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Hi, I would lIke to know what you think are the pros and cons are of the play styles I list below. These are the ways I'd like to play, so instead of telling me "you shouldn't play a Templar like that" could you just give me an in depth pro/con list and give me tips for these types of builds? Thanks

1. Long range dps (bow) with crowd control/AOE abilities. Some buff and probably 1 or two healing abilities. What I'm trying to do with this build is stay far, do some good AOE damage with my bow, control crowds and have 1 or two healing abilities to help me and others. I would probably run a 5 light armor pieces and two med armor pieces for the magicka passives and since i won't be up in there face a lot i don't need the armor. This is more for like group play and not 1v1, obviously.

2. One hand and shield, more tank-like play style than above, almost all if not all crowd control healing/ buff abilities. I would run 5 pieces medium armor and 2 pieces light armor, more med armor for the stamina and defense over light armor and the two pieces of light armor for magicka passives. I May use two pieces of heavy armor instead of the light armor, I just need to be able to consistently heal others and don't know which I should pick. I need help on that lol.

Also, for my attribute points, everyone gets 62 total at max level, and I was thinking about distributing them like this in magicka: health: stamina 18:26:18 OR 19:24:19
  • Ranique
    The problem with any hybrid build is that the amount of damage skills do depends on the total amount of stamina/magica (depending on what it scales off) you got access too. The same goes for the amount you can heal.

    So you want your healing/dps come from a single pool you have as much max as possible.
    You can use skills that scale of the other, but only for support (e.g. green dragon blood on a DK scales of magica, but is an excellent skill to support your stamina supply).

    So in short it is ok to be a lil bit hybrid, but full hybrid is very uneffective.

    Further, in any build I think the amount of points invested in health should be max 20 points. With most builds it is even better to drop it further (even to zero). The reason again is that any point envested in health is not contributing to your dps/healing.

    survivability has its limitation. You either survive or you don't. As long as you survive you had enough survivability. Together with damage mitigation like blocking, dodging, kiting and healing, you actually dont need a lot of health to survive. DPS (or healing power for healers and blocking power for tanks) can never be high enough. The more the better. So the less points in health while you still can pull it off, the better.
    Through me you pass into the city of woe:
    Through me you pass into eternal pain:
    Through me among the people lost for aye.

    PC player - EU
  • oneshot_onekill
    So what about my build #1 in my op ? What's the point of having a bow and doing class abilities (which draw from two different pools) if you say to focus on one pool? Should I do like a 2:1:2 ratio (magicka:health:stamina) so I'm not a full hybrid? From what your saying a 1:1:1 attribute ratio is worthless. Could you give me a ratio that would help me with my build ideas?

    I'm not saying I want to be exactly equal in everything, but I really want to play a hybrid. I don't mind doing like a 2:1:2 ratio, a 3:1:2 ratio or a 2:1:3 ratio. But I don't want to focus on just one thing.

    I like bows and one hand/shield, so I need SOME form of stamina. All my class abilities use magic, so I need SOME magic.
    The small problem I have is that I like things that use different resources, so I need to manage that, but you are right so I have to give up something or I'll just end up okay at everything.
  • oneshot_onekill
    Shineko wrote: »
    Whenever you level up you will always be met with a decision, what do I spend my Attribute points on? For some, this is quite obvious. A pure mage may only want to spend a lot of time buffing their mana pool with some to their HP, but if you choose a more hybrid route, choosing the wrong points for too long can lead to some problems all across the board.

    Quick notes about HP, Stamina and MP

    Health: Upgrading this increases your survivability all classes should ideally have some points in this but how many depends largely on your playstyle.

    Stamina: Improves the amount of time(s) you have to run, roll/dodge, and use non-staff weapon abilities.

    Magic: Essentially every 'Class' ability will in some manner use Mana. At least most of the time. This increases your mana pool allowing you to spam non weapon abilities.

    NOTE: Your armor choice should also reflect the intentions of your character but is not absolutely necessary. Light Armor has passive buffs for Mana, Medium for Stamina, and Heavy for HP.

