Guys, come on, IC is a cool's just overwhelmed with monsters. And the monsters are what get away from players being able to do anything.
I feel like i have a hard time going through IC without stressing out about getting hit by monsters litterally, the only way I maneuvered through the sewers is on my NB spamming invisibility wheb I got near a monster that would see me, if I had my sorc I'd be reviving...a lot...
Some areas are fine but for the most part the are all too dense with mobs
So why don't we all, instead of complain about IC, why don't we just request to lower the mob density. ..
Or am I the only one that feels this way...
Please vote in the console text chat thread so ZoS can see how many people want text chat
...and dueling in the dueling thread but personally I want text chat first...