In game use of Gamer Tags should not be used, Character names only.

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I play anonymous online, my friends know what my toon names are, we chat and the like, some may even know my gamer tag name. In the big wide world of things, in an online game if I want somebody to know my Gamer Tag I'll tell them what it is. Otherwise they only know me by my Toons name, this is how it should be. Not as it is at the moment where hanging above every bodies Toon is their Gamer Tag, personally this opens a whole can of annoyance, as some people will contact a gamer via their Gamer Tag for the wrong reasons. Keep it anonymous use Toon names in game, not Gamer Tag names. Vote YES to Toon names only.
Edited by Kissmeplz on June 30, 2015 11:56AM

In game use of Gamer Tags should not be used, Character names only. 90 votes

Toon Names only seen in game, not a persons Gamer Tag
75% 68 votes
I don't care I like stalking Gamers using their Gamer Tags
24% 22 votes
  • Tors
    Not sure the poll options are that valid.

    But I agree it should be anonymouse
    Better late Than Pregnant....
    The shadow cabinet, a group of people who pretend to have jobs they do not actually have

    EU PC - Azura's Star
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  • Mr_Durva
    Won't solve anything because of being able to interact with them and view gamercard....pointless thread
  • Seafoam_hydra
    Edited by Seafoam_hydra on June 14, 2023 3:31AM
  • HK47_Raiden
    Defiance had both character and gamertag above/below each other aswell as a title. Aldo just the other day I was trying to reroll a character and was told I couldn't have the name because someone else had it, but what should that matter if gamertags/psn are plastered everywhere?
  • deathice666
    What's the point of having a toon name in the game and not being able to have one someone else has when you don't even use them?
  • HK47_Raiden
    Exactly, also from as far as I can tell toon name shows up only on crafted items but then there is no point as you couldn't just message the toon to get a new item crafted as you can only send mail to gamertags not toons. It's silly...
  • J2JMC
    Mr_Durva wrote: »
    Won't solve anything because of being able to interact with them and view gamercard....pointless thread

    1. This^. To be more clear, having an in-game name does not solve your specific problem. So if this is the only reason you want an in-game name you are wasting your time.

    2. Most online multiplayer games on console use a gamertag as opposed to an in game name.

    I have to imagine you don't play many console games online or with leaderboards if you find this to be an issue.

    Also, I voted no because that choice is hilarious.
    Knee Jerk, L2P, Obtuse, Casual, Entitled, All The Best, unnecessary mention of CoD

    Battle leveling for pve content defeats the idea of progression. Remove CP

    "Apparently the players are more informed than we are"-Richard Lambert

  • Merkabeh
    I support using character names, but won't vote in this poll...
    Crusader of The Knights of the Alessian Order

    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!" - