Nightblades OP?

Are Nightblades honestly OP?

While I love playing mages of all kinds, I find them to be extremely vulnerable to damage in ESO. I know, I know, you could wear heavy armor and use your two handed, but, then you wouldn't really be a mage now, would you. You'd be a warrior who uses magic and there really aren't that many of those in ES Lore (even the Imperial Battlemages used staves more than just spells along with their combat).

I've decided to go back to one of my original builds, a Nightblade. I know that it seems like everybody uses them, but I do very much like them. What with their health absorb abilities, stealth and dual wield combos, I find them pretty much unstoppable.

Do y'all agree?

My current build in Quin'Zel, an Imperial Nightblade who primaries with dual wield swords/daggers/knives and alternates to two-handed mauls/maces.

I find her pretty affective and she seems to be a lot easier to play as a non-good guy sort of character.

My question is, where she should start. Can't decide between the Daggerfall, The Dominion or Ebonheart. I've done so much Dominion lately that I think that one may be out. Do y'all have a preference? I like Daggerfall for the desert and I like Ebonheart to revisit Skyrim.
  • Frawr
    whichever you choose, you will do all 3 anyway.

    Pick one and off you go.

    I find Daggerfall to be personally the most beautiful. Elfland is too tree-y and cliff-y and EP is all volcanos and death.
    Edited by Frawr on July 27, 2015 6:58PM
  • markt84
    No, a NB needs to kill you quick, if they don't, it's over for them, then they got to go run and hide. I find them to be to be like gnats, can't hurt me, but bother the crap out of me
  • Egonieser
    I'm a man of many alts, 3 of which are vr14 a NB, DK, Sorcerer.
    I partially agree, NB's are good, but far from OP. People think if you got cought off guard by a stealth NB they are OP, they're not. Their strengths are very situational, they rely heavily on surprise attacks, hit and runs and generally 1 vs 1 is where they excel at (if they have the upper hand and have the jump on enemy). In large combats, they are as powerful as the next class.
    Each has it's own use.
    When talking about mages/sorcerers in light armour, being squishy is also not true. Their armour is their magicka, literally. You want to squeeze out every drop of magicka you can for shields and great dps.
    And thats where the other stererotypical side comes in, people complaining about how OP their shields are. But they fail to realize that without the shields, light armour has no defense whatsoever, they might aswell be running around naked. They don't have dozens of thousands of resistances like DK's or some templars do nor dodge chance stacking abilities like NB's.
    Neither do they have the stamina to break out of CC's more than 2-3 times, never mind dodgerolling across thr map to avoid damage completely. Their shields are stackable, yes, but they also cost a lot of magicka between them all, and before you know it, your resources are dry and you can't either DPS nor defend yourself, or even bolt away far enough.

    Each class has it's strength, and you should play on it. Youtube some videos on how to build or what to expect from certain builds to give you an idea and work towards/around it and see if it's something you would like/expect.

    As for alliances, can't comment.. Strictly a personal prefence if you ask me.
    Edited by Egonieser on July 27, 2015 6:59PM
    Sometimes, I dream about...cheese...

    Dermont - v16 Pompous Altmer Sorcerer (With a very arrogant face!)
    Egonieser - v16 Nord Stamina Dragonborn Wannabe
    Endoly - v16 Tiny Redguard Sharpened MaceBlade
    Egosalina - v16 Breton Cheesus Beam Specialist
    Egowen - v16 Dunmer Whipping Expert (Riding crops eluded her)
    (Yes, I had to grind all these to v16)
    Akamanakh - lvl 22 Khajiit GankBlade (Inspired by Top Cat)
    Targos Icewind - lvl 34 Imperial (Future) Jabplar
    (CP 830+)

    PC - EU
  • Tors
    DenMoria wrote: »

    While I love playing mages of all kinds, I find them to be extremely vulnerable to damage in ESO.

