Or people are a WW for the flat 15% stam regen with never transforming...Akavir_Sentinel wrote: »We don't need anything added to either the Vampire or WW lines. ESO is already too much Team Edward vs Team Jacob as it is. Everyone and their dog seems to think they have to be one or the other in order to play ESO.
Akavir_Sentinel wrote: »We don't need anything added to either the Vampire or WW lines. ESO is already too much Team Edward vs Team Jacob as it is. Everyone and their dog seems to think they have to be one or the other in order to play ESO.
Akavir_Sentinel wrote: »We don't need anything added to either the Vampire or WW lines. ESO is already too much Team Edward vs Team Jacob as it is. Everyone and their dog seems to think they have to be one or the other in order to play ESO.
The_Sadist wrote: »
I really don't get why people always bring Twilight into these sort of discussions. Prior Elder Scrolls games have had both vampirism and lycanthropy, both of which typically made game play more interesting and gave several passives buffs that ...
... and came with a load of nasty side-effects that ESO seems to have mostly omitted.
Let's face it: If you caught vampirism in Oblivion, it was a real awshit moment.
Akavir_Sentinel wrote: »We don't need anything added to either the Vampire or WW lines. ESO is already too much Team Edward vs Team Jacob as it is. Everyone and their dog seems to think they have to be one or the other in order to play ESO.
Personally I hope not, I would rather have vampires be actual vampires.
The Vampire Lord form should be 100% out of question, by lore its too rare and powerful, and if we did manage to get it in ESO then it would be nerfed to the brink of nothing. The Mighty Vampire Lord should remain as a legend, an ancient myth that all fears, it should not become another 'lol' ability, nerfed because MMO.
It would be interesting with a new set of abilities, but an outright transformation I'm against. What about Vampiric Grip? An instant pull that also damages and siphons health to you, or perhaps a Charm ability to turn an enemy NPC friendly for a little while?
There is much potential, and many options, though I for one vote against a transformation.
The_Sadist wrote: »
I disliked Oblivion the most out of the recent Elder Scrolls games, but from memory in Morrowind contracting Vampirism was pretty bad. Vampires in ESO do take quite a hit at stage 4 with the fire weakness and literally next to no health regeneration, and werewolves flat out suck in terms of transformation and are used by most for the stamina passive. While I do feel both should be buffed, I also feel the drawbacks should be present.. My issue was more 'lawl twilight u guyz suk hooman 4 lyfe' whenever a thread that remotely mentions vampirism or lycanthropy pops up, which is often.
NateAssassin wrote: »Personally I think the WW 15% stam regen should be removed when not transformed, or add the 50% poison damage taked when not transformed, do that and the number of WWs will drop tremendously.
Future of vampires:
I was told to try Gen Discussion from a dev... so
I and a good chunk I've read about would love to see the vampire transform into some sort.. It doesn't have to be a Vampire Lord ( op ness ) but some form of transformation would be loved.
We understand WW are having their own issue but we still would love for them to consider this such. Possibly for the higher ranking players... Vet 3+ and maxed vampire skill tree..make it hard for so you don't see level 15 vamps transformed...
Its just a thought and a prayer lol.. Any insight on this ? ( I know ppl will have their negative thoughts )
The_Sadist wrote: »Vampires in ESO do take quite a hit at stage 4 with the fire weakness and literally next to no health regeneration...
leepalmer95 wrote: »The future of vampires is that 95% are going to be vamps because of people QQ about fire dmg and therefore zos in their infinite wisdom has decided to cater to them and reduce the dmg to 25%. This coupled with fire res enchantments, cp and race passives will make it so vampires have no disadvantages.
Akavir_Sentinel wrote: »We don't need anything added to either the Vampire or WW lines. ESO is already too much Team Edward vs Team Jacob as it is. Everyone and their dog seems to think they have to be one or the other in order to play ESO.