    The Golden Rule
    If your focus is on Class Abilities you need Mana. If your focus is on non-staff weapons, you need Stamina. If you need more survivability to deal enough damage to kill things of your level, you need Health or better Armor or both.

    If you find yourself running out of Mana and not Stamina but you use both. You probably need more Mana and vice-versa.

    When it comes to actually allocating your points, I like to think of them in ratios.
    MP : HP : STA

    A pure hybrid class would simply allocate 1:1:1 or 1:2:1. For every 1 or 2 Points of HP, you put 1 in STA and 1 in MP.

    You have 5 Abilities on your cast bar at max and should do some planning and thinking ahead before selecting them. Keep late game in mind as well.

    Salvaging a Mistake!
    Perhaps you put the wrong point in. Perhaps you decide to switch play styles. Mistakes can be costly or they can be nothing at all.

    If you switch from a class that uses pure mana to one that uses nothing but stamina, it's going to hurt. A lot. You will likely need to do an attribute reset, the sooner the better.

    However, if you are switching from something of a 1:3:0 ratio to something more along the lines of 1:2:1 and you aren't an incredibly high level, you can even out the score by spending points on stamina and mana and nothing else. You always get all 3 attributes when you level you just have the choice of making one even better with an attribute point.

    Class Examples
    Pure Tank
    Become nigh unstoppable.
    Recommended Attribute Ratio [MP:HP:STA]: 2:5:1, 1:5:1, or 1:5:2
    • Select a class that has healing or allows healing from damage dealt.
    • Select abilities that largely provide crowd control and sustain at the cost of lower damage output.
    • Prioritize on health but do not let it be the end all. You need mana/stamina for abilities that refund you HP.
    • Heavy armor adds more survivability and is augmented by heavy armor passives. Medium armor is viable but less so and Light Armor will get you killed a lot.

    Pure Mage
    Rend your foes with magics.
    Recommended Attribute Ratio [MP:HP:STA]: 3:5:0, 4:5:0, or 1:1:0
    • Select a class that prioritizes on spell casting.
    • Use any Staff of your choice.
    • Prioritize on a mix between Heatlh and Mana. Only get as much mana as you need. HP becomes more important against strong enemies, esp if you opt for light armor..
    • Light armor augments your mana and mana regen so that you can stay casting in combat longer.
    • Alternatively, Heavy Armor will add health sustain at the cost of mana regen. If you opt for this, expect to spend more attributes on Mana. Medium armor is almost worthless to a stamina-free mage.

    Pure Weapons Master
    Be unparalleled in physical weapon combat.
    Recommended Attribute Ratio [MP:HP:STA]: 0:2:1, 0:4:3, 0:5:4, or 0:1:1
    • The class you choose is largely unimportant as all classes can use all weapons.
    • However, you might opt for an ability or two from your class inside your weapon swap rotation so don't completely ignore it.
    • Prioritize on a mix between Heatlh and Stamina. Only get as much stamina as you need. HP becomes more important against strong enemies.
    • Medium armor is incredibly useful due to the Stamina perks as well as offering moderate protection.
    • Alternatively, Heavy Armor will add health sustain at the cost of stamina regen. If you opt for this, expect to spend more attributes on Stamina. Light armor is almost worthless to a mana-free / low mana user.

    Battle Mage / Spell Sword / Hybrid
    With spell and sword, foes will be torn apart.
    Recommended Attribute Ratio [MP:HP:STA]: 1:4:1, 1:3:1, 1:2:1, or 1:1:1
    • Pick the class you prefer the most. Spell sword is incredibly diverse and most people, inadvertently, are this.
    • Prioritize on a mix between Health, Stamina and Mana. Only get as much stamina and mana as you need. HP becomes more important against strong enemies.
    • Whichever Armor suits your play style. Light = squishy mana, Medium = stamina, Heavy = resilient health