    Are we playing the same ESO?
    Better late Than Pregnant....
    The shadow cabinet, a group of people who pretend to have jobs they do not actually have

    EU PC - Azura's Star
    Decimation Elite - Raid Jester
  • markt84
    I think the classes have great balance right, all have their pros and cons. The only thing I would like to see is that sorc shield get dropped some. It stays up for a while and can take way too much damage. With that said I kinda get it tho, because once you get through that shield its all over for them
  • DenMoria
    Tors wrote: »

    Are we playing the same ESO?

    Well... yes. You do have to take in to account that I suck. I mean, really, really, really, really suck. I admit it. It is my cross to bear. And I do apologize for it. Every day. All the time. :wink:

    But, seriously, while a mage is just fine at distance and may even have a distracting entity (say a clanfear), you have to admit that, against more than one or two opponents, archers or even other mages, a mage is vulnerable at lower levels (below 50) without access to protections.
  • QuebraRegra
    NB OP?

    That's funny. I just started a Sorcerer and it's been a cake walk so far.

    OP = dragonknight
  • DenMoria
    markt84 wrote: »
    I think the classes have great balance right, all have their pros and cons. The only thing I would like to see is that sorc shield get dropped some. It stays up for a while and can take way too much damage. With that said I kinda get it tho, because once you get through that shield its all over for them

    I have no idea what a "Sorcerer Shield" is. I'm assuming that it's something like a Ward in Skyrim, but, I have never had a sorcerer make it to a high enough level to even have access to it. By the time they get past 12, they just die, all the time and it gets so frustrating that I stop playing them.

    I am not a PvPer and I don't really like groups so, a sorcerer is probably not the best choice.

    Besides, even with 4K+ in magicka, it's never enough.
  • DenMoria
    NB OP?

    That's funny. I just started a Sorcerer and it's been a cake walk so far.

    OP = dragonknight

    Sure it was easy for the first 10 levels, but, after that, forget it. At least for me.
  • Nestor
    DenMoria wrote: »
    But, seriously, while a mage is just fine at distance and may even have a distracting entity (say a clanfear), you have to admit that, against more than one or two opponents, archers or even other mages, a mage is vulnerable at lower levels (below 50) without access to protections.

    Run two shields on a Sorcerer and you never have to worry about dieing. My personal favs are Boundless Storm and Hardened Ward. I won't take any damage if I keep them up.

    Heck, just Boundless Storm is enough for most leveling PvE.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Bromburak
    Faction pride, or advice for best gold zone grinding? ;)
  • markt84
    DenMoria wrote: »

    Well... yes. You do have to take in to account that I suck. I mean, really, really, really, really suck. I admit it. It is my cross to bear. And I do apologize for it. Every day. All the time. :wink:

    But, seriously, while a mage is just fine at distance and may even have a distracting entity (say a clanfear), you have to admit that, against more than one or two opponents, archers or even other mages, a mage is vulnerable at lower levels (below 50) without access to protections.

    Just get that shield sorcs have, it lasts forever and takes a rediculous amount of damage. Then once they get through the shield, teleport out of there as fast as you can. Sorcs are basically unkillable if played right, unless you're in a fort. Or you become a vamp, once they get through the shield do bat swarm, regain some resources and put the shield up again....rinse and repeat. See it done all the time.
  • Forestd16b14_ESO
    If not now they will be in update 7
  • DenMoria
    The shields are great suggestions, but how and when?

    Please don't say, level 22 or level 30, I can't survive long enough to make it to that level.

    I have played my sorcerer as far as level 18 and have not seen any option for anything like this.
  • Lenikus
    A Nightblade will try his best to kill you quickly, that's what he's supposed to be able to do.

    However if he targets the goblin following you, or you happen to block the first hit, or for some reason you detect him before he lands a hit, he's pretty much screwed over, as far as killing you goes
    ... Mai cave. >:3
  • Junkogen
    NB is not OP.

