Hardcore Gamer - Ex WoW Veteran - Active Daily - Serious & Dedicated - LF Hardcore End Game


Today I come to you looking for a Hardcore PvE/PvP Guild. Below I will share some information on myself and my experience in MMO's.

Age: 21 Years Old
Occupation: Stay At Home Parent
Availability: 12-14 Hours Daily
Location: US, Maryland
Time Zone: EST -5

I'm fairly new to ESO Online, Just bought The Elder Scrolls Online Imperial Edition - Xbox One yesterday. In fact I'm fairly new to Xbox/Consoles in general. I come from playing a game I know many know or have heard of called "World of Warcraft" on PC. I played World of Warcraft for 8 Years straight. My last couple years playing I was in a Top 100 US Guild for PvE Raiding Content During MoP/WoD & During Wotlk/Cata I was in a Top 250 US Guild. During my 8 Years at World of Warcraft I played one and only one class known as a Hunter. My hunter also during my period of my last couple years in World of Warcraft was among the Top 5 Hunters on my Realm/Server. When I retired from World of Warcraft finally my hunter had a total of 1,310 days played logged from seconds/minutes which is 31,440 hours in-game over a course of 8 years.

After a long 8 years I finally decided it was time to move onto something different. At this point I wanted to switch to console gaming but the whole reason I hadn't touched consoles since my childhood was due to the pricing of games with the low quality/adventure you would recieve out of them in the short periods of time it would take for me to beat them. When I heard that consoles were finally starting to get MMO's I leaped with joy to go buy a console. I first tried out Neverwinter for Xbox One. I played it for about 2-3 Months. Within 2-3 months I spent over 2,000 dollars in-game currency and over 800 hours logged to find out it wasn't what I was looking for or held up to my standards for a mmo or even a console mmo. Since then I switched to ESO and very happy with my switch over.

I play ESO on a daily basis at least 12-14 hours I don't play any other games nor do I intend to besides ESO for the next 3-5 years unless for some reason it shuts down. I'm a Aldmeri Dominion - Wood Elf - Nightblade - Stamina Build. I'm still currently a low level but should reach max level cap asap due to my extremely active time of gaming. I spent two weeks before buying the game doing nothing but research. Even though I'm very new to the game I have acquired a lot of knowledge before even starting.

I have the following things unlocked as well...

ESO Plus - 12 Months
Imperial City DLC
Bank Space Upgrade - 8/8 Max
Bank Space Upgrade - 18/18 Max
Adventure Pack
Starter Pack
Riding Capacity 60/60 Max
Riding Speed 60/60 Max
Riding Stamina 60/60 Max
Numerous Mounts/Pets/Ect

Normally Active 10am - 12am | 7 days a week | EST -5

What I'm looking for in a guild overall is Maturity, Dedication & Activity. I want a guild that it's member base is 18 years or older only with their members being active on a daily basis & seeking to progress through PvE/PvP content at a faster rate than casual players. Activity is my biggest thing I can improvise. I don't wish to be in a guild no matter how mature or how large/small it is or what it has progressed if the majority of the members only log on a hour a day or once a week. I want to game with fellow players like myself.

If you have any questions/comments or would like to speak to me then feel free to leave a comment on this thread.

GT: NeoBeastX
Edited by NeoBeastX on September 23, 2015 11:27AM
NeoBeastX | Woof Elf | Nightblade | Aldmeri Dominion
Aztharoth | High Elf | Sorcerer | Aldmeri Dominion

Crown Store Items Owned: Imperial City DLC | Bag Space Upgrade 8/8 | Bank Space Upgrade 18/18 | Adventure Pack | Imperial Edition | Starter Pack | Crown Lesson: Riding Capacity 60/60 | Crown Lesson: Riding Speed 60/60 | Crown Lesson: Riding Stamina 60/60 | All Costumes | All Crafting | All Mounts | All Pets | ESO Plus - 12 Months | Crowns Bought: 93,500(Crowns Via ESO Plus Not Included)

ESO Schedule: Monday: 10am - 12am | Tuesday: 10am - 12am | Wednesday: 10am - 12am | Thursday: 10am - 12am | Friday: 6am - 12am | Saturday: 6am - 12am | Sunday: 6am - 12am | EST -5 (This Schedule Is Subject To Change Expect At Least 12 Hours of Game Play A Day)

Xbox Live GT: NeoBeastX

  • NeoBeastX
    Bump, Still Looking!
    NeoBeastX | Woof Elf | Nightblade | Aldmeri Dominion
    Aztharoth | High Elf | Sorcerer | Aldmeri Dominion

    Crown Store Items Owned: Imperial City DLC | Bag Space Upgrade 8/8 | Bank Space Upgrade 18/18 | Adventure Pack | Imperial Edition | Starter Pack | Crown Lesson: Riding Capacity 60/60 | Crown Lesson: Riding Speed 60/60 | Crown Lesson: Riding Stamina 60/60 | All Costumes | All Crafting | All Mounts | All Pets | ESO Plus - 12 Months | Crowns Bought: 93,500(Crowns Via ESO Plus Not Included)

    ESO Schedule: Monday: 10am - 12am | Tuesday: 10am - 12am | Wednesday: 10am - 12am | Thursday: 10am - 12am | Friday: 6am - 12am | Saturday: 6am - 12am | Sunday: 6am - 12am | EST -5 (This Schedule Is Subject To Change Expect At Least 12 Hours of Game Play A Day)

    Xbox Live GT: NeoBeastX

  • LordMcSwagger

    Take a look at our latest post: Click here

    Let me know what you think (send me a xbl msg GT: Lord McSwagger)
    Guild Master: Black Lotus
    Lord McSwagger VR16: Templar Healer
    Anne Ihilation VR16: Mage Blade
    Declan Stachenshield VR4: Sorcer
    Isabelle Stonecaller VR3: Magicka Dragon Knight
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