What is Three Wonder Trade Union?.
The Three Wonder is a new guild starting on Xbox one made by PC transfers and Console players who are looking to make a fun and friendly ESO community what has everyone's needs such as crafters,Friendly community,people to play PvP with and people to do Dungeons with. We are not only a trading guild we aim to do everything.
Three Wonder's Aim
Our aim is to build a fun and friendly gaming community on ESO.
Master of Coin - This is the guild master of the Three Wonder Trade Union, currently Arch Grizzly Op. All permissions and access are granted.
Overseer - Our deputy leader, the Overseer has the exact same in game powers and permissions as our guild leader does. The Overseer is like a Vice President - able to take over and lead the guild in the leader's absence and incredibly involved in events and the day to day running of the guild. Currently the Overseer is the only guild member other than the Master of Coin with the powers to withdraw gold from the guild bank and hire/bid for merchant kiosks.
Warden - The top tier officer rank, permissions include recruitment and dismissal powers, access to guild bank (withdraw and deposit), claiming PvP resources and the ability to promote/dismiss players. Wardens are players who have agreed to commit more time to the Guild especially with maintaining an active Guild roster and encouraging & attending events. They also assist with other events and resolving disputes when they're available
Merchant Knight - Our junior officer rank - the name being a lore-based reference to Breton culture, as our Guild resides in the Covenant. In order to attain this rank, you simply need to be helpful. Regularly help in dungeons, take an active role with recruitment, ensuring the roster stays active or perhaps suggest and run a more imaginative guild event? It's a more casual officer position for those not able to commit regular blocks of time. Permissions include recruiting powers, access to deposit items into the guild bank and permissions to claim keeps and other resources on behalf of the guild in PvP.
Yeoman - The senior rank for active guild members. In order to qualify for Yeoman, you must be an active member of the guild - that is to say you participate in guild activities, chat and participate in guild chat and have proven to be a valuable member of the group. Yeoman permissions include access to the guild store, depositing items to the guild bank, and are trusted with withdrawal as well. They also have the ability to recruit new members but aren't expected to take an active role in recruitment, and can edit their notes.
Freeman - Our entry level rank and the most basic rank of membership. Every member who joins the guild will begin here and those only interesting in shopping and trading will likely stay here. In order to achieve and maintain this rank you must agree to buy and sell through our guild store and not to fight with our enemies in our chosen PVP campaign. This rank is reserved for people who simply use our services for trading purposes and as such has no additional perks or permissions. They have access to buy and sell goods in our guild store, recruit new members and edit their notes.
If you would like to join then please leave your gamer tag down below !
Guild Leader for Brotherhood of Blood, North American Server, Xbox one.
Apply to join is today -
"Sheggorath, you are the Skooma Cat, for what is crazier than a cat on skooma?"
-- Fadomai