The Knights of Tarsonis is a relatively new guild. Founded on the principle of growth, not for the individual, but for the group. We take all comers, asking only that our members be 18+, and willing to get to know us in guild chat before gaining access to our bank.
We have 40 members, all who enjoy many parts of the game, from strictly pvp, to the crafters, to the guys who only pve. There's always another member willing to help you out, build your armor, chat with you to make your leveling experience more interesting, or help defend a keep.
Long term, we'd like to lock down a keep it two, have groups for all the end game pve content, and keep a trading stall or two in handy places that our members frequent.
If any of this interests you, and you'd like to become a part of an active, fun guild, that enjoys chatting with each other, Message me, (GT: MedicRabbit), Zoikos (GT: Zoikos), or Storm, (GT: SAS Storm), on xboxlive, here, in game. Or join up with our closed fb group at:
We look forward to hearing from you!