    Pure Healer (for off Healer see Spell Sword or Mage)
    Everyone shut up, I'm trying to heal.
    Recommended Attribute Ratio [MP:HP:STA]: 4:3:0, 4:2:0 (blaze it), 4:1:0, 1:0:0
    • Pick a class that has a healing specialization [such as Templar]
    • Your absolute main priority is going to be Mana. Unlike other classes who rely on killing things, yours is keeping things alive at all times.
    • This is most viable for group PvE and PvP but is terrible at Solo PvE.
    • Light Armor will be very beneficial for the Mana Regen. Heavy armor is a waste of HP Regen. Just augment it with HP Attribute Points.
    • This is one of the only classes that can get away with more Mana than HP. Always have enough HP to survive a burst attack, other than that. You need mana. 4:2:0 works best. 4:1:0 is riskier. 4:3:0 is safer but might result in sub-optimal burst healing.

    Ranique, in this attribute point guide it says almost completely different from what you are telling me. Is this guide outdated because the soft cap has been removed? I'm not saying you are wrong I just want to know what's right
  • Ffastyl
    I ended up with a hybrid Templar build that, counter to hybrid stereotypes, defeats most builds in single-combat. I focused on Stamina with an attribute distribution of 0:40:22 (MP:HP:SP), applying Stamina glyphs to all my armor and focusing on regeneration. It looks like a Stamina build at first glance, and initially it was, but I have 5 Magicka abilities slotted across both bars, classifying me as a hybrid. I use primarily Heavy Armor with one to two pieces of Medium Armor for Stamina management. I am a Breton, so I get a +10% to Max Magicka and +3% Cost Reduction for spells, allowing me to get away with 0 Magicka attribute points.

    But verifying the viability of hybrid builds aside,
    1. Long range dps (bow) with crowd control/AOE abilities. Some buff and probably 1 or two healing abilities. What I'm trying to do with this build is stay far, do some good AOE damage with my bow, control crowds and have 1 or two healing abilities to help me and others. I would probably run a 5 light armor pieces and two med armor pieces for the magicka passives and since i won't be up in there face a lot i don't need the armor. This is more for like group play and not 1v1, obviously.
    No secondary weapon is mentioned here, which will play a big part in bridging your weaknesses or bolstering your strengths. So for now I will assume a double Bow setup.

    This build will be effective and long to medium range, requiring some gap maker for close range encounters. Dodge roll can fulfill this with the Hasty Retreat passive, but using CC such as Magnum Shot or Binding Javelin can work too.

    Bow is lacking in the punch melee weapons offer, simply because it's ranged, not on the fault of the bow. This means you will not score as many kills, however neither Templar nor Bow is lacking in debuffs and CCs. From a range, you can easily debilitate enemies, making them easy kills for your allies (Healing debuff, snares, roots, poison DoTs, knockback, etc.).
    If you truly want to up your damage, focus on the poison morphs of Bow skills.

    Being in 5 Light Armor makes you extremely vulnerable to physical attacks, which includes poison. You will be weak to any melee encounters and fellow archers on the battlefield. The Light Armor and healing spells will identify you as a healer, causing experienced players to target you.
    This is where your defensive abilities become imperative. Without some defense against physical attacks such as a damage shield, you will crumple fast under pressure.

    2. One hand and shield, more tank-like play style than above, almost all if not all crowd control healing/ buff abilities. I would run 5 pieces medium armor and 2 pieces light armor, more med armor for the stamina and defense over light armor and the two pieces of light armor for magicka passives. I May use two pieces of heavy armor instead of the light armor, I just need to be able to consistently heal others and don't know which I should pick. I need help on that lol.

    Medium Armor does have thrice the protection of Light, but it is not on par with Heavy Armor. Medium Armor will stop a fatal blow but it will not allow you to stand in harms way as you please. Like the build above, you will need to be weary of incoming players. You will have to get out of dodge when more than one or two are coming your way. Luckily, Medium Armor offers reduction to roll dodging so you can flee a bit easier.

    I recommend Dual Wield as a secondary, for Quick Cloak combined with Medium Armor's Evasion makes for a reliable escape tool.

    In Medium Armor, it requires a focus on evasion to be tanky. If you have the skill to stay on your toes, your combined offense and defense will make you someone that cannot easily be ignored.

