Future of Vampires

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I was told to try Gen Discussion from a dev... so
I and a good chunk I've read about would love to see the vampire transform into some sort.. It doesn't have to be a Vampire Lord ( op ness ) but some form of transformation would be loved.

We understand WW are having their own issue but we still would love for them to consider this such. Possibly for the higher ranking players... Vet 3+ and maxed vampire skill tree..make it hard for so you don't see level 15 vamps transformed...

Its just a thought and a prayer lol.. Any insight on this ? ( I know ppl will have their negative thoughts )
  • Akavir_Sentinel
    We don't need anything added to either the Vampire or WW lines. ESO is already too much Team Edward vs Team Jacob as it is. Everyone and their dog seems to think they have to be one or the other in order to play ESO.
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  • NateAssassin
    We don't need anything added to either the Vampire or WW lines. ESO is already too much Team Edward vs Team Jacob as it is. Everyone and their dog seems to think they have to be one or the other in order to play ESO.
    Or people are a WW for the flat 15% stam regen with never transforming...

    AD | Malaya the Mystic ─ VR16 Khajiit Sorc | Shal'ina the Swift ─ VR16 Khajiit NB | Jòhn Cena ─ VR1 Khajiit NB | Priestess Shaari ─ VR1 Temp
  • Talongar
    See ... can't we swap that over to the vamps?? @NateAssassin

    And no not saying you have to be team edward or jacob.. its just for us that are already apart of it
  • Willy8257
    I kind of like not having a vampire transformation. I prefer to have all of my vampireness an innate quality of my character. The passive and active abilities of a vampire are constantly available and thats what I like about it. However I think that having more active abilities would be better, perhaps a way to turn weak humanoids into thralls would be cool
  • Talongar
    Well, you wouldnt have to use the transform ult. if you didn't want to (;

    But hey that is also a nice lil ability if we could... @Willy8257
  • Teiji
    We don't need anything added to either the Vampire or WW lines. ESO is already too much Team Edward vs Team Jacob as it is. Everyone and their dog seems to think they have to be one or the other in order to play ESO.

    Why go out of your way to cyber bully a one star forum user, make them feel uncomfortable and encourage them to not continue discussion in their thread? Vampirism and Lycanthropy have been parts of Elder Scrolls lore since forever, expanding on vampirism & lycanthropy is expanding upon the intellectual property which is The Elder Scrolls.

    I have no idea what you're referring to with "Team Edward" and "Team Jacob" however I'm certain it's not Elder Scrolls related.

    Hircine info taken from wiki; [Hircine is the Daedra behind lycanthropes]

    'Hircine the spirit of the hunt's past leads many to argue. He himself was never mentioned or heard of in the early histories of Nirn. Some scholars believe because of this that Hircine was not one the original Daedric Princes and is therefore a spawn or offshoot, similar to Malacath. However this is often shunned on account of Hircine creating Lycanthropes, and the disease existing well into the Merethic Era. Hircine also appears within the mortal realm once every thousand years; but not to destroy, like most princes, but to enjoy a great hunt known as the Bloodmoon Prophecy.'

    Molag Bal & vampirism info taken from the wiki; [Molag Bal is the Daedra behind vampirism]

    'The Dunmeri Temple's doctrine, Vampires of Vvardenfell, Volume II, states that The Daedric Prince Molag Bal is the father of vampires. It is recorded in his "Private Papers of Galur Rithari, Buoyant Armiger". Somehow, the Dunmeri Temple keeps this record from the world, for no clear reason.

    Molag Bal as the father of Vampirism is also recorded in the book called "Opusculus Lamae Bal ta Mezzamortie." The book tells a story of Molag Bal, who in his hatred towards Arkay, profaned the body of a virgin Nedic woman, Lamae Beolfag. Lamae later is known as Lamae Bal and she is also known as the Blood Matron and the First Vampire.
    Molag Bal Vampire Altar

    Pure-blood vampires are individuals who are granted vampirism directly from Molag Bal, the creator and patron deity of Vampires. Its process is somewhat similar to the creation of the first vampire, Lamae Beolfag. Mortals gain their vampirism through a ritual in which members of a family pledge themselves to Molag Bal. Females like Serana, and her mother Valerica, who survive the horrific ordeal are dubbed "Daughters of Coldharbour".'

