ESO Live July 2nd - Questions for Lead Combat Designer Eric Wrobel

  • timidobserver
    Some really underwhelming Templar skills or morphs are Crescent Sweep, Healing Ritual, Radiant Aura, Piercing Javelin, Solar Flare, and the healing ultimate. Do you have any plans to replace or improve any of these skills?
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • allyoudpsesarebad
    any word on text chat and or combat log for consoles?
  • Cuyler
    1. What's up with the occasional skill bar lockout?

    Where in the middle of battle for whatever reason the bar shades out and skills can't be used. It usually requires a esc,esc or in and out of inventory or dodge roll or run or some other weird real-time workaround to get the bar to become active again. Are you guys aware of this issue? is they're a plan for a fix?

    2. Will there be a new trial planned for the release of Imperial City where we get to see any exciting new boss mechanics?
    This kind of goes along with, any new items, sets, skills associated with the IC release.

    3. Is there any plans to balance AoE skills between classes such as when you compare the nerfed 6m radius of impulse to the 12m radius of steel tornado?

    4. Are there any plans to buff 2h staff spell damage to be on par with Dual Wield. Currently it's possible to get more spell damage from using two daggers and 2h swords than a staff.
    Edited by Cuyler on July 1, 2015 8:43PM
    Guild: STACK n BURN (gm) PC - NA
    CP 810 18 Maxed Characters:
    "How hard can u guar?" - Rafishul[/spoiler]
  • WillhelmBlack
    Why is my Templar with Total Dark equipped being targeted the most at resources? As soon as I break free it's casted on me again and again. When the spell is active on me (they use the Unstable Core morph) I cannot use skills or weapon swap.

    Also, if I'm channeling Radiant Oppression on one of the guards and Unstable Core is casted on me after I've already started channelling then it's instant death. It's hardly fair that it can be casted on you half way through and receive the full damage bonus of the low health guard even when you have a full health bar.

    Is this intentional or is it a bug?

    Edited by WillhelmBlack on July 1, 2015 8:54PM
    PC EU
  • Armitas
    Regarding PvP...The core issues, resulting in the fleeting TTL and class/non-class imbalances, have been given a significant amount of time to fully manifest themselves in cyrodiil. From the core non-class imbalances to specific class imbalances what things have you identified as imbalanced and how do you intend to correct them?
    Edited by Armitas on July 1, 2015 8:48PM
    Nord mDK
  • shugg

    What are the plans to re do skills which have no worth or dont fell like they fit with the class such as prolonged suffering in the NB tree, damage not effecting bosses, this seems a very disappointing skill - also the spectral bow is the only skill that has a ramp up time and not a proc wich again just dosnt feel right.

    Each class seems to have skills which are over looked as there pointless, the idea of play how you want seems a bit of an illusion due to some skills.

  • doncayennehh
    Soul Shriven
    Any plans to add an app or web portal to view characters/skills/gear/inventory/action bars from outside of the game?
  • doncayennehh
    Soul Shriven
    Will there be something like a test your fighting skill against a friend option? Friendly duel?
  • Flaminir
    In terms of elemental damage everything in the game is mostly centered around fire damage.... The effects for frost & shock are weak by comparison & there is no depth to effects, passives, sets, racial bonuses in the same way that fire damage is supported.

    Q1. Are there any plans to expand on frost / shock damage in any way?

    Q2. Shock is to Sorc, what Fire is to DK... but DK's have races with 7% fire damage increase, and sets such as 'silks of the sun' specifically to aid their to aid their already top of the tree DPS........ are there any plans to either A: tweak a racial passive to have a comparable DPS increase for shock damage... and B: create any comparable sets to silks of the sun/Valkyns, but for shock damage? EG: 'Silk of the storm'?
    Edited by Flaminir on July 2, 2015 12:38AM
    GM of the Unholy Legacy
    Sorcerer Flaminir (Magicka) / Staminir (Stamina)
    Templar Elixiia (Magicka/Healer) / Lotti Velooni (Magicka)
    DragonKnight Xalora Flaminar (Tank) / Unholy-Dragon-Toad (Tank)
    Nightblade Aimee Owlious (Magicka) / Myttens (Stamina)
    Warden: Frosti-Tute (Magicka/Healer) Boops-Many-Snoots (Stamina/Tank)
  • MisterBigglesworth
    I only have one question, but I cannot properly formulate it into words. It basically goes a bit something like this:

    Really we do it without like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical: the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth. Right? The brain, more important than the mouth, is the brain. The brain is much more important.
  • Korozenn
    This Thursday, July 2nd, we'll have Lead Combat Eric Wrobel on ESO Live to talk about combat and itemization improvements and fixes coming in our next major game update. If you have a question for Eric about skill lines, item sets, traits, passives, anything related to combat and itemization, post it here! We'll pick a handful of your questions for him to answer live on the show.