    In the thick of battle I still recommend holding back a bit from the front line until you see an opportunity to charge, such as an exposed flank.

    The best way to improve builds is to duel. 1v1's reveal your shortcomings which would otherwise be covered by the group in larger fights.
    However the best way to invent new builds is on the battlefield, where there are others to cover your newfound weaknesses.

    Hybrids have versatility. They will not be the best at something, but they will be good at everything.
    "My strength is that I have no weaknesses. My weakness is that I have no strengths."
    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

    PC NA
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Ffastyl - Level 50 Templar
    Arturus Amitis - Level 50 Nightblade
    Sulac the Wanderer - Level 50 Dragonknight
    Arcturus Leland - Level 50 Sorcerer
    Azrog rus-Oliphet - Level 50 Templar
    Tienc - Level 50 Warden
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Ashen Willow Knight - Level 50 Templar
    Champion Rank 938

    Check out:
    Old vs New Intro Cinematics

    "My strength is that I have no weaknesses. My weakness is that I have no strengths."
    Member since May 4th, 2014.
  • oneshot_onekill
    Ffastyl wrote: »
    I ended up with a hybrid Templar build that, counter to hybrid stereotypes, defeats most builds in single-combat. I focused on Stamina with an attribute distribution of 0:40:22 (MP:HP:SP), applying Stamina glyphs to all my armor and focusing on regeneration. It looks like a Stamina build at first glance, and initially it was, but I have 5 Magicka abilities slotted across both bars, classifying me as a hybrid. I use primarily Heavy Armor with one to two pieces of Medium Armor for Stamina management. I am a Breton, so I get a +10% to Max Magicka and +3% Cost Reduction for spells, allowing me to get away with 0 Magicka attribute points.

    But verifying the viability of hybrid builds aside,
    1. Long range dps (bow) with crowd control/AOE abilities. Some buff and probably 1 or two healing abilities. What I'm trying to do with this build is stay far, do some good AOE damage with my bow, control crowds and have 1 or two healing abilities to help me and others. I would probably run a 5 light armor pieces and two med armor pieces for the magicka passives and since i won't be up in there face a lot i don't need the armor. This is more for like group play and not 1v1, obviously.
    No secondary weapon is mentioned here, which will play a big part in bridging your weaknesses or bolstering your strengths. So for now I will assume a double Bow setup.

    This build will be effective and long to medium range, requiring some gap maker for close range encounters. Dodge roll can fulfill this with the Hasty Retreat passive, but using CC such as Magnum Shot or Binding Javelin can work too.

    Bow is lacking in the punch melee weapons offer, simply because it's ranged, not on the fault of the bow. This means you will not score as many kills, however neither Templar nor Bow is lacking in debuffs and CCs. From a range, you can easily debilitate enemies, making them easy kills for your allies (Healing debuff, snares, roots, poison DoTs, knockback, etc.).
    If you truly want to up your damage, focus on the poison morphs of Bow skills.

    Being in 5 Light Armor makes you extremely vulnerable to physical attacks, which includes poison. You will be weak to any melee encounters and fellow archers on the battlefield. The Light Armor and healing spells will identify you as a healer, causing experienced players to target you.
    This is where your defensive abilities become imperative. Without some defense against physical attacks such as a damage shield, you will crumple fast under pressure.

    2. One hand and shield, more tank-like play style than above, almost all if not all crowd control healing/ buff abilities. I would run 5 pieces medium armor and 2 pieces light armor, more med armor for the stamina and defense over light armor and the two pieces of light armor for magicka passives. I May use two pieces of heavy armor instead of the light armor, I just need to be able to consistently heal others and don't know which I should pick. I need help on that lol.

    Medium Armor does have thrice the protection of Light, but it is not on par with Heavy Armor. Medium Armor will stop a fatal blow but it will not allow you to stand in harms way as you please. Like the build above, you will need to be weary of incoming players. You will have to get out of dodge when more than one or two are coming your way. Luckily, Medium Armor offers reduction to roll dodging so you can flee a bit easier.

    I recommend Dual Wield as a secondary, for Quick Cloak combined with Medium Armor's Evasion makes for a reliable escape tool.