    I understand team Molag Bal & team Hircine, I see no mention in lore of either one of them ever being referred to as 'Jacob' or 'Edward'.

    @Talongar I sincerely apologise for the rudeness you received from a fellow community member here, we're usually really friendly, patient, respectful and helpful whilst encouraging and facilitating constructive discussion.

    Anywhoo, It's difficult for transformation within vampirism to be anything substantial, in my mind at least - there is one transformation ability already, which is Mist Form, it's not exciting - but it's there, I could see a batform, maybe even Gargoyle form as there is an NPC vampire which does this in-game already. Gargoyle would be cool actually.

    I can only ever see werewolf and vampirism changes, at least substantial content changes accommodating a Hircine related DLC content update or a Vampirism / Lamae DLC content update. I'm referring to stuff like Werebear, Wereboar, Wereshark forms and so on.

    They might have plans for expanding them on a small scale already, the last Werewolf changes were received well. They're reducing their damage weakness to 25% with Update 7 too.
    "Serving Boethiah is Freedom, embracing heroism is Liberty, existing solely for noxiphilic sanguivoria is truth." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

    European megaserver Fallout 4

    Loyalist of Boethiah, heroism enthusiast, exposer of secrets, bless'ed of noxiphilic sanguivoria.

    Nerf one grind, two more take its place; hail Gryndra!

    I am a dank memer and satire enthusiast
  • GreySix
    Future of vampires:

    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • ShadowHvo
    Personally I hope not, I would rather have vampires be actual vampires.

    The Vampire Lord form should be 100% out of question, by lore its too rare and powerful, and if we did manage to get it in ESO then it would be nerfed to the brink of nothing. The Mighty Vampire Lord should remain as a legend, an ancient myth that all fears, it should not become another 'lol' ability, nerfed because MMO.

    It would be interesting with a new set of abilities, but an outright transformation I'm against. What about Vampiric Grip? An instant pull that also damages and siphons health to you, or perhaps a Charm ability to turn an enemy NPC friendly for a little while?

    There is much potential, and many options, though I for one vote against a transformation.
    Nighren - The Shadow Striker
    Leader of Bloodlines
    -- EU --

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  • Talongar
    That is one of the best post ive seen...i mean i know its not out of the question, i can see anything happening in dlc and that is what i pray for ..

    Appology accepted lol
  • OzJohnD
    Everyone knows the phenomenon of trying to hold your breath underwater - how at first it's alright and you can handle it, and then as it gets closer and closer to the time when you must breathe, how urgent the need becomes, the lust and the hunger to breathe. And then the panic sets in when you begin to think that you won't be able to breathe - and finally, when you take in air and the anxiety subsides...that's what it's like to be a vampire and need blood.

    Francis Ford Coppola - BS Dracula: The Film and the Legend

  • nine9six
    Please no transformation.

    Can't wait for it to be KOS for stage 4 vamps, and 2 of my toons are vamps!
    Wake up, we're here. Why are you shaking? Are you ok? Wake up...
  • NateAssassin
    Personally I think the WW 15% stam regen should be removed when not transformed, or add the 50% poison damage taked when not transformed, do that and the number of WWs will drop tremendously.
    AD | Malaya the Mystic ─ VR16 Khajiit Sorc | Shal'ina the Swift ─ VR16 Khajiit NB | Jòhn Cena ─ VR1 Khajiit NB | Priestess Shaari ─ VR1 Temp
  • The_Sadist
    We don't need anything added to either the Vampire or WW lines. ESO is already too much Team Edward vs Team Jacob as it is. Everyone and their dog seems to think they have to be one or the other in order to play ESO.

    I really don't get why people always bring Twilight into these sort of discussions. Prior Elder Scrolls games have had both vampirism and lycanthropy, both of which typically made game play more interesting and gave several passives buffs that, in my opinion, always felt stronger compared with the debuffs gained upon become infected. It's really no surprise that the people who came straight from Skyrim want to go one or other, moreso given that's the game where both vampirism and lycanthropy shine the brightest. As it stands becoming a werewolf gives a flat stamina regeneration bonus with no drawbacks, naturally everyone wants to be one because you're effectively gimping your character if you remain normal. Console players, like PC players, all want one or the other but after a few months it will settle down a bit.

