Alder dominion guild recruiting

Soul Shriven
Active guild looking for members. We looking to add more regular / active members. We have been around since day 1 on xbox. We are friendly and helpful guild. We do dungeons, pvp, skyshard hunting, and even some fun activities from time like raves scavenger hunts etc. Shoot me an ex box message or post here. Bubbahoootep
  • Jim_Berry
    I like Groups that do activites and have Events going on.

    However, I deleted my highest level character, which was Nightblade, in favor of being a Templar for better group survival purposes. I had the game since Day 1 on Xbox One, but have a newer character if that's ok.
  • Vukis
    Soul Shriven
    I'm looking for a guild but I am leveling at the moment I am level 22 if i could have an invite that would be great gamer tag is Vukis
  • ralley752
    Soul Shriven
    I'd be interested gt is xxxreaper752xxx have a buddy I play with that wiuld join also
  • SMuttons
    GT: SMuttons

    AD: V5 NB
    AD: 37 Temp
    EP: 15 Sorc

    Max Provisioner/Clothier
  • Raaahhhyyynn
    GT: Aranethonn

    V14 DPS SORC

    Max Clothier/Woodworker/Blacksmith
  • Solidevolution923
    I'm interested
    AD Templar 11
  • MisterIdentical
    If you do PVP I'm super interested. In AD I'm Level 47 Templar tank

    GT: MisterIdentical
    "Why do Bosmer only eat meat?"

    "Because of our beliefs which command us to protect the forest and rampant, widespread gluten intolerance."
  • bubbahoootep
    Soul Shriven
    Hey Jim berry what's ur Gt can't invite u atm
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