    In Medium Armor, it requires a focus on evasion to be tanky. If you have the skill to stay on your toes, your combined offense and defense will make you someone that cannot easily be ignored.

    In the thick of battle I still recommend holding back a bit from the front line until you see an opportunity to charge, such as an exposed flank.

    The best way to improve builds is to duel. 1v1's reveal your shortcomings which would otherwise be covered by the group in larger fights.
    However the best way to invent new builds is on the battlefield, where there are others to cover your newfound weaknesses.

    Hybrids have versatility. They will not be the best at something, but they will be good at everything.
    "My strength is that I have no weaknesses. My weakness is that I have no strengths."

    DAMN that is a weird set up haha, 0:40:22? Why so much in stamina, what do you need it for?

    Oh, and the two builds I had were the first weapon slot, and the second weapon slot. I would use bow for my first slot and one hand shield for my second second weapon slot. But making them two different set ups is a good idea too.

    My race is redguard, so I get passives that help stamina and help me get faster experience in one hand shield.

    From what you wrote, if I have a one hand shield as my secondary, putting 5 light armor wouldn't be the best thing would it? Because what's the point of having a shield if I have weak armor, I might as well just focus on evasive skills instead. Or I could keep the one hand shield and do five stamina, two heavy, but then I would need some other means to buff Magick because I need to be efficient with those.

    What attribute ratio would you recommend?
  • Ffastyl
    Considering enchantments play into max resources as well, an attribute ratio is not definitive. I tweaked my resources until the max values were at comfortable levels. The servers are offline now so I cannot provide specific numbers, but I have about 11k Magicka, 17k Stamina, and 21k Health. These maximum values are more important than the attribute distribution.
    I find 11k Magicka paired with my 1k respective regeneration is enough for my needs. Magicka abilities to me are utility, not offense. They buff myself and debuff enemies, with a little healing. My damage comes from Stamina, primarily weapon abilities, so I squeezed out as much Stamina as I could once I found where I was comfortable with the other resources. I also primarily tank in PvE, so Stamina is necessary to block, taunt, and dodge.

    I originally was 7:30:25 and switched to 5:31:26 when I wanted a little more Health and Stamina, and later removed Magicka entirely as Breton racial passives give me all I need.

    My focus is regeneration, with 1.4k Health and Stamina regeneration and my 23k - 32k (unbuffed - buffed) resistances, I do not use big heals.

    The best advice anyone can give you in terms of resource distribution is "Put points into the one you run out of most."

    Light Armor is light armor. If you plan to take hits, it's not the best choice, however a shield provides immense bonuses to blocking. Light Armor tanks are possible, but much harder to create than Medium and Heavy Armor tanks due to the lack of Armor. While all armors have each mitigation option available, they each specialize in their own:
    Light Armor has damage shields
    Medium Armor has evasion
    Heavy Armor has armor

    To be truly tanky you will need to combine multiple or all mitigation options, focusing on the one your primary armor is good at.
    One Hand and Shield also has Low Slash in its arsenal, which reduces the target's outgoing damage by 15%. Making use of this in melee encounters can be imperative to survival.

    Your race is Redguard which gets bonuses to Max Stamina, Stamina Regeneration, and Stamina Regeneration in melee combat. You will likely not need to put as many points into Stamina as your racial passives cover it somewhat. "Somewhat" because only you will know if the Stamina offered by your racial passives is enough for your playstyle.
    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

    PC NA
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Ffastyl - Level 50 Templar
    Arturus Amitis - Level 50 Nightblade
    Sulac the Wanderer - Level 50 Dragonknight
    Arcturus Leland - Level 50 Sorcerer
    Azrog rus-Oliphet - Level 50 Templar
    Tienc - Level 50 Warden
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Ashen Willow Knight - Level 50 Templar
    Champion Rank 938