    I'm all for buffing vampirism and lycanthropy, adding new world skill lines (come on Lich) and generally making the game more interesting, but I don't see vampire lord equivalent transformations happening any time soon.

    "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." ― Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
    Tragrim - How do I work this thing?
    Casually stalking the forums
  • GreySix
    The_Sadist wrote: »

    I really don't get why people always bring Twilight into these sort of discussions. Prior Elder Scrolls games have had both vampirism and lycanthropy, both of which typically made game play more interesting and gave several passives buffs that ...

    ... and came with a load of nasty side-effects that ESO seems to have mostly omitted.

    Let's face it: If you caught vampirism in Oblivion, it was a real awshit moment.
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • The_Sadist
    GreySix wrote: »

    ... and came with a load of nasty side-effects that ESO seems to have mostly omitted.

    Let's face it: If you caught vampirism in Oblivion, it was a real awshit moment.

    I disliked Oblivion the most out of the recent Elder Scrolls games, but from memory in Morrowind contracting Vampirism was pretty bad. Vampires in ESO do take quite a hit at stage 4 with the fire weakness and literally next to no health regeneration, and werewolves flat out suck in terms of transformation and are used by most for the stamina passive. While I do feel both should be buffed, I also feel the drawbacks should be present.. My issue was more 'lawl twilight u guyz suk hooman 4 lyfe' whenever a thread that remotely mentions vampirism or lycanthropy pops up, which is often.

    "Each event is preceded by Prophecy. But without the hero, there is no Event." ― Zurin Arctus, the Underking.
    Tragrim - How do I work this thing?
    Casually stalking the forums
  • Gamertaglemieux
    We don't need anything added to either the Vampire or WW lines. ESO is already too much Team Edward vs Team Jacob as it is. Everyone and their dog seems to think they have to be one or the other in order to play ESO.


    Thank you for saying this. Quite stale to hear or ask for bites NONSTOP on the consoles.

    People act like they can not play the game past level 3 unless werewolf or vampire. It's like their Xbox will turn off or something.
    Queen Ayrenn build that wall around Summerset.

    Make Shimmerene great again!
  • Sykis
    Vamps and WWs were pit against each other long before twilight books.
  • Teiji
    ShadowHvo wrote: »
    Personally I hope not, I would rather have vampires be actual vampires.

    The Vampire Lord form should be 100% out of question, by lore its too rare and powerful, and if we did manage to get it in ESO then it would be nerfed to the brink of nothing. The Mighty Vampire Lord should remain as a legend, an ancient myth that all fears, it should not become another 'lol' ability, nerfed because MMO.

    It would be interesting with a new set of abilities, but an outright transformation I'm against. What about Vampiric Grip? An instant pull that also damages and siphons health to you, or perhaps a Charm ability to turn an enemy NPC friendly for a little while?

    There is much potential, and many options, though I for one vote against a transformation.

    You would rather have vampires be actual vampires? Like what, "real life" vampires?

    Transformations as a whole were mentioned, vampire already has a transformation in-game so I don't understand why you vote against transformation -

    Lycanthropy transformations in-game;

    Werewolf : White / Brown variations

    Possible future transformations;

    • Werebear
    • Werelion
    • Wereshark
    • Wereskeever
    • Wereboar
    • Werememe
    • <Insert suggestion here>

    Vampirism transformations in-game;
    Mist Form

    Possible future transformations;
    • Bat
    • Disguise form [functions like Count Verandis disguise form]
    • Gargoyle
    • <Insert suggestion here>
    "Serving Boethiah is Freedom, embracing heroism is Liberty, existing solely for noxiphilic sanguivoria is truth." - Martin Luther King, Jr.

    European megaserver Fallout 4

    Loyalist of Boethiah, heroism enthusiast, exposer of secrets, bless'ed of noxiphilic sanguivoria.

    Nerf one grind, two more take its place; hail Gryndra!