    Really like the improvements made to FOV in both first-person and third-person since my last adventure through Tamriel! :)

    My question is: are there any other future adjustments planned for either perspective view? For instance, in first-person, it's a common issue shared with people that melee weapons (especially two-handed weapons) and animations for some spells obscure too much of the screen.

    Also, how has the progress been with Spellcrafting? Will it be an actual profession and have its own skill line?
  • SOLDIER_1stClass
    1. Is spell crafting still coming or has it been dropped?

    2. And if spell crafting is coming are bound weapons going to be apart of it?

    3. Is there any consideration to returning to soft caps? Personally, I believe ESO would benefit from its return.
  • PeggymoeXD
    Please elaborate on the "crumpled arena flyer" from the loremaster's archive. Does this mean instanced PvP upon the release of the Imperial City?!?!?!
    Kitty DK

    Sun's Death

    - Peggy Moe - Look Mom No Emp Buff - Chalman - Linda the Zookeeper -
  • Joy_Division
    Lettigall wrote: »
    When templar skills finally be fixed? Focused Charge with infamous GCD, Puncturing strikes who buff enemy with CC immunity currently are marked as "working as intended," when you will take a look on them again?

    You may be encountering latency, because I am able to use explosive charge on my templar and immediately partial heavy weave and aoe.

    Will you stop saying this? Every other Templar has this experience:
  • Joy_Division
    I have a few:

    1. What is the reasoning for the intended mechanic that has the Templar Focused charge ability and its morphs having an additional global cooldown whereas the other gap-closers in the game such as shielded charge do not? I am having difficulty reconciling why a Dragonknight can use the invasion skill and immediately do additional damage to a stunned target whereas a Templar would not be able to do the same thing using its class ability.

    2. The adjustments made to the Wall of Elements skill in 1.6 were too drastic and have rendered the skill uncompetitive as the damage is too low and walls overlap/cancel each other out. Are there any plans on revisiting this and other "misses" from 1.6?

    3. Why do both Templar heals (Rushed Cermony and Healing Ritual) have cast times associated with them? Isn't this redundant? If the reason for the cast time for rushed ceremony is "we’re ok with the fact that part of the skill of using this ability effectively is being able to anticipate damage," why are Dragonknights with their powerful ability Green Dragon Blood or Restoration Staff users with their 15,000+ "bubble" heal not similarly required to use the same level of skill?

    4. Even most non-templars agree that Puncturing Strikes handing an opponent CC immunity, a very powerful combat state, for a slight knock-back is inconsistent and unsatisfactory. Are there any changes planned for this skill?

    5. Can you comment on "perma-dodgerolling"? Spamming dodge-roll is already very strong and will get stronger as counters against it such as whip and concealed weapon will no longer be possible.

    6. Regarding itemization, are we just getting new gear or is the 90% gear presently in ESO that is undesirable and uncompetitive getting re-balanced?
    Edited by Joy_Division on July 2, 2015 6:39AM
  • Cinbri
    When will we get the List of new 5 set bonuses of sets?
  • Aeradon
    One of the fun parts of the game which I love is watching my skill progress and eventually be morphed into something better, this is experience is no longer possible once all skills are morphed and maxed out in VR. Can we expect to see a second morph? Or will those skills just stay stagnant at morphed IV despite us repetitively using them in VR?

    This kind of breaks immersion as players were given the thought that their character skills grow as they use them.
    People keep telling me they're gonna buy me an ale. They never do.

    There are only two things I can't stand in this world. People who are intolerant of other people's culture. And the Elves.

    Help make this compilation complete!
    Compilation of Ideas and Suggestions
  • SirCritical
    Dueling: when, where and how?
    Cross-faction PvE content?
    Guild PvE missions?
    World boss-difficulty increase?
  • SantieClaws
    This one wonders if you might at some point consider a racial passive that boosts a non combat skill?

    For example this one thinks maybe a khajiit (this khajiit perhaps) might be better at fishing than an orc and maybe an orc might make a better smith than this khajiit with her oh so delicate claws.

    Bretons might have a natural aptitude for enchanting perhaps?

    This one is not so sure if the Bosmer make good cooks. She has never been brave enough to go to dinner in Grahtwood.

