I'm not being sarcastic. Honestly they are details that would like to see in the game.
Such as the weight of the armor and weapons is reflected in the speed of movement. Illness and having to heal like in Skyrim.
Then I totally misread your comment. Sorry!
I too miss those kind of environmental effects. I'm hoping ESO will grow to encompass these things... fingers crossed.
Such as the weight of the armor and weapons is reflected in the speed of movement. Illness and having to heal like in Skyrim.
those kind of does not work in an MMO, it has been tried and then just changed the way all the players played, to ignore it and made every choose less possible build options.
Illnesses fail in an mmo, because anyone with any brains would simply have a lot of cure disease potions with them, and make the whole thing a waste of resources instead of a gameplay mechanic.
as for the op's suggestion, not exactly easy to do, and it is simply unlikely to happen, whether it is simple or not, because it is such a small thing.
Have you ever noticed that flames in ESO has heat haze. Why would they add that. It's such a small thing.
If "Small Things" weren't important things we would still have MMOs that look like this:
There are always, I repeat... ALWAYS ways to implement systems. People who say can't just lack the imagination and creativity to do so. That being said, some are more difficult than others to implement. Like with the heavy armor slowing a player down.
They would have to find the appropriate skills to buff to make the slow-down worth while. If players with heavy armor moved slower but are MUCH tougher, players would end up switching armor for PVP and we would end up with a slow, tough PVP... so like you said. Players would just switch the way they play.
As for the diseases: what if cure disease potions had a shelf life? What if a player couldn't simply stock up and hang onto them. If they kept them for too long, they would spoil. Of course, the argument that diseases shouldn't be added because players will just plan for it is like suggesting we not have a health bar because player will just stock up on health potions. It a logical fallacy.
After a year of consuming food to make me stronger and better in tamriel, it makes me think........I need to take a poop, and I haven't done it since the start!!
Please add pooping events, all those food has to go somewhere!
Have you ever noticed that flames in ESO has heat haze. Why would they add that. It's such a small thing.
If "Small Things" weren't important things we would still have MMOs that look like this:
There are always, I repeat... ALWAYS ways to implement systems. People who say can't just lack the imagination and creativity to do so. That being said, some are more difficult than others to implement. Like with the heavy armor slowing a player down.
They would have to find the appropriate skills to buff to make the slow-down worth while. If players with heavy armor moved slower but are MUCH tougher, players would end up switching armor for PVP and we would end up with a slow, tough PVP... so like you said. Players would just switch the way they play.
As for the diseases: what if cure disease potions had a shelf life? What if a player couldn't simply stock up and hang onto them. If they kept them for too long, they would spoil. Of course, the argument that diseases shouldn't be added because players will just plan for it is like suggesting we not have a health bar because player will just stock up on health potions. It a logical fallacy.
If "Small Things" weren't important things we would still have MMOs that look like this:
Fun fact, in REAL LIFE, heavy armor was not that encumbering for someone who had any idea what they were doing.
Except health is an important combat mechanic, diseases are not. IF they DO spoil, not only will you ALWAYS hear complaints about it, and people will simply just buy more when they do spoil, simple as that.
again, you quite clearly have never played many if any, MMOs, mmos have tried these kind of things, and it failed EVERY time.
besides that, it adds NOTHING to the game.
I've never worn heavy armor, so I wouldn't know. I could see that a well trained night in plate male being able to move just as well.
I've watched a few videos like the following that suggest just what you have:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pz7naZ08Jd4
And I have stated many MANY times that I am from the single player arena. MMOs aren't my thing. I'm playing ESO because I am a fan of the TES series. I have played the following MMO for a period of time.
- Final Fantasy XI
So you're right. I am ignorant of the design of MMOs and any enlightenment I can be given on how something I bring up has been tried and failed would be welcomed. If I could get more than "NO... It doesn't work" I would appreciate it, because crossed arms, stomped feet and a pout does nothing to explain WHY it doesn't work.
Psychobunni wrote: »Additional visual the server would have to create per toon, therefore more stress to said servers, and completely unnecessary to game play other than RP purposes. Not worth the resources necessary to create in an MMO setting.
Life is Feudal is an example of pretty much EXACTLY the kind of MMORPG you seem to want, ever hear of it? I bet not, because so few people care about it, that it has little coverage from anyone at all. Then look at the few other games to have such a mechanic, they are almost all survival games, with very few regular RPGs having them. Those that do, tend to have the feature as part of a difficulty setting, not as a normal game mechanic.
an example of a single player RPG that has that kind of thing normally are the pokemon mystery dungeon games, where the food mechanic acts in a way to make it so you cannot stay in the dungeon long without filling your belly, basically a timer that you can fill up with items. the PMD games are also light-rogue-like RPG games, as well, so it makes sense to have survivial mechanics in it. they are also well-liked for being VERY immersive, making you really feel as if you ARE the human turned pokemon you play as. in the latest games, they got rid of the food mechanic, and most people were happy or did not care, because it added nothing to the actual game, since everyone always had apples with them.
Runscape is a good exampel of a MMORPG game that is very much open in how you make characters and explore the world, BUT everyone in PVP uses the same set-ups pretty much, despite there beign a MASSIVE amount of ways to play a character, you never see more then a select few, because while there ARE other options, there is no point in them, as they are weaker then ones being used.
Also, take Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim, now from a player who does NOT roleplay at all, why would you NOT have a bunch of cure diseases potions and arrows (if you use them), there is no reason not to. If they DID spoil, well, then you just go buy/make more. The diseases would have no mechanical effect other then a small annoyance of taking up some bag space. Also, it would also be likely that templar's, at least, would likely have a spell to cure them, thus templars have to worry about diseases even less.
finally, remember that RPers are very much in the minority of players in any game, then remember that not all RPers care abbot being as "Realistic" as possible, thus it is essentially the minority of a minority who would want this mechanic in.
Naw, this would be done on the client side...and wouldn't have to be rendered for other player characters.
Psychobunni wrote: »
LOL you don't give up at least. Okay rephrase that to read something along the lines of ....completely unnecessary use of my memory towards playing an mmo. Yes, it would likely be just a wee tiny thing, but those wee tiny things eventually add up.
How about an addon that did that?
After a year of consuming food to make me stronger and better in tamriel, it makes me think........I need to take a poop, and I haven't done it since the start!!
Please add pooping events, all those food has to go somewhere!
CapnPhoton wrote: »
You can always dramatize it and think that your character does all his personal stuff when you log off.
Isn't sarcasm fun?
I think it's fun.
TequilaFire wrote: »I thought this was going to be a new potion or something. lmao