    DK and Sorc are ridiculous. If any classes are OP it would be those two.
  • Nestor
    DenMoria wrote: »
    The shields are great suggestions, but how and when?

    Please don't say, level 22 or level 30, I can't survive long enough to make it to that level.

    I have played my sorcerer as far as level 18 and have not seen any option for anything like this.

    Lightening Form is the second skill to unlock in the Storm Calling line, you should have that by L8 or so. Boundless Storm is the Morph. That will keep you protected until you can unlock Hardened Ward.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • reften
    Problem with ESO is, healers and tanks do too much damage, and "DPS" keeps getting nerfed.

    Bosmer (Wood Elf)
    Moonlight Crew (RIP), Misfitz (RIP), Victorem Guild

    VR16 NB, Stam build, Max all crafts.

    Azuras & Trueflame. Mostly PvP, No alts.

    Semi-retired till the lag is fixed.

    Love the Packers, Bourbon, and of those will eventually kill me.
  • Egonieser
    DenMoria wrote: »
    The shields are great suggestions, but how and when?

    Please don't say, level 22 or level 30, I can't survive long enough to make it to that level.

    I have played my sorcerer as far as level 18 and have not seen any option for anything like this.

    Get a restoration staff for secondary if you struggle with surviving. It has a huge spell shield when on low health and also great heal-over-time spells to keep you alive.
    Sometimes, I dream about...cheese...

    Dermont - v16 Pompous Altmer Sorcerer (With a very arrogant face!)
    Egonieser - v16 Nord Stamina Dragonborn Wannabe
    Endoly - v16 Tiny Redguard Sharpened MaceBlade
    Egosalina - v16 Breton Cheesus Beam Specialist
    Egowen - v16 Dunmer Whipping Expert (Riding crops eluded her)
    (Yes, I had to grind all these to v16)
    Akamanakh - lvl 22 Khajiit GankBlade (Inspired by Top Cat)
    Targos Icewind - lvl 34 Imperial (Future) Jabplar
    (CP 830+)

    PC - EU
  • DenMoria
    Nestor wrote: »

    Lightening Form is the second skill to unlock in the Storm Calling line, you should have that by L8 or so. Boundless Storm is the Morph. That will keep you protected until you can unlock Hardened Ward.

    I've had that. Doesn't do jack for me in a situation where there there is more than one opponent. Like I said. I just plain suck, apparently.
  • DenMoria
    All great suggestions folks, but, apparently I am just that bad. My sorcerers cannot stay alive, even with lightning cloaks, clanfears as backup and a restoration staff. I just can't heal fast enough to mitigate the damage being put out by these opponents. I admit that I love the dark magic curse with the explosion, but that's really only good against one opponent.

  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    If not now they will be in update 7

    Stam NBs are going to get hit pretty hard with the dodge roll nerf I think, just as Sorcs are going to get hit with the bolt escape nerf. I will say that NBs might be in the best position to take advantage of the "no stam regen while blocking" change they plan to make, but that is more of a PVE tanking comment. If Vigor is moved lower in the alliance war tree, that will serve as a NB buff as well. NBs lack a class heal, and currently, the vast majority of NBs do not have acces to vigor. I am still not sure if I see them being OP though.

    Currently, however, NBs are definitely NOT OP in PvP. As stated above, they can seem OP if they get the jump on you because they often seem to come from nowhere and hit hard , but that's kind of the point to the class. I actually think the current OP class in PvP is Sorc, but thats just my 2 cents. They hit extremely hard (from range), they have what can seem like an infinite amount of shields, and if the fight ever turns against them, they can streak halfway across the map. DKs are great for soaking up damage, but I don't think they are OP like they used to be.