    Check out:
    Old vs New Intro Cinematics

    "My strength is that I have no weaknesses. My weakness is that I have no strengths."
    Member since May 4th, 2014.
  • oneshot_onekill
    Ffastyl wrote: »
    Considering enchantments play into max resources as well, an attribute ratio is not definitive. I tweaked my resources until the max values were at comfortable levels. The servers are offline now so I cannot provide specific numbers, but I have about 11k Magicka, 17k Stamina, and 21k Health. These maximum values are more important than the attribute distribution.
    I find 11k Magicka paired with my 1k respective regeneration is enough for my needs. Magicka abilities to me are utility, not offense. They buff myself and debuff enemies, with a little healing. My damage comes from Stamina, primarily weapon abilities, so I squeezed out as much Stamina as I could once I found where I was comfortable with the other resources. I also primarily tank in PvE, so Stamina is necessary to block, taunt, and dodge.

    I originally was 7:30:25 and switched to 5:31:26 when I wanted a little more Health and Stamina, and later removed Magicka entirely as Breton racial passives give me all I need.

    My focus is regeneration, with 1.4k Health and Stamina regeneration and my 23k - 32k (unbuffed - buffed) resistances, I do not use big heals.

    The best advice anyone can give you in terms of resource distribution is "Put points into the one you run out of most."

    Light Armor is light armor. If you plan to take hits, it's not the best choice, however a shield provides immense bonuses to blocking. Light Armor tanks are possible, but much harder to create than Medium and Heavy Armor tanks due to the lack of Armor. While all armors have each mitigation option available, they each specialize in their own:
    Light Armor has damage shields
    Medium Armor has evasion
    Heavy Armor has armor

    To be truly tanky you will need to combine multiple or all mitigation options, focusing on the one your primary armor is good at.
    One Hand and Shield also has Low Slash in its arsenal, which reduces the target's outgoing damage by 15%. Making use of this in melee encounters can be imperative to survival.

    Your race is Redguard which gets bonuses to Max Stamina, Stamina Regeneration, and Stamina Regeneration in melee combat. You will likely not need to put as many points into Stamina as your racial passives cover it somewhat. "Somewhat" because only you will know if the Stamina offered by your racial passives is enough for your playstyle.

    Okay I get you. I won't focus so much on distribution, but more in my end result. Now taking those ending attribute numbers into effect, considering my play style, what would YOU do in my position? Since I want my play style to be bow/cc/AOE/heal and tank/ buff/heal/cc I'm thinking I should definitely go 5 medium armor 2 light armor. More stamina armor because most of my main attacks are stamina, the benefit of the stronger medium armor (over light armor) and my medium armor plus my shield will give me enough armor to be a good tank when combined with some evasive maneuvers (which I'll be able to do with all my stamina from my armor, attribute points and racial passives).

    The reason why I would actually put more points into Stamina, is because the more I put, the more damage I do in skills that use stamina right? I know I could put less in stamina because I have racial skills that help, but I feel like I would still put more attribute points because of my main attacks. I know that you can use enchantments to help with resources, but they do not necessarily effect the damage you do with that resource bring used, only attribute points do that right?

    What I still haven't decided on is how much more stamina points I will put, compared to magic and health. I could put less health, but then my secondary weapon play style (one hand shield) won't be too strong. I think I may actually do something like 20:15:27 or 21:13:28, so I get the great damage and heal from the attribute points, and to help make up for my low health focus all my enchantments/jewelry on health, along with my mundus stone. Do you think that's good?

  • Ffastyl
    Now taking those ending attribute numbers into effect, considering my play style, what would YOU do in my position?
    What I would do in your position is to find the right amount of Spell Damage and Max Magicka so the Restoring Light heals are moderate to large in value. I would use the Atronach (for Magicka Regeneration) or Mage (for Max Magicka) or Ritual (for increased healing) Mundus stone if a Magicka aspect is lacking. If not, the Tower (for Max Stamina), Warrior (for Weapon Damage), Lady (for Physical Resistance), or Lord (for Max Health) can bolster your physical endeavors.

