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Checking in: Sorcerers as Healers or Tanks?

At the 1.6 update there was a lot of frustration expressed about the new meta effectively limiting Sorcerers to magicka dps for end game group content. At the time @ZOS_GinaBruno wrote that the next patch would include new and interesting mechanics to make Sorcerers viable tanks, healers, and stamina dps characters. There are a lot of posts about the state of Sorcerers as stamina dps, but I have not seen any discussion of Sorcerers as tanks or healers.

I recognize that one of the sorcerer shields got a minor mending buff, but that does not make sorcerers comparable to any of the other classes in healing potential/utility. They are still last place.

I haven't seen anything in this regard.

So, @ZOS_GinaBruno is there any plan to balance the class to all roles for group content and if so when (1.6 feels like a very long time ago now)? If you have reached the conclusion that is not viable or worth the development resources could you just tell us so we can stop asking?

  • myrrrorb14_ESO
    My sorc does a good job healing. Each class has pros and cons associated with them. I alwayz wanted to try tanking as a sorc, just never saw a good way of doing it. Maybe with the nerf to stam regen that is coming soon sorcs will be as good as the other classes.

    If anyone has a good tank build I would to see it :smile:
  • SorataArisugawa
    GreyRanger wrote: »
    At the 1.6 update there was a lot of frustration expressed about the new meta effectively limiting Sorcerers to magicka dps for end game group content. At the time @ZOS_GinaBruno wrote that the next patch would include new and interesting mechanics to make Sorcerers viable tanks, healers, and stamina dps characters. There are a lot of posts about the state of Sorcerers as stamina dps, but I have not seen any discussion of Sorcerers as tanks or healers.

    I recognize that one of the sorcerer shields got a minor mending buff, but that does not make sorcerers comparable to any of the other classes in healing potential/utility. They are still last place.

    I haven't seen anything in this regard.

    So, @ZOS_GinaBruno is there any plan to balance the class to all roles for group content and if so when (1.6 feels like a very long time ago now)? If you have reached the conclusion that is not viable or worth the development resources could you just tell us so we can stop asking?


    I wish you luck. Sorc skills ar alread really complex and don't give lots of use with that. I doubt, that they implement much for healers or tanks. If I would be mean I would say straight: It is not possible for them to make the Sorcs good in DMG(PVE). The other two roles are even harder to achieve from the curent state of the sorc skills.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Dracane
    You can tank and heal and succeed. I am a Sorcerer healer and succeed, that's only because I know how to use the healing staff correctly though. I've also tanked as a Sorcerer. Everything is possible.

    Possible doesn't mean it's compareable to what other classes could do. At the same time, 1 class can't (or at least shouldn't be) the best at everything. Sadly, Sorcerer isn't good/best at anything. We are the worst DPS, worst tanks, mediocore healers.
    The situation is quite unimpressive :neutral: Sorcerer should at least become better at dpsing. Speaking about the new Empowered ward: I rather have a stronger shield protecting me than a few percent more healing. A dead healer is a bad healer I suppose :) The only good thing about this change, Daedric Prey now received the bonus of Empowered ward, making it finally equal with Velocious curse.

    Auri-El is my lord,
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  • Dracane
    GreyRanger wrote: »
    At the 1.6 update there was a lot of frustration expressed about the new meta effectively limiting Sorcerers to magicka dps for end game group content. At the time @ZOS_GinaBruno wrote that the next patch would include new and interesting mechanics to make Sorcerers viable tanks, healers, and stamina dps characters. There are a lot of posts about the state of Sorcerers as stamina dps, but I have not seen any discussion of Sorcerers as tanks or healers.

    I recognize that one of the sorcerer shields got a minor mending buff, but that does not make sorcerers comparable to any of the other classes in healing potential/utility. They are still last place.

    I haven't seen anything in this regard.

    So, @ZOS_GinaBruno is there any plan to balance the class to all roles for group content and if so when (1.6 feels like a very long time ago now)? If you have reached the conclusion that is not viable or worth the development resources could you just tell us so we can stop asking?


    I wish you luck. Sorc skills ar alread really complex and don't give lots of use with that. I doubt, that they implement much for healers or tanks. If I would be mean I would say straight: It is not possible for them to make the Sorcs good in DMG(PVE). The other two roles are even harder to achieve from the curent state of the sorc skills.

    Oh it is. It is extremly easy to achieve that. 2 (or 3 if you want to fullfill a desperate Sorcerer wish) minor tweaks and Sorcerer is back.
    Auri-El is my lord,
    Trinimac is my shield,
    Magnus is my mind.

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  • myrrrorb14_ESO
    Sorcs are pretty tough in pvp. So at least they got that going for them. For now anyway.
  • AlnilamE
    I'm not sure where you are coming from. My sorc is my best healer.

    I've also run dungeons with some good sorc tanks, though I haven't tried tanking on a sorc myself yet.
    The Moot Councillor
  • jthack2007ub17_ESO
    Sorcerers are weird. They don't have a single spammable damage ability. CF takes 2 secs to toss out, curse takes at least 3 secs, and mages wrath is really expensive and best as an execution. The rest are utility/dots.