    PvE is a different story. Look at the leader boards and all you see are DKs and Templars. I think the last I checked, the best sanctum score on NA was 5 DKs, 5 Templars, 1 sorc, and 1 NB, and the best EU score for a while had 7-8 DKs. DKs have the market cornered on Sustained Single Target DPS. Templars have the markets cornered on Healing, AOE DPS, arguably tanking, and they are in second place for Single Target DPS (first in short fights). From a PvE standpoint, if anyone is OP, its Templar.

    From a leveling standpoint, I personally found ease of play to be Templar>DK>Sorc>NB. I have taken all classes to at least V1 (DK and NB to V14). Templar was definitely easiest and NB was toughest out of the gates IMO.
  • DaveTheMinion
    Nestor wrote: »

    Run two shields on a Sorcerer and you never have to worry about dieing. My personal favs are Boundless Storm and Hardened Ward. I won't take any damage if I keep them up.

    Heck, just Boundless Storm is enough for most leveling PvE.

    Thanks for the information, going to try that out now, I am loving the sorcerer but not very good at it.

    I am still having fun and who cares how many times I die...........just call me Captain re-spawn :p
    EU PS4 Megaserver
    VR16 Sorc - Daggerfall - Magic Build
    VR16 Nightblade - Daggerfall - Stamina Build

    PS4 Guild: Illuminati Gaming for the over 30's is not a myth.
  • Bromburak

    Stam NBs are going to get hit pretty hard with the dodge roll nerf I think

    No, Dodge spammers getting hit hard. Thats quite a difference.

  • Lyzaaa
    Junkogen wrote: »
    NB is not OP.

    DK and Sorc are ridiculous. If any classes are OP it would be those two.

    PvE player confirmed
  • Violynne
    Play against me. I'll prove NBs are not OP. :|
  • Oreyn_Bearclaw
    Bromburak wrote: »

    No, Dodge spammers getting hit hard. Thats quite a difference.

    I am not sure where the line is between using Dodge Roll to your advantage in order to dodge attacks vs. Spamming dodge roll. Is using it 2-3 times in a row spamming? I personally dont think so. Is rolling 10-12 times in a row to escape spamming? Probably. Both will be affected in the patch though. NBs dont have shields or self heals. They evade. So yes, Dodge spammers are getting hit hard. Normal stam NBs are getting nerfed, but maybe by not as much. It is still a nerf though.
  • tinythinker
    Nestor wrote: »

    Run two shields on a Sorcerer and you never have to worry about dieing. My personal favs are Boundless Storm and Hardened Ward. I won't take any damage if I keep them up.

    Heck, just Boundless Storm is enough for most leveling PvE.
    In PvE yes, but not in PvP. I can't keep rerefreshing shields fast enough when I take my Sorc to Cyrodiil. :tongue::blush:

    To the larger topic of what is OP (at least in PvP), what often happens is that very good players with top gear wreck people over and over in Cyrodiil, making a class seem OP. Except for Templars, because, well, they're Templars. I mean, they aren't going to heal you to death (and a good DPS can CC/burn them down quick). The average or slightly below average player on any class is not OP in PvP, but sure, some classes can be used more effectively by better players to really nail their opponents to the wall.
    Edited by tinythinker on July 27, 2015 9:32PM
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  • Forestd16b14_ESO
    Junkogen wrote: »
    NB is not OP.

    DK and Sorc are ridiculous. If any classes are OP it would be those two.

    DK OP ?? Ha we haven't been OP since what update 3 ? Since the game started we had nothing but nerfes and I am glad ZoS reliezed that we been shot to many times by the nerf gun and gave us a few buffs. One I'm most gitty about is the battle roar passive scales off all 3 stats instead of magicka.
  • Funkopotamus
    Tors wrote: »

    Are we playing the same ESO?


    I would take a standing 49 sorc against ANYONE of the same level and I dare say a sorc in skilled hands will mop the floor with ANY other class.

    That being said just as was pointed out earlier... After update 7 the above sentence will be changed to "Magicka NB"

    Magicka NB will be the NBT !!

    You have been warned..

    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!" Sallington
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