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[SE] Scorched Earth | Xbox - NA | PvP Haderus Campaign | Ebonheart Pact

Scorched Earth | Motto: Everything burns, burn it all |
This is The Guild. Organized, Efficient, Militaristic. We are a force for others to rally behind, we set the standards.

Scorched Earth is a hardcore PvP guild. We are apart of a multi-gaming community, any rank you obtain in any of the core divisions will carry over to the other games in the community. Scorched Earth "at last census witch was 7/22/2015" is 48% prior service / active duty U.S. military. The leader is also prior military.
The guild moved to Haderus on 7/7/15 when we heard that Ebonheart Pact was unable to hold any ground there. The guilds entire focus and reason for existence is to lead the Ebonheart Pact to victory in Haderus. Every person in our guild is trained to lead groups in Cyrodiil. Scorched Earth leads the Scorched Earth Auxiliary, the largest alliance in the Haderus campaign. We also train other guild leaders and group leaders on how we operate in PvP. If you are a group leader or guild leader and wish to attend one of these training sessions simply message Ov3rkiiL and we will set you up with a time and date to meet.

We only allow 5 new recruits per 24 hours, we do this so that we ensure we have time to train them all. If you want an invite its first come first serve, if you get a message saying that you are on the waiting list then you need to know that that list gets wiped every Wednesday @ 6:00 p.m. U.S. Central time. So if you haven't gotten a word back by then, you need to send another message to Ov3rkiiL on xbox live.

Requirements to join
  • 18 years or older.
  • Must have a microphone.
  • Have Haderus as your home campaign.
  • Have your main character as Ebonheart.

Once you join Scorched Earth you will be assigned the rank "Recruit" during your time as a recruit you will be given 14 days to complete the Scorched Earth Basic Training. Basic Training consist of following:
  • Ranks
  • Standard Operating Procedures
  • How we operate in Cyrodiil, our Cyrodiil Group Coordination System "CGSC"
  • Scorched Earth Battle Drills.
  • and some basic military lingo used in PvP.
The training usually last between 45 min to an hour. Any Sergeant or Lieutenant can house a Basic Training session at any time. The guild leader does a weekly training session every Wednesday @ CT-6:00 p.m.

***Once you complete Basic Training you will earn the guild tabard. Once you put the guild tabard on you can never take it off unless you are wearing a costume, i.e; Emperor costume, or a costume for a quest. If you are ever caught without the tabard or a costume on either in PvP or PvE you will be removed from the guild.

Once you have your tabard on you will earn the rank "Private". Once you are a Private you will need to make a choice, to either stay a Private or try and become a leader. If you wish to become a Sergeant you will be promoted to Corporal and become a Sergeant in training. If you wish to become a Lieutenant you will be promoted to Cadet and become a Lieutenant in training. If you do not wish to lead you will stay a private, the decision is yours.

Each group in Scorched Earth is lead 1 Sergeant and 2 Lieutenants.
  • The Sergeants roll in each group is to be the Platoon Sergeant, the Platoon Sergeant holds the crown, and controls the group.
  • One Lieutenant will assume the roll of Radio Telecommunications Officer, they will sit in guild chat to be able to communicate with the other RTO's in guild chat.
  • The other Lieutenant will assume the roll of the Platoon Leader, they stay in area chat and echo the orders of the Platoon Sergeant in area chat to the randoms and so the other SE groups know what that group is doing. The Platoon Leader is also in area chat so he can stay in communication with his RTO who is in guild chat, with the other RTO's, and so that he can communicate with the other Platoon Leaders in the other groups to coordinate and take orders from the guild commander.