    That said. With proper application of pets, wards, mines, and prisons. A sorc can hold back and fight off an army. Not to mention becoming a teleporting ball of lightning dropping more lighting on that spot, then surrounded by mines.

    Their ults are a big turret, area control/resource regen/silence/stun/aoe disable (Don't like that enemy standard? Drop a negate on it), and an ultimate that increases damage, allows another bar, and returns magicka.

    They are certainly a complex class, which is kind of cool. Instead of getting spammable 'clear cut' damaging things they get several things that require positioning and timing. Damage graphs for sorc abilities are like sin waves. With a lot of damage separated out by not a lot of damage.

    I play a sorc, and I love healing. The invites back for dsa/pledges/speedruns and even no death achievement runs means I must be doing a decent job at it.

    I'm sure a sorc can tank and it won't look like or resemble a dk tank. Which is neat. Variance makes the game interesting.
  • ToRelax
    I like my Sorc healer, even though she doesn't have much going for her since 1.6.
    If I remember correctly the mending buff should be for the pet shield, wich I won't use anyway (not gonna respec CP AND morphs everytime I switch between PvP/PvE).
    The Covenant is broken. The Enemy has won...

    Elo'dryel - Sorc - AR 50 - Hopesfire - EP EU
  • GreyRanger
    Just to clarify, my Sorc is one of my two mains. I heal on him some times and usually get by as long as I am really focused, but there is nothing about my Sorc abilities that helps and really, a Temp, DK, or NB who is a healer and is focused has much more to offer a team (look at the absence of Sorcs on vDSA leader board). I am not saying it can't be done, just no smart team would take a Sorc healer if they have any other choice if they don't know the player.

    The situation for tanks is the same/worse, I guess a Sorc could tank, but why would any group take them given any other choice.
  • jthack2007ub17_ESO
    GreyRanger wrote: »
    Just to clarify, my Sorc is one of my two mains. I heal on him some times and usually get by as long as I am really focused, but there is nothing about my Sorc abilities that helps and really, a Temp, DK, or NB who is a healer and is focused has much more to offer a team (look at the absence of Sorcs on vDSA leader board). I am not saying it can't be done, just no smart team would take a Sorc healer if they have any other choice if they don't know the player.

    The situation for tanks is the same/worse, I guess a Sorc could tank, but why would any group take them given any other choice.

    You're kinda right. There's no clear cut "This ability will save the team!" In the sorc class list. Or something that gives the team a nice buff or a jump in resources.

    Think the best thing a sorc can add to healing is CC. Instant cast rune prison might be interesting for 2.1. Encase doesn't cause enemies to become cc immune. Can freeze grounded pools in place for a loooong time keeping that up. Negate is neat for removing standards. Have yet to try negating a negate or an enemy nova. The passive increase to spell damage affects resto values. RARELY i'll put Frags on my springs bar. That and lightning pool can add to the team's dps a little bit without compromising heals too much.

    Kinda wish negate had more of an impact against bosses, but now everything they do completely ignores negate. And suppression fields 8% damage reduction is alright... but that's not the main focus of it. Suppose to block all incoming spells, silence, and remove anything that was there. The regen morph is alright too, but if a bosses aoe-everything lands in the negate no one is going to want to stand there anymore.

  • actosh
    Well, on Pts i had fun with my Sorc Tank ^^. Yep, Sorc Tank ftw ^^.

    The Dark Deal thinge makes sure u never run out of sta, u heal yourself(can be boosted via cp) and u still can go for magicka and deal pretty ok dps for a TAnk Sorc. Hab 11k Stam, 26k hp, and 25k Magicka on my Imperial Sorc.
  • GreyRanger
    GreyRanger wrote: »
    Just to clarify, my Sorc is one of my two mains. I heal on him some times and usually get by as long as I am really focused, but there is nothing about my Sorc abilities that helps and really, a Temp, DK, or NB who is a healer and is focused has much more to offer a team (look at the absence of Sorcs on vDSA leader board). I am not saying it can't be done, just no smart team would take a Sorc healer if they have any other choice if they don't know the player.

    The situation for tanks is the same/worse, I guess a Sorc could tank, but why would any group take them given any other choice.

    You're kinda right. There's no clear cut "This ability will save the team!" In the sorc class list. Or something that gives the team a nice buff or a jump in resources.

    I think the issue is not that Sorcs don't have a power that will save the team, but they lack the sort of class skill utility that every other class brings to the healing and tanking roles. DKs, Temps, and NB all have class skills that synergize and help their team in those roles. Sorcerers can get by with weapon, armor, and guild skills, but a similarly skilled player with any other class will have more to offer in those roles.
  • GreyRanger
    Well with 2.1.3 out and 5 days to launch I guess it is clear that Zeni is not going to provide any class abilities that balance sorcerers for tank or healer roles. I wonder why they would just not make a simple post saying that this is or is not something they hope to address or at least share their thoughts on the issue.
  • Zsymon
    Sorcerer healers are definitely not in a bad place, they have 5% spell cost reduction, 10% magicka recovery, they don't have to invest in 20K+ health because they can use their Ward to absorb large hits, they have an awesome AoE root to keep away trash monsters, and continuously root groups of players in PvP, and their lack of a support ultimate can be offset by using the Barrier ultimate. They are also very good at healing and doing damage at the same time with Crystal Fragments, which is procced by all healing spells.