    Yours with paws

    Santie Claws
    Shunrr's Skooma Oasis - The Movie. A housing video like no other ...
    Find it here -

    Clan Claws - now recruiting khajiit and like minded others for parties, fishing and other khajiit stuff. Contact this one for an invite.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • Xantaria
    Will you finally see how bad the decision was to bring CP into the game and when you got to that point will you do something about it?
    Xantaria - Lead of Chimaira
    Hardcore Progress PvE Player - Livestream - Youtube

    World First Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    World First Tick-Tock Tormentor

    Proud Member of the Council of Exploiters.
  • MornaBaine
    Bobcat wrote: »

    As a roleplayer and fan of the Elder Scrolls, I must confess I feel strongly disappointed whenever I find myself facing a locked door after having completed one of the quests in the game. Let me explain.

    We can find several types of environment in the game: public dungeons, group dungeons, taverns, houses, outdoor zones, countless ruins, not to mention a few planes of Oblivion and so on and so forth.

    Being a roleplayer (that is, a player who practices roleplay, or RP), as I mentioned above, I love to go out exploring in roleplay after I have completed the quests, so that I am not bothered by phasing and I can just follow my own imagination rather than being constrained by the quests and the gameplay (there is a huge difference between “roleplay” and “gameplay”, but that’s a whole different debate).

    I also happen to be the Game Master of an RP guild which organizes roleplay based on adventure and exploration (in a sort of Indiana Jones style, but adapted to the Elder Scrolls universe). In order to do that, I need to have access to locations I can use to create roleplay events.

    At the moment, the best location I have found in the Aldmeri Dominion (which is where I play), is a Khajiti ruin in Khenarthi’s Roost. It’s an absolutely ideal environment for adventure RP, because there are no enemy NPCs. As a result, one can easily play with emotes using /e and /s (traditional roleplayers like me use the chat channels more than their gameplay skills), and it’s pure heaven! Narrative emotes flow in abundance, as do player reactions, and not a single time are we bothered by the spawning and re-spawning of hostile NPCs coming to spoil our fun and to interrupt the impetus of our writing.

    Throughout the rest of the game, there are numerous areas which could be like that. Areas with a gameplay quest to be completed, which unfortunately become inaccessible after said quest has been completed.

    These areas hold no interest whatsoever for PvE players, and much less of course for PvP players, but they could represent so much for RPers! They could give them so many possibilities! I don’t think it should be too difficult to reprogram these zones to be unlocked once their quests are completed and the area has been cleared of all mobs. And it’s a much more modest request than, for example, the one of introducing a PvP campaign tagged [RP].

    All it takes is to unlock these areas in order to allow roleplayers like me to return there and to enjoy the game through this very immersive and often too criticized form of gaming that is roleplay.

    Of course we are not as numerous as PvE or PvP players. We are a very modest community compared to these two other types of players which constitute the “priority” for the developers of a videogame. But we also would like for our opinions to be taken in due consideration.

    I am not asking for a new high-level PvE zone, I am not asking for a more challenging PvP, I am only asking to unlock certain locations which are currently locked in-game in order to peacefully conduct our roleplay there, with fun and good humor.

    This is a translation from that original thread in french : Ouvrir les zones verrouillés post-quête made by Feynn after me in the TESO-RP forum Community. Here the thread : Open "one-used" areas

    This is a HUGE issue/want with roleplayers! I've started a couple of threads on this topic and even written to customer support only to be met with, "There are no plans to open these areas." Once again showing me that ZOS has zero interest in their roleplaying fan base.

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • Farsh
    Several champion point skills don't seem to be working or atleast not as intended, can you tell us which cp skills are currently confirmed to be not working.

    If you don't know all champion point skills by heart (shame on you) could you atleast clarify if spell erosion (increased spell penetration) and elfborn (increased spell critical damage) from the apprentice tree are working properly.

  • Xantaria
    Farsh wrote: »
    Several champion point skills don't seem to be working or atleast not as intended, can you tell us which cp skills are currently confirmed to be not working.

    If you don't know all champion point skills by heart (shame on you) could you atleast clarify if spell erosion (increased spell penetration) and elfborn (increased spell critical damage) from the apprentice tree are working properly.

    And last stand ...
    Xantaria - Lead of Chimaira
    Hardcore Progress PvE Player - Livestream - Youtube

    World First Dro-m'Athra Destroyer
    World First Tick-Tock Tormentor

    Proud Member of the Council of Exploiters.
  • Aetherderius
    I myself am in that player area between casual and hardcore, but when compared to other players of my general level, I am severely lacking in overall performance. I find that to be due to my casual/hardcore playability.

    My questions are as follows.