    I am a dank memer and satire enthusiast
  • Aerathnor
    The_Sadist wrote: »

    I disliked Oblivion the most out of the recent Elder Scrolls games, but from memory in Morrowind contracting Vampirism was pretty bad. Vampires in ESO do take quite a hit at stage 4 with the fire weakness and literally next to no health regeneration, and werewolves flat out suck in terms of transformation and are used by most for the stamina passive. While I do feel both should be buffed, I also feel the drawbacks should be present.. My issue was more 'lawl twilight u guyz suk hooman 4 lyfe' whenever a thread that remotely mentions vampirism or lycanthropy pops up, which is often.

    Vampirism in Morrowind was the way it should be. Rare, powerful, with real downsides. You gained massive bonuses to skills, there was no "day walking" and you were KoS everywhere (if you wanted to enter a town you had better have a high sneak skill or invisibility/chameleon spells).

    The first time I became a vampire in Morrowind I just saw a disease. It didn't seem major and I was out doing a long quest chain. Slept outside one night, woke up on fire and dead as I had transformed overnight and the sun was not friendly.

    Oblivion handled both the Assassin Guild (at least getting access to it) and Vampirism very poorly by comparison. I killed the arena champion after making him so depressed he wanted to die. Lucian shows up calling me some cold blooded murder because I granted some Euthanasia. Naturally I start working with the Dark Brotherhood. Suddenly some guy straight up offers to make me a vampire. I get night vision, but I can walk around in the sun and people won't kill me? WTF?

    I found vampirism after 300 or so hours in Morrowind, it was a neat aspect of the game that wasn't really ever pushed on you and would actually make finishing the main quest extremely difficult. Oblivion I was a vampire by hour 10 and didn't really lose anything for being one (hardly an "AW ****" moment).

    Anywho, I agree with you about oblivion :p

  • urkonse
    Personally I think the WW 15% stam regen should be removed when not transformed, or add the 50% poison damage taked when not transformed, do that and the number of WWs will drop tremendously.

    No , NO! , NOOOOOOOOO!!!!

    -its only reason i have werewolf character
    Edited by urkonse on July 24, 2015 12:29PM
    Lightning guild is recruiting active players at any level & skill ( PS4 , EU)
  • leepalmer95
    urkonse wrote: »

    No , NO! , NOOOOOOOOO!!!!

    -its only reason i have werewolf character

    the 15% stamina regen is the only reason people actually become ww's though, the actual transformatiom is useless and we don't get the passives unless we transform.

    The future of vampires is that 95% are going to be vamps because of people QQ about fire dmg and therefore zos in their infinite wisdom has decided to cater to them and reduce the dmg to 25%. This coupled with fire res enchantments, cp and race passives will make it so vampires have no disadvantages.
    PS4 EU DC

    Current CP : 756+

    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
  • starkerealm
    GreySix wrote: »
    Future of vampires:


    Man, the new visuals for Silver Bolts are amazing.
    Talongar wrote: »
    I was told to try Gen Discussion from a dev... so
    I and a good chunk I've read about would love to see the vampire transform into some sort.. It doesn't have to be a Vampire Lord ( op ness ) but some form of transformation would be loved.

    We understand WW are having their own issue but we still would love for them to consider this such. Possibly for the higher ranking players... Vet 3+ and maxed vampire skill tree..make it hard for so you don't see level 15 vamps transformed...

    Its just a thought and a prayer lol.. Any insight on this ? ( I know ppl will have their negative thoughts )

    Honestly, the vampire bloodlines in Elder Scrolls all come with one major upside, as opposed to every other bloodline. The Vampire Lord is an extreme rarity. There are 4 of them in the fourth era that we know of, and no reason to believe there's any more then. Three of those exist in the second era, but again, it is extremely rare.

    The unique ability that the Lamae bloodline, that players have access to in ESO, is the total sun immunity. That's actually a huge deal. Granted, given the format, it doesn't seem that amazing. But, just think about playing one of the Vvardenfell bloodlines in ESO for a minute. You can't do anything while the sun is up? You can't even talk to most NPCs, and you're kill on sight for most of the populous? Yeah, this is actually a pretty solid boon.