    The DK spell Igneous Shield for example is worthless for a healer, because it basically sets your groups armor and spell resistance to 0. Yes you do more healing, but your whole group also takes a ton more damage due to the overflow bug on small damage shields, completely negating their mitigation ratings. Bad news for the tank especially, he/she might as well wear light armor then.

    NB healing is fine I guess, but they have no AoE root, which makes a huge difference if the damage dealers didn't slot one, and in my experience they almost never do. I can't count how many times Restraining Prison made a difference for me, I use a recovery build so I can just keep all monsters rooted until they die, while spamming Illustrous Healing.
    Edited by Zsymon on August 27, 2015 12:58PM
  • Zsymon
    I always had more fun with my Sorc healer than my Templar healer, but I guess with Imperial City, only Templars can be healers, since they are the only class who can provide the tank with enough stamina.. talk about a horrible decision heh.
  • Septimus_Magna
    @Zsymon That 'awesome' AOE root is buggy and doesnt work half the time. Also during trash fights you want all the enemies to stack to AOE them down so its usually not even that useful.

    The thing that makes sorc healers great is their damage while healing, I was healing vet Darkshade Caverns today and I was pulling between 10-14k dps while healing with the occasional overload spam. This only works if all the people in the group can hold their own without getting heals every 2 seconds.
    PC - EU (AD)
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    Septimus Ozurk - Orsimer Sorcerer
  • Zsymon
    @Zsymon That 'awesome' AOE root is buggy and doesnt work half the time. Also during trash fights you want all the enemies to stack to AOE them down so its usually not even that useful.

    It works 100% of the time if you aim it right, you just got to make sure your character faces the right direction, just aiming the rectangle isn't enough, Bombard from the Bow tree has the same problem.

    But yeah with the change to block, I don't think anyone but Templars will be able to be healers in PvE content, I will have to shelve my Sorc healer I guess.
    Edited by Zsymon on August 27, 2015 7:51PM
  • AlnilamE
    Zsymon wrote: »
    I always had more fun with my Sorc healer than my Templar healer, but I guess with Imperial City, only Templars can be healers, since they are the only class who can provide the tank with enough stamina.. talk about a horrible decision heh.

    My sorc is my best healer, followed by my Nightblade. My Templar is a tank and I've not yet mastered healing with her. But you are right that shards are going to be even more crucial now. People tend to think that Templars are good because of their healing tree, but it's really the shards that make them stand out in their support role.
    The Moot Councillor
  • RoamingRiverElk
    Edit: Oops, this was the Public Test Server forum... My comment here applied to current version on Live...

    When it comes to healing group dungeons on a sorc, I can do it just fine (I have 300+ CP) without even changing my CP or mundus from what I use in PvP, but that's with people who know these dungeons by heart by now. Stamina DDs are of course missing shards from templars.
    Edited by RoamingRiverElk on August 27, 2015 10:24PM
    Dalris Aalr - Magicka (Stamina) DK | Dalfish - Magicka Sorc | Dal Aalr - Magicka Warden | Dalrish - Mag/Stam NB | Irana Aalr - PvE Templar
  • Erraln
    Zsymon wrote: »
    The DK spell Igneous Shield for example is worthless for a healer, because it basically sets your groups armor and spell resistance to 0. Yes you do more healing, but your whole group also takes a ton more damage due to the overflow bug on small damage shields, completely negating their mitigation ratings. Bad news for the tank especially, he/she might as well wear light armor then.

    Off topic, but Shield overflow mitigation is fixed on PTS, as far as I can tell. o:)
    Edited by Erraln on August 27, 2015 10:28PM
  • Erock25
    Erraln wrote: »
    Zsymon wrote: »
    The DK spell Igneous Shield for example is worthless for a healer, because it basically sets your groups armor and spell resistance to 0. Yes you do more healing, but your whole group also takes a ton more damage due to the overflow bug on small damage shields, completely negating their mitigation ratings. Bad news for the tank especially, he/she might as well wear light armor then.

    Off topic, but Shield overflow mitigation is fixed on PTS, as far as I can tell. o:)

    @erraln what leads you to believe this? I hope it is fixed.
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  • Erraln
    Zsymon wrote: »
    @erraln what leads you to believe this? I hope it is fixed.

    Well, I had read this thread over at the eso subreddit which stated it had been, and went to test with a friend in PTS Cyrodiil. We saw Healing Ward overflow reduced by armor type and block status. I didn't save my numbers, unfortunately, but it should be easy to reproduce.
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