    Would it be worth creating a series of WEAKER endgame content, such as Occasionally Daunted or Craplorn? I mean, I go to run these Keys and Trials and I suck because I haven't invested all of my free time and abilities into honing an incredibly specific build. This is still an RPG, technically, but the Undaunted dailies and pretty much all of Craglorn do away with the good old bits of Elder Scrolls. (in MY opinion)

    There is a lack of player-creativity with these 4 classes. Are there any plans for more classes? There would be so much more playability with a Hunter class, a Necromancer class, even a generic Mage that doesn't summon Daedra or Lightning Bolt the hell out of everything.

    That's all I have to say for now.
  • Khenarthi
    Would it be worth creating a series of WEAKER endgame content, such as Occasionally Daunted or Craplorn? I mean, I go to run these Keys and Trials and I suck because I haven't invested all of my free time and abilities into honing an incredibly specific build. This is still an RPG, technically, but the Undaunted dailies and pretty much all of Craglorn do away with the good old bits of Elder Scrolls.

    Oooh I would love this... I shy away from vet dungeons and Craglorn because most groups want to run through content trying to get the most XP per hour, or skip the dialogue as much as possible, however both my characters and preferred gameplay are not time- and damage-efficient at all. I would just hold the group back.

    I would not even mind not getting XP or loot, just to be able to enjoy the story.
  • Darkonis
    Soul Shriven
    Question for Eric Wrobel: I play an archer or ranger type of role. The graphical effects of the bow and arrow skills seems to pale in comparison to mage abilities. You get all these flashy effects when you watch a mage fight a mob, but most of my moves consist of straight, white lines. I.E. I was so excited to get the "Snipe" ability and expected something of a charged up super shot of a skill, but was disappointed with a simple, arced straight line. Even the archery in Oblivion looked better. I could actually SEE the arrow. Speaking of arcs, the arrow seems to arc WAY to soon when shooting the bow regularly, as if it has no power behind it. At the very least, have the arc lesson becoming more of a straight and direct shot as you skill up your bow. Mine is lv 50 and there is no reason why i should be shooting the same wimpy looking shot at skill lv cap. I say this holds true for every melee weapon effect as I'm seeing the same lackluster effects now that I've started dual wielding, but i can go to a low level zone and see a lv 5 mage flashing lightning bolts fresh out of the tutorial like the God of Thunder. =)
  • Slonekb05
    First off i do like this game very much, so it sucks there are such glaring problems. The way the game is now, LV 1-50 feels like a single player game with other players running around in it getting in your way. Either increase in the difficulty so other players are a welcomed site, or give us instance delvs/dungeons.

    1. PVE difficulty .
    This is a huge issue, while the story is good, the combat is no challenge at all, you should not be able to kill 3-4NPC's as a time that are 4-5 LV's higher than you. There is no reason to have to make tactical choices based on if your playing solo or in duo/group. You can slap any skills together with any base equipment and be a god. Either a change needs to be made to the overall difficulty or you need to be able to choose an option to level scale quests/dungeons/increase difficultly(this will allow players to customize there experience and make lower zones/quests worth while) (There is the occasional good fight, which is what i would love to see a lot more of)

    2. Adding Instance dungeons.
    Yes this is an MMO and you expect to see playing roaming the world. But what ends up happening is you walk into a random dungeon and are met with 4 players already inside who have cleared the enemy's and boss away. I cant tell you how often i am in a duo with my brother and i say this phrase" Lets give it 3-4min, 4players just ran through" My suggestion is add an option that each dungeon (All Dungeons) that requires you to zone, Can be played Public (default) or in a Instance (solo/group). When You go to zone in it should prompt you with a choice.

    Any chance of adding these option in future updates? Thank you for the read.
    Edited by Slonekb05 on July 2, 2015 4:25PM
  • Vynist
    When is ESO Live today?
  • timidobserver
    Are there any changes to armor and spell penetration?
    V16 Uriel Stormblessed EP Magicka Templar(main)
    V16 Derelict Vagabond EP Stamina DK
    V16 Redacted Ep Stam Sorc
    V16 Insolent EP Magicka Sorc(retired)
    V16 Jed I Nyte EP Stamina NB(retired)

  • ZOS_JessicaFolsom
    Community Manager
    Thanks for all the questions, everyone. We're closing this thread now, as we're just a few hours away from show-time. We won't be able to get to all of them, but we will be answering some during today's ESO Live show at 4PM EDT.
    Edited by ZOS_JessicaFolsom on July 2, 2015 4:28PM
    Jessica Folsom
    Associate Director of Community - ZeniMax Online Studios
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