    I would try Torug's Pact x4, granting Spell Damage, Max Health, and Weapon Damage in that order. But I could also use Willow's Path x5 for Max Magicka, Spell Critical, Health Regeneration, and +15% to all Regeneration; Hist Bark for Physical Resistance, Health Regeneration, Max Health, and an 18% dodge chance while blocking; or Spectre's Eye for Physical Resistance, Max Magicka, Max Health, and a 20% dodge chance for 3 seconds every time you cast a spell.
    For a secondary set, either Torug's Pact (Spell Damage and Health), Ashen Grip (Health and Weapon Damage), or Oblivion's Foe (Health Regen and Stamina Regen).

    I would likely craft the Light Armor, at least, in Divines, to bolster the Mundus Stone choice. Medium Armor may be Reinforced or Infused, or Divines too.

    I would aim for a minimum of 16k Stamina, 19k Health (24k in Cyrodiil), and 13k Magicka. After seeing how strong abilities are under those minimums, I would raise or transfer stats to where they are needed. Chances are I would end up with even amounts of Stamina and Magicka.

    The One Hand weapon would be Defending, and the Bow either Sharpened or Precise.
    The reason why I would actually put more points into Stamina, is because the more I put, the more damage I do in skills that use stamina right?

    I have heard Attributes points raise some base power along with the Max stat, but not confirmed it.
    I know that you can use enchantments to help with resources, but they do not necessarily effect the damage you do with that resource bring used, only attribute points do that right?

    Max resources attribute roughly 1/10th the amount of Damage stats to abilities. i.e. +10 Max resource ~= +1 Damage.
    So enchantments do affect the damage and healing you deal.
    What I still haven't decided on is how much more stamina points I will put, compared to magic and health. I could put less health, but then my secondary weapon play style (one hand shield) won't be too strong. I think I may actually do something like 20:15:27 or 21:13:28, so I get the great damage and heal from the attribute points, and to help make up for my low health focus all my enchantments/jewelry on health, along with my mundus stone. Do you think that's good?

    You are developing a more specific idea of your build, which is great! When you reach this point in crafting your build, I cannot offer much on what you should do overall. Go out and test it, and I can help you work out the kinks by suggesting ways to cover weaknesses or play on strengths.
    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

    PC NA
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Ffastyl - Level 50 Templar
    Arturus Amitis - Level 50 Nightblade
    Sulac the Wanderer - Level 50 Dragonknight
    Arcturus Leland - Level 50 Sorcerer
    Azrog rus-Oliphet - Level 50 Templar
    Tienc - Level 50 Warden
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Ashen Willow Knight - Level 50 Templar
    Champion Rank 938

    Check out:
    Old vs New Intro Cinematics

    "My strength is that I have no weaknesses. My weakness is that I have no strengths."
    Member since May 4th, 2014.
  • oneshot_onekill
    Thanks for all the help man, I play on Xbox, idk if you play on system or not, doesn't seem like you do, do you have a way I could add you or something? Maybe on here?
  • NotSo
    I built a templar with 1h/shield, attribute points all over, 5 heavy, 1 medium, 1 light, 1 skill from each tree (was trying to maximize my skill ups, you see). . . . . . . . . . . . . .

    Easily steamrolls all pve content. Solo all the cyrodiil delve boses! (At level 10)
    Edited by NotSo on July 6, 2015 2:38PM
    Gar'Sol the Wanderer VR14 Khajiit Sorcerer Spellblade
  • Ffastyl
    I play on the NA PC/Mac megaserver. I have a little over a year's experience with my Templar.

    It doesn't look like there's a friends' list for the forums.
    You can make another thread, post on this one, or message me over the forums when you need more advice.
    "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals and you know it."

    PC NA
    Daggerfall Covenant

    Ffastyl - Level 50 Templar
    Arturus Amitis - Level 50 Nightblade
    Sulac the Wanderer - Level 50 Dragonknight
    Arcturus Leland - Level 50 Sorcerer
    Azrog rus-Oliphet - Level 50 Templar
    Tienc - Level 50 Warden
    Aldmeri Dominion
    Ashen Willow Knight - Level 50 Templar
    Champion Rank 938

    Check out:
    Old vs New Intro Cinematics

    "My strength is that I have no weaknesses. My weakness is that I have no strengths."
    Member since May 4th, 2014.
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