Maintenance for the week of February 17:
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• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 19, 4:00AM EST (9:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC) why cant we have champion point based campaigns?

I would really like to hear from the Devs on this.

There have been a few threads raising the concern of player gaps, and in them several people including myself have put forward the idea of CP tiered campaigns to enable time poor players to keep enjoying PVP while the hardcore continue to open up greater gaps in power. My question isn't whether or not this would be a good idea...but why it would appear to be a bad one. What's wrong with this idea? Why wouldn't it work? I cannot see a downside. Players who enjoy the challenge of taking on more powerful toons could still sign up for the open PVP, and there could be incentives like better gear drops to make this challenge more enticing.

Last time I made a thread about this I was desperately trying to find a reason to resub and keep playing, but time ran out on me before I could get a response. While I openly admit i am not playing ESO at the moment, seeing no reason to keep levelling up when I am doing so at such a slow pace compared to the average player, i would like to come back one day and find a game I can enjoy as a casual without feeling like a totally outclassed underdog.

Casual players are not lazy players, and should not be punished for being unable to keep up with people who can play all the time.
Edited by Dru1076 on July 14, 2015 1:27AM
Ask not what your sweetroll can do for you....
  • Seaber
    Some campaigns would be completely dead
    Groups would be split up
  • Dru1076
    Seaber wrote: »
    Some campaigns would be completely dead
    Groups would be split up

    There would only need to be maybe two campaigns for low cp ranks. A non vet, and a vet one. If the option to join the unlimited campaign was available, then no groups or guilds would be split. A low ranked player should have the freedom to take on tougher opponents if they like.
    Ask not what your sweetroll can do for you....
  • Dru1076
    I guess there must be a very good reason. But the silence tells me while there is a reason, ot isn't a good enough one tonbe made public. Perhaps the hardcore players need soft targets in their campaigns?

    Considering i bought a game that had a level cap and the prospect of eventually obtaining equal footing, I cant begin to say how bitterly disappointed I am by the goal posts shifting. Making it reasonably possibly for players with only one high ranked toon to get those xp booster recipes fragments would have been nice....but the way it was done felt like having a foot put on my head just when i was almost out of the quicksand.

    Seriously...all the problems expressed about players gaps would evaporate if limited champion point campaigns, or champion point free campaigns, were an option.
    Ask not what your sweetroll can do for you....
  • Dru1076
    On the surface of things, it would appear that this thread was a total waste of time. But by not responding a few truths are revealed. Firstly, I am not very important to Zos at all. Secondly, I made the right call canning my sub. Thirdly, if I want to enjoy PVP as much as I would like, I need to quit my job, abandon my family and move back in with my mother. I so have to scratch my head and wonder, though...why are casuals so unimportant?

    Of course...all it takes to disprove all three of these terrible truths is a Dev to say something like "We understand how you feel, but the playerbase couldn't support a new campaign yet" or "there will be some good news down the track, bear with us." Something like that. Right now, though, it seems pretty clear there's no room for a casual in this game after completing the main story, at least, not if you want a fair fight in PVP.

    So until I hear different, I guess I can rule out an early comeback...because PVP is no fun when your this far under the average and falling ever further behind.
    Ask not what your sweetroll can do for you....
  • Tors
    Why the hell would yoiu want this?

    Pure PvP players make very few champions points compaired to PvE players.

    Higher tiered battle grounds would be the playgrounds of the PvE players while those who PvP would be in the cheap seats
    Better late Than Pregnant....
    The shadow cabinet, a group of people who pretend to have jobs they do not actually have

    EU PC - Azura's Star
    Decimation Elite - Raid Jester
  • Dru1076
    You are assuming, @Tors , that I meant ALL campaigns should be tiered, but I only want a one campaign for people with, let's say, less than 200 CP's. And a non-vet with perhaps no champion points.

    But you can relax...because I am almost certain this thread is going absolutely nowhere.
    Ask not what your sweetroll can do for you....
  • FireCowCommando
    Adding caps or scaling or any solution that negates the champion system is admitting they messed it up

    Keep in mind that to ZoS the CS system was an entire update, they cant just outright say it failed and doesnt belong as is

    Edit: JK im crazy, they dont exactly have face to save
    Edited by FireCowCommando on July 14, 2015 11:32AM
  • Beesting
    @Dru1076 It is funny that you should mention this, i leveled a new dc char yesterday to lvl 16 and made some seducer/warlock armor sets (it is magica dk resto/destro) and jumped into some pvp.

