Reddit thread.
I switched from PC to console and really miss chat. I often turn off area voice because of people blasting music, yelling, babies crying, etc so I feel detached from the community.
My day job is a software engineer that builds real time communication apps.
The question I have for you all is if I built a series of apps (web, android, iOS, and WP8) would you use them?
The basics are this:
You would create an account and join Xbox or PS4 NA/EU. Then there would be channels for each faction on general chat, lfg, trade, one for each campaign, etc. I would like to also allow users to create their own private channels for DMs, Guilds, Groups, zones, etc.
I am trying gauge interest and if there's enough interest I will likely build this.
Flapjack Palmdale
Grand Overlord - Magicka Dragonknight