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The Bloodbourne [Vampire Guild] [Xbox One] [North America] [Ebonheart Pact]

Attention: I have disbanded the Bloodbourne for a time being. I have had so many requests to join that I only have two vampires and over 100 members that want to be bit, so I disbanded it. I will be remaking it, but it will be a lengthy process on my side. Once I remake it I will update this post once more, but until then all I can do is apologize for the inconvenience.
Edited by Brostapo on June 27, 2015 4:24AM
  • ZOS_Ann
    We moved this to a more appropriate section of the forums for Guild Recruitment. Thank you!
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Moderation Team - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Brostapo
    ZOS_Ann wrote: »
    We moved this to a more appropriate section of the forums for Guild Recruitment. Thank you!

    [Thumbs Up]
  • lillrabbit
    Soul Shriven
    Hello. Can i get an invite to ur guild please. Gt : lill rabbit. Thanks
  • Kavatchian
    Being a level 8 Mage its hard to find someone who will bite me lol
    North America | Xbox One | Prince of Evil
    -Necromancer | High Elf MagSorc
    Kavatchian | High Elf MagDK
    Xavier Vivicus | Breton Magblade
    J'zah the Khajiit | Stamblade
    -Blu | Argonian Healer
  • Brostapo
    Kavatchian wrote: »
    Being a level 8 Mage its hard to find someone who will bite me lol

  • madHatterZ
    Would love to join gt darkpunisher420
  • googleyomomma
    Soul Shriven
    GT: www Google ca Pls invite
  • Brostapo
    Kavatchian wrote: »
    Being a level 8 Mage its hard to find someone who will bite me lol

    What are the odds...your gamertag is in your signature... xD I'll invite you all shortly.
  • Recon737
    Soul Shriven
    Would like to join. GT: Recon737
  • Brostapo
    Recon737 wrote: »
    Would like to join. GT: Recon737

    I will add you shortly.

    Also, we have had a lot of people join who are looking for a bite, and only two (that I am aware of) are vampires, but cannot bite yet. With that being said there will be a wait for a bite, but please be patient. It will all be okay in due time.
  • alifemase
    Soul Shriven
    I would like to join also, I'm not a vampire tho and would like to become one. GT FadeD Intruzion
  • Solicus
    Soul Shriven
    Interested in joining for active guild and bite
  • ProofRaincloud1
    Soul Shriven
    What alliance and mega server?
  • ToonOnDeck
    Soul Shriven
    I'm looking to join and become a vampire add me Toon On Deck
  • ToonOnDeck
    Soul Shriven
    I would like to join and become a vampire
    GT Toon On Deck
  • MrScratch0115
    Soul Shriven
    I'd like a invite too. My GT is MrScratch0115
    Edited by MrScratch0115 on June 25, 2015 12:58AM
    Soul Shriven
    I would like to join, I am currently a guild officer as well for PRINCES OF HELL so I can help with recruiting if needed. My gamertag is the same as my handle here. SINxSLOTH7. Also I am on the American server.
  • Sakriem
    Hello, i would like to join your guild. My Gametag is Sakriem ! Can't wait to join you guys ;)
  • Trillfam
    Soul Shriven
    Hello I'm in aldmeri dominion... Looking for a bite for my second char.. I'll have a free werewolf bite Saturday if anyone wants but I'm been looking for days willing to offer a nice penny
    Because nobody would sell.. If anyone can help me Id appreciate it majorly !!

    SvG Makaveli - gt
  • its_Th3_H1tman
    Soul Shriven
    Hey i would like to join your guild could i get an invite. Thanks! My ganertag is ' its_Th3_H1tman'
  • mwsmith82
    Soul Shriven
    Id like to join, gamertag: nw dab king
  • Brostapo
    Alright, everyone listen closely.
    The Bloodbourne is going to be disbanded in about an hour, but do not worry, they will be coming back. I realized I cannot run a guild of 100+ members who are looking for a bite while I cannot deliver. So, myself along with two other vampires are going to remake Bloodbourne and make sure we have our bites again, invite a few more people, bite them, repeat and in due time we'll have enough people that can bite to make sure this guild goes smoothly. I am writing down all of your gamertags and when the time comes I will reinvite you all. Thank you, and I will talk you all soon.
  • munchyz19
    Soul Shriven
    Level 32 khajiit that wants to be dedicated to a strong guild. I play all the time. Also want to become a vampire. Figured I'd kill two birds with one stone! Send Munchyz an invite!!
  • BoomerSooner08
    Soul Shriven
    I would like to become a vampire and join your guild. im a level 31 high elf.
    my gamertag is C eastwood450. Message me please!
  • Rudeboy420
    Soul Shriven
    I could help spread bite just need to b bitten
    GT : rastathelion ebonheart n.a.server. vr4
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