    EDIT: Incidentally, the batswarm and mistform abilities are transformations. So, vampires already get two.
    The_Sadist wrote: »
    Vampires in ESO do take quite a hit at stage 4 with the fire weakness and literally next to no health regeneration...

    I didn't realize -75% was the same as none. With the passive, I think that drops to -45% or -60%, but don't quote me on that, I'm honestly not sure.

    That said, my vampire experience has been on a siphon heavy nightblade with Vampire's Kiss armor, so I've never really felt the sting from Stage 4 to be that impressive.
    Edited by starkerealm on July 24, 2015 12:45PM
  • Sithisvoid
    You know Vamps and WW stories have been around a lot longer than twilight. Maybe stop with the herd mentality and value the skill lines for what they are, variety. Some of the oldest legends of mankind involve creatures rising from the grave to feed on the blood of the living. Anyone who knows even a little about elder scrolls knows Vamps have been in the game way longer than twilight has been a thing. Read some lore, learn about the game world before you open your mouths.
    Edited by Sithisvoid on July 24, 2015 12:50PM
  • BuggeX
    The future of vampires is that 95% are going to be vamps because of people QQ about fire dmg and therefore zos in their infinite wisdom has decided to cater to them and reduce the dmg to 25%. This coupled with fire res enchantments, cp and race passives will make it so vampires have no disadvantages.

    Agree, this is the worst decision Zos had mad... with the feature dmg reduction and Vampir fire weakness buff you simplay dont need any fire res, its not noticeable if a Magicka DK is whiping a Vamp or anything else, its mby 100dmg different :(
  • Banky71
    I believe Vampires are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they posses inside!
    Edited by Banky71 on July 24, 2015 1:07PM
    If you chase two rabbits, you will lose them both.

    gamertag - xbone Banky71
  • Noomfy-Mop
    We don't need anything added to either the Vampire or WW lines. ESO is already too much Team Edward vs Team Jacob as it is. Everyone and their dog seems to think they have to be one or the other in order to play ESO.

    Personally I don't plan to be either.
    I don't like the vamps severe weakness to fire (and tend to not like vampires in general because of recent Hollywood interpretations of the species) and I don't like the fact that the WW transform takes the place of your super ability.

    And just like you said the game is becoming very much "The Elder Scrolls: Twilight Unlimited"....
    This is my signature.
    Original. Right ;p!
  • theforgottenking1779
    Werewolf needs some major work one being time in werewolf needs to be unlimited
  • RobDaCool
    They should do something with Werewolf and Vampire, I mean you can talk to NPCs in Werewolf form and they don't even acknowledge you're a monster lol
    PS4 NA -RobdacoolV2
  • theforgottenking1779
    RobDaCool wrote: »
    They should do something with Werewolf and Vampire, I mean you can talk to NPCs in Werewolf form and they don't even acknowledge you're a monster lol

  • Solanum
    True blood, Dracula, Interview with a Vampire, World of Darkness (Vampire the Masquerade), Legacy of Kain (Soul Reaver) just to name a few interesting Vampire references. I don't see why the kids need to refer to twilight so often.

    That out of the way, I'm not in favor of a Vampire transformation like we've seen in Dawnguard. The form had rather poor design and seems very far away from the Vampire concept of being a undead monster that still looks very much like it's former self. (Or at least a corrupted undead version of it, rather then "I'm a completely different monster/gargoyle now, lol")

    I'd much rather see us Vampires finally get our bloody fangs.

    There are many cool improvements possible for Vampires, and much of the Vampire abilities are already locked by first having to level up the skill-line which is far more of a nuisance at lower level. (Basically, you take the full negative fire damage effect for a very long time since you gain less experience at lower level, basically suffering the weaknesses longer without any of the advantages)

    Perhaps having a choice from different bloodlines with different perks would make Vampires a lot more enjoyable, a basic warrior, mage and thief sort of setup thing would be great.

    Or, for starters, we could turn the duration on the timers around for Vampires, allowing the roleplayers amongst us not to have to run away from roleplay every 30 minutes for a 5 minute feeding break.
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