    At blackwater blade were i went first the action was a bit slow , and on thorn the whole map was red, so i decided to jump to azura.

    I was riding around on my superslow horse and got ganked by a EP player, that was vr1 templar, i killed him solo (no other players around)

    Then a vr14 EP nightblade showed up and i almost killed him, he was down to 10 % health and then decided to run off, and while he did that another dc showed up and sadly finished him

    While this was an awesome start to some low level pvp (i ended up getting 12 k ap in one hour before i logged off),

    i was wondering maybe it has something to do with my 300 cp ?
    Beesting, Bosmer Magica DK, AD EU, crafter
    Slager, Dunmer Magica DK, DC EU, pvp
    Farmer, Dunmer Magica DK, AD EU, trials build

    Every major patch looks like the end of the world but somehow i just cannot stop playing.
  • k2blader
    Dru1076 wrote: »
    I would really like to hear from the Devs on this.

    There have been a few threads raising the concern of player gaps, and in them several people including myself have put forward the idea of CP tiered campaigns to enable time poor players to keep enjoying PVP while the hardcore continue to open up greater gaps in power. My question isn't whether or not this would be a good idea...but why it would appear to be a bad one. What's wrong with this idea? Why wouldn't it work? I cannot see a downside. Players who enjoy the challenge of taking on more powerful toons could still sign up for the open PVP, and there could be incentives like better gear drops to make this challenge more enticing.

    Last time I made a thread about this I was desperately trying to find a reason to resub and keep playing, but time ran out on me before I could get a response. While I openly admit i am not playing ESO at the moment, seeing no reason to keep levelling up when I am doing so at such a slow pace compared to the average player, i would like to come back one day and find a game I can enjoy as a casual without feeling like a totally outclassed underdog.

    Casual players are not lazy players, and should not be punished for being unable to keep up with people who can play all the time.

    I think there are a couple main reasons:

    1) There aren't enough people playing the game to make tiered campaigns worthwhile. Or in other words some campaigns would have very low pops such that the few people trying to play in them would get bored quickly due to lack of PvP action.

    2) Zenimax doesn't have the staff to make it happen.

    That said, I still hear you. It'd be way more fun to play against folks my same level who have the same level of skill points/CPs. PvP in this game is completely against the casual player. But I play because it is fun in its own way-- to survive (and sometimes kill) people who have levels, skill points, and CPs (way) above me is pretty satisfying. For now, anyway.
    Disabling the grass may improve performance.
  • Tankqull
    as the CP bonis are only grantet for points spend it should be rather simple to implement brackets for Cps spend as you can respec them any time.

    when listing for a certain bracket lets say 250 cps youl have to have a maximum of 250 cps spend(unable to list with 251 or more while you can have a total of 3600cps[but just not spend]), once listed your CP allocation is locked and unaccessable until you you either leave the queue or cyrdiil.

    that way groups would not be split they just have to decide wich braket they want to join.

    and the non-vet campaigns should deactivate all CP bonis.
    Edited by Tankqull on July 15, 2015 9:25AM
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

  • Snit
    It would split up existing guilds, fracturing relationships. It would further subdivide the playerbase into campaigns with smaller and smaller populations, leading to dead campaigns.

    I think there's an excellent argument for making BWB CP-free, as new players learn PvP there. For veteran campaigns, however, everyone can't have exactly the flavor they want.
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

  • Cathexis
    How about just fixing the dumb as [snip] cp system.

    [Edit to remove profanity]
    Edited by [Deleted User] on November 13, 2021 5:09AM
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  • Tankqull
    Snit wrote: »
    It would split up existing guilds, fracturing relationships. It would further subdivide the playerbase into campaigns with smaller and smaller populations, leading to dead campaigns.

    I think there's an excellent argument for making BWB CP-free, as new players learn PvP there. For veteran campaigns, however, everyone can't have exactly the flavor they want.

    as i said let the people chose the flavor they like by implementing brackets of max_SPEND CPs that way no guilds would be split as they can chose as a guild wich bracket they use, and every one with lots of possible CPs can just unspend them and chose his bracket than (with 3k gold cost its cheap enough to respec multiple times per day if you need too) as it allows anybody to chose the bracket they feel is most balanced...
    spelling and grammar errors are free to be abused

    Sallington wrote: »
    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!"

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