
    Queen Ella - Mag DK - Tank/Healer/DPS
    Dunmer DK Cant Even - Stam DK - DPS/Tank
    Im bad at healing - Mag Templar - DPS/Healer
    Tangy Citrus - NB - Mistake
    #1 AD P.O.S.
  • paulsimonps
    Swiift wrote: »
    With the new 501 cap the current dps standard will most likely change in a few weeks.

    I have seen people with less than 501cp pull 25k+ on bosses and on the daedroths in vWGT I have seen the same people pull 34-40k dps.I don't think the cp cap will have that great of an effect on PvE dps standards.
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