Hi all,
I recently got to coldharbour in my playthrough and I am having problems with the Army of Meridia quest.
I have spoken to the groundswoman lady in the hollow city and have activated the quest, but no markers show on the map for where I am supposed to go...
I tried logging out and back in again and abandoning the quest and restarting it by meeting the lady again but it is always the same thing - the quest becomes active but there are no markers showing where I should go.
In the mean time I have been wondering around coldharbour doing side quests hoping the Army of Meridia quest will fix itself but after a few side quests it still hasn't fixed itself
Also, whenever I complete the side quests in coldharbour, they don't disappear from my active quests lists and I have to log out and back in to get rid of them, the whole area is acting weird
Any help for how I can complete the Army of Meridia quest would be much appreciated !