Dragonguard, Battleguard, Legion, Crons and Thalmor races? uuuhh...
BabeestorGor wrote: »Good idea but a lot of the subraces listed aren't cultural groups, they are organisations.
For Dunmer I'd suggest Ashlander and Great House, for Imperial Colovian and Nibenese, for Redguard Crown, Forebear and Alik'r etc. Some of them are political divisions but long enough established to have an effect on culture.
ZOS could greatly enhance the racial variety of ESO with the addition of sub-cultures. A sub-culture could do two things:Only the initial passive would be different for each sub-culture, the other rank-dependent passives would remain the same. The initial passives could be shared among the different sub-races to offer a larger variety in player choice.
- Change the initial passive of the race
- Offer the player different character creation options
For example: The Heavy Armor Expertise is the initial passive skill for the Orcs. It could also be used as the Initial Passive of The Legion (Imperial Sub), The Stormfists (Nord Sub) and the Crowns (Redguard Sub).
Different character creation options could be provided with different hairstyles, different skin tones and different adornments.
Each race could have a number of sub-cultures. In the below list, I suggest 3 sub-cultures each. This would give each race a total of 4 options. I pulled these groups from lore, but I'm sure ZOS would be able to make up a few of their own.
- Direnni
- Psijics
- Thalmor
- Tum-Taleel
- Gee-Rusleel
- Wasseek-Haleel
- Shadow Walker
- Green One
- Camoran
- Reachmen
- Forsworn
- Wyrd
- Ashlander
- Bal Molagmer
- Camonna Tong
- Dragonguard
- Battlelords
- The Legion
- Baandari
- Renrijra Krin
- Renrijra Maor
- Seamount Orcs
- Iron Orcs
- Wood Orcs
- Skaal
- Sovngarde
- Stormfists
- Ash'taba
- Crowns
- Ra'Gada
ZOS could add a Sub-Race pack in the crown store to give players access to the sub-races. If they only used the passives that are currently available from the other races, we would avoid this being a pay-to-win type thing.
So what do you think? Would sub-cultures be a welcomed addition to ESO?
I think you mean this: http://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/223185/alternatives-to-adding-races-to-eso/p1WhiskeyRiver.AZub17_ESO wrote: »Didnt I see your other post on this?
And... what do you think of the CONCEPT @AngryNord, not just of the suggested sub-cultures? If you like the concept but think other sub-cultures fit better, please let us know which ones!
Dragonguard, Battleguard, Legion, Crons and Thalmor races? uuuhh...
Korah_Eaglecry wrote: »
Those really arent cultures. Theyre organizations and titles. Im all for the idea but they need to be a little more fleshed out.
That is why I am thinking about minor additions to the "basic" racial passives for an "backgrounds/affilations" idea... say, one combat-oriented passive (magica, stamine or toughness bonus, one way or another), one social/non-combat oriented passive, and one additional passive, either for skill advancement, or maybe even as a negative passive...The biggest benefits to Affiliations would be new options in the character creation menu... but I thought it would be nice to have something in skills as well, but didn't want to suggesting anything that would break the current skills.... starting skills seemed like a pretty logical target for change.
I would be completely up for a Racial Morph similar to @TheShadowScout 's Class Morph but I don't think these sub-race/culture/whatevers should offer equal benefits as the regular race. You are first your race, then you are second your sub-race. More skills would be cool with me, but I don't think it should be a full set of racial abilities.
Hmm... perhaps "Affiliations" might describe this concept better.
TheShadowScout wrote: »That is why I am thinking about minor additions to the "basic" racial passives for an "backgrounds/affilations" idea... say, one combat-oriented passive (magica, stamine or toughness bonus, one way or another), one social/non-combat oriented passive, and one additional passive, either for skill advancement, or maybe even as a negative passive...
Unlocking an "sub-race" appereance option pack would also be a possibility, though I kinda suspect the powers that be would much rather just sell those individually in the crown store...
Yeah... but you know what? I'd be okay with that, I happily put my money where my mouth is if it buys me more immersions in games I like!lol. You're probably right. For every concept we can put out there that would push ESO more into the realm of Role Playing Games with depth and diversity ZOS can figure out to sort-of give us what we want, but offer it in a 3d doll-house sort of way through the Crown Store.
I'll admit @RAGUNAnoOne & @starkerealm this idea is was trying to incorporate multiple things in TES that didn't seem to "fit" anywhere else. Since this is an MMO there needs to be parity between classes.
starkerealm wrote: »The problem I've got with this is an accessibility issue. It's asking a lot of new players as they enter the game, and it's a decision that doesn't make sense if it's deferred after character creation. A character doesn't decide, "oh, I guess I was a Reachman all along," it's baked into who they are. So, while you can put this question in front of a newbie, they're being asked to make a blind choice. The game already kind of does that with your race choices, but the races are basically cosmetic, outside of mid tier build optimization. So players can go through the content having picked the race and class they think sound most appealing.
But, for someone who has no prior experience with the setting the choices given to them are fairly coherent. You don't need to know who the High Elves are to grasp that this is the race for your Sorcerer. And, you don't need three pages of text to explain what a Dragon Knight is and how that differs from a Nightblade.
But, with something like Ashlanders or Reachmen, that's a major decision. Those are cultures that are completely different from the main strands of their respective races. But, it's not information that can be explained in a tool tip that's digestible to a new player.
Further, if Ashlanders were a playable sub-race... that would need to be a lot more than just an altered passive. There are massive character implications for that, when interacting with House affiliated Dunmer. So we'd either need new dialog for them (at least in Stonefalls, Deshaan, and Bal Foyen) or the result would be ultimately cheap.
To say nothing of how a system like this would get... well, weird. Especially when you consider all the ex-pats in the setting.
Now, like I said, I could certainly get behind guild skill lines for groups like the the Legion, Thalmor, or Lionguard. Where the guild basically exists as a venue for daily quests and nothing else. It'd even work with the Great Houses, remembering you can only have one House affiliation at a time. And, interactions with houses are uncommon enough that you'd only need a few lines of unique dialog to sell it as a significant choice.
But, the ethnic sub-groups that require familiarity with the setting? That's expecting a bit much at character creation. And its' something you really can't add to a character later.