With this Cyrodiil Group Coordination System "CGSC" we only need 3 trained Scorched Earth per group. We simply go into Cyrodiil with 4-5 groups of 3 Scorched Earth per group, fill them with randoms and let them know they are now apart of a Scorched Earth platoon. Our goal is to unite every online EP in Haderus to fight as an organized army. We do not Zerg, we use diversionary tactics, flanking maneuvers while coordinating with multiple groups at once.
Leader of Scorched Earth - PvP | Xbox NA | Haderus Campaign
Scorched Earth is the leader of the Scorched Earth Auxiliary Alliance
Combat Veteran - U.S. Army Infantry, 3 years with the 101st Airborne, 12 months in Afghanistan.10+ years of creating and leading gaming communities on Xbox/PC
  • Ov3rkiIL
    Leader of Scorched Earth - PvP | Xbox NA | Haderus Campaign
    Scorched Earth is the leader of the Scorched Earth Auxiliary Alliance
    Combat Veteran - U.S. Army Infantry, 3 years with the 101st Airborne, 12 months in Afghanistan.10+ years of creating and leading gaming communities on Xbox/PC
  • Ov3rkiIL
    To join simply fill out an application on the site, or send a message to Ov3rkiiL on Xbox Live.
    Leader of Scorched Earth - PvP | Xbox NA | Haderus Campaign
    Scorched Earth is the leader of the Scorched Earth Auxiliary Alliance
    Combat Veteran - U.S. Army Infantry, 3 years with the 101st Airborne, 12 months in Afghanistan.10+ years of creating and leading gaming communities on Xbox/PC
  • Ov3rkiIL
    Rank Structure
    • General - Guild leader
    • Captain - Senior Officer
    • First Sergeant - Senior NCO
    • Lieutenant - Officer
    • Sergeant - NCO
    • Cadet - Lieutenant in training
    • Corporal - Sergeant in training
    • Private - Member
    • Recruit - New member who has not completed basic training.
    Leader of Scorched Earth - PvP | Xbox NA | Haderus Campaign
    Scorched Earth is the leader of the Scorched Earth Auxiliary Alliance
    Combat Veteran - U.S. Army Infantry, 3 years with the 101st Airborne, 12 months in Afghanistan.10+ years of creating and leading gaming communities on Xbox/PC
  • Ov3rkiIL
    Battle Drills

    Battle Drills are a half measure for the imperfect communication system. Even with our Group Coordination system in place sometimes messages don't get sent or received in time to have the desired effect on the field.

    For these imperfections we have our Battle Drills, witch are our standard operating procedures in Cyrodiil. We have these in place so that we don't have to have communication with the other groups to know where they will be at a certain point during a siege.
    • Battle Drill Alpha - Always take the same 3 resources in the same order. Farm, Mine, Lumbermill.
    • Battle Drill Bravo - When the outer wall to a keep goes down, every group rushes the entrance and pushes to the first right tower, clears all three floors, sets up siege and designate the tower the "foothold"
    • Battle Drill Charlie - Once the inner postern wall goes down, every group pushes in and up the stairs, clears the upper level then goes down the other stairs and takes the first flag.
    Leader of Scorched Earth - PvP | Xbox NA | Haderus Campaign
    Scorched Earth is the leader of the Scorched Earth Auxiliary Alliance
    Combat Veteran - U.S. Army Infantry, 3 years with the 101st Airborne, 12 months in Afghanistan.10+ years of creating and leading gaming communities on Xbox/PC
  • Ov3rkiIL
    Cyrodiil Group Coordination System "CGSC"

    Each group is lead by 3 leaders, each leader has a different roll to give the ability to have multiple groups working as one.

    Title: Platoon Sergeant - Rank: Sergeant
    • The Platoon Sergeant holds the crown, his job is to micro manage the group and control the people in the group.

    Title: Platoon Leader - Rank: Lieutenant
    • The Platoon Leader stays in area chat and listens to group chat.
    • The PL echo's everything the Platoon Sergeant says in area chat, to let randoms and other groups know all their movements.
    • PL's meet up after every siege with the other officers and discuss the next step, and what to attack next.

    Title: Radio Telecommunications Officer (RTO) - Rank: Lieutenant
    • The RTO is in Guild Chat 1, and Area chat. There is an RTO from every group in Guild Chat 1.
    • The RTO and PL must physically stay next to each other, while the RTO is in Guild Chat 1 they can not hear group chat, so they rely on the PL's echo of the Platoon Sergeants orders for direction.
    • The RTO is used to send orders back and forth between the groups if they get separated.
    Leader of Scorched Earth - PvP | Xbox NA | Haderus Campaign
    Scorched Earth is the leader of the Scorched Earth Auxiliary Alliance
    Combat Veteran - U.S. Army Infantry, 3 years with the 101st Airborne, 12 months in Afghanistan.10+ years of creating and leading gaming communities on Xbox/PC
  • Ov3rkiIL
    Guild Meeting

    Guild meeting every Wed @ 1800 Central Time. Ov3rkiiL will host a basic training session for any new recruits that attend the meeting, as well as retrain the already trained members on any changes. Right after the meeting the promotion board will discuss at least one Corporal to promote to Sergeant, and at least one Cadet to promote to Lieutenant.

    After the promotions we will all head into the Haderus campaign, break into our normal 4 groups "HHC, 1st Platoon, 2nd Platoon, and 3rd Platoon" and wreck havoc on Cyrodiil.
    Leader of Scorched Earth - PvP | Xbox NA | Haderus Campaign
    Scorched Earth is the leader of the Scorched Earth Auxiliary Alliance
    Combat Veteran - U.S. Army Infantry, 3 years with the 101st Airborne, 12 months in Afghanistan.10+ years of creating and leading gaming communities on Xbox/PC
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