We already have -20% damage, and the game is like Counter Strike. 50% won't be a dramatical change
There are two major factors it's like Counter Strike:
1. Because people are dumb and refuse to use Radiant Magelight. Start running that and the "one shot" goes away. Zergs are another thing altogether, in fact this damage reduction is going to encourage more zerg play due to the increase in TTK.
2. There are a lot of new/bad players who don't have the faintest idea how to play this game. The lack of situational awareness coupled with bad decisions make the majority of people I run into an easy kill.
In case you have not noticed, this change is really a piecemeal change to placate the PvE crowd or those who want rewards for 0 effort. These forum sections are rife with whining based on false information predicated on myopia and a high self worth.
A lot of these changes are not good and will not fix the core problems with the current PvP system. More importantly the game is still an unstable fickle piece of junk with problems dating back to the beta. Good thing they keep putting out limited time only 3k crown mounts!
AbraXuSeXile wrote: »
Ridiculous comment saying everyone should sacrifise 2 slots out of 10 for a skill so you dont get one shot.
Ridiculous whining about getting "one shot" and refusing to use a skill that prevents it.
ChannelTribes wrote: »The 50% less damage CAN stack with armor and spell resist, Cyrodiil Light 25% less damage, Nord passive, Viel of blades, Standard of Might, CP passives, Vampire passive, Etc. This is a massive flaw, i'm 99% sure i'm not wrong since I have stacked damage mitigation previously, but if something slipped by my mind- please correct me. If not, I am really concerned.
There are two major factors it's like Counter Strike:
1. Because people are dumb and refuse to use Radiant Magelight. Start running that and the "one shot" goes away. Zergs are another thing altogether, in fact this damage reduction is going to encourage more zerg play due to the increase in TTK.
2. There are a lot of new/bad players who don't have the faintest idea how to play this game. The lack of situational awareness coupled with bad decisions make the majority of people I run into an easy kill.
In case you have not noticed, this change is really a piecemeal change to placate the PvE crowd or those who want rewards for 0 effort. These forum sections are rife with whining based on false information predicated on myopia and a high self worth.
A lot of these changes are not good and will not fix the core problems with the current PvP system. More importantly the game is still an unstable fickle piece of junk with problems dating back to the beta. Good thing they keep putting out limited time only 3k crown mounts!
There are two major factors it's like Counter Strike:
1. Because people are dumb and refuse to use Radiant Magelight. Start running that and the "one shot" goes away. Zergs are another thing altogether, in fact this damage reduction is going to encourage more zerg play due to the increase in TTK.
2. There are a lot of new/bad players who don't have the faintest idea how to play this game. The lack of situational awareness coupled with bad decisions make the majority of people I run into an easy kill.
In case you have not noticed, this change is really a piecemeal change to placate the PvE crowd or those who want rewards for 0 effort. These forum sections are rife with whining based on false information predicated on myopia and a high self worth.
A lot of these changes are not good and will not fix the core problems with the current PvP system. More importantly the game is still an unstable fickle piece of junk with problems dating back to the beta. Good thing they keep putting out limited time only 3k crown mounts!
Ridiculous whining about getting "one shot" and refusing to use a skill that prevents it.
I know for a fact that this change will mess up my NB stamina build. If I don't kill someone in like the first few seconds, I am 100% dead.
I am sure a patronizing attitude is the way to convince others of their inferiority on a video game that is played for fun and entertainment.
The magelight thing is great - if you're a caster. It does nothing for my stamina builds, isn't it also ridiculous that I have to give up 20% of my abilities to counter one aspect of gameplay?!
I liked the random red herring fallacy you used about 3k crown mounts, we live in a capitalist system my friend, get with the times, there is nothing wrong with making money - even at the expensive of your gaming balancing concerns - because it creates further incentive to continue updating the game with more content and also, they can do whatever they like because it is their game. <--- You should not reply to this at all because it has no bearing on the original topic, it's just my rant about people complaining how they create crown items and this game is unbalanced. You just have the wrong point of view.
Your belief that players do not know the whole game and are complaining is warranted, which is why Zenimax has repeated stated that it is their goal to push out little changes over time and not randomly break the game by listening to players. I would wait until the actual PTS comes out to make any judgements at this point.
This is my favorite quote. So you are telling me your stamina builds are not for doing damage? This statement really displays your ignorance on game mechanics. Having this spell on at least 1 bar (not 2) will allow you to toggle it before attacking thus activating a 20% damage increase to your next attack. It's called Might of the Guild. This works with anything from heavy attacks to weapon/class skills. This buff is called Empower which happens to stack with Major Savagery (Rally, Crit Surge) and Minor Berserk (Grim Focus, Combat Prayer, etc). Most good players use this on their openers hence the high damage.It does nothing for my stamina builds
If you understood context you would realize that wasn't a red herring. Then again, responses like these are rather par for the course...I liked the random red herring fallacy...
