The Crafting Dragons guild is hosting a raffle to raise money for a Guild Trader. 190+ members so far and accepting new recruits. We are a cross-alliance trading and crafting guild, designed to help you improve your own crafting. Add materials to the guild bank you don't need and take what you use for your own crafting. Lots to buy and sell in the guild store and we are on our way to landing a Guild Trader. Message Methadone Man or the guild master named SF Okami for an invite. Xbox Live message is the best way to get our attention.
Raffle tickets are purchased by sending SF Okami a mail with your gold in 1000 increments. Must be a member to participate. 1000 g per ticket and no limit to how many you can buy. First prize is half of all the money in the raffle pot. Then there are 5 secondary prizes including werewolf bite, deadric motif, a $10 Xbox live gift code, purple recipe, and vamp bite. Raffle ends this Saturday night and drawing on Sunday. Guild Trader bid on Sunday.
Gamertag is Methadone Man