Rune_Relic wrote: »Will this help when I get 5v1'd ?
Not really.
Will this help 1v1'd....yes. Quite a lot.
Gives me time to hit that Q key before I die.
Will this help 5v5..yes. Quite a lot.
Damage down, block down, health up
Any damage that gets through will be reduced and I will have more health to soak it up so the fights should last quite a while.
Will this help lag..no.
As TTK takes longer, people on the field stay alive longer.....piling damage calcs on top of the server player damage mountain.
Without a major lag fix, I fear this will kill of cyrodiil once and for all as lag explodes.
Hopefully they stress test PTS
Magelight is not just for casters. One of the morphs is defensive, pops people out of stealth also reducing all incoming sneak attacks by 50% to you and those near you AND removes the stun. That means an attack that would do 20k now does 10k. So not only do you free up a potion slot, you can't be 1 shot or stunned from sneak attacks. This is my favorite quote. So you are telling me your stamina builds are not for doing damage? This statement really displays your ignorance on game mechanics. Having this spell on at least 1 bar (not 2) will allow you to toggle it before attacking thus activating a 20% damage increase to your next attack. It's called Might of the Guild. This works with anything from heavy attacks to weapon/class skills. This buff is called Empower which happens to stack with Major Savagery (Rally, Crit Surge) and Minor Berserk (Grim Focus, Combat Prayer, etc). Most good players use this on their openers hence the high damage.
Lastly (regarding Radiant Magelight), I never said it was perfect (the game needs work). However whining about sacrificing a skill slot to prevent being one shot is trite and softminded. So many people are willing to sacrifice a weapon slot (something much more serious) for 1 ability (2h-Rally or Resto - Healing Ward) but yet act like the sky is falling when it's advised they add a skill that prevents the one shot.
If you understood context you would realize that wasn't a red herring. Then again, responses like these are rather par for the course...
Before you turn into Captain Cavalier and ride in on your white horse to save the day, it would be wise to know context and history. I have been playing this game for 2 years now. There are several very broken things that have not been fixed. These problems predate the release and have had tons of pages devoted to them with little to no response from ZOS. It is insulting to faithful subscribers when ZOS will release a 25$ mount every month targeted at impulse buyers but yet not fix issues long overdue. In context (I state again), this update is nothing but more piecemeal to placate whiny people who are happy with scraps from the master's table. ZOS will gladly grab up every dollar they can while ignoring the real needs of the community. Eric Wrobel's presentation a few days ago demonstrates the major disconnect between ZOS and the gaming community. They have failed to deliver on everything so far and their lack of transparency only makes things worse.
I and many others would rather see fixes to lag (cyrodiil) and game stability (endless loading screens, falling through content, game crashes, game freezes, guild banks not loading, not being able to attack/weapon swap, etc), rather than have content, trinkets, and other fluff, let alone some half-ass hamfisted balancing attempt.
Before you turn into Captain Cavalier and ride in on your white horse to save the day
You assume I do not know that magelight 'morph' does not cap incoming stealth damage to 50%. You also assume that when I say it does nothing for stamina builds, I mean it does nothing (we know, hell every experienced pvper knows about the incoming damage cap) If you're caster, that's great you get to have over 50% crit at all times AND have incoming damage capped at 50% and survive from stealth attacks, I can see and understand why sorcs are the best tanks in the game atm. It really displays your ignorance.
Here's an idea you seem so opposed to - remove the magelight incoming damage cap and reduce burst in this game. Yes, we stamina users don't like giving up our damage for a gimmicky mechanic that should not exist in the first place. I am not arguing for not using the skill, I am arguing that it should not be a requirement to take the skill in the first place to avoid being one shot. *Should also be noted that to date, I've never seen or heard of a stamina user actually using magelight for this reason*.
You refuse to see other's narratives and points of view, thus you can never change your mind or admit you are wrong - a key aspect of progress in all aspects of our lives, cultures, history, ect. You even failed to understand my argument for that matter and then blamed me for your lack of understanding, which is both hilarious and sad.
And no, it was a red herring, you're just refusing to see it that way because that would include you being wrong. You're demonetization of Zenimax should be seen as a red flag that you begrudge them for not making the game the way YOU want it to be and thus, how can you ever be wrong? Clearly they should make every design decision for your needs and wants, because the world should revolves around you Xael. lol
This is my favorite quote, because it alludes to the fact that you know I have some great points and can actually understand my point of view, perhaps you just refuse to acknowledge it because of that giant ego of yours. Whatever the case, you can have the last word.
timidobserver wrote: »50% damage reduction really isn't that big of a deal when you consider all of the damage you can gain from the champion system, 2 more veteran ranks, whatever new exploits people come up with using the new gear sets, and the fact that it isn't that hard to have enough armor/spell penetration that you will bypass the majority of the average player's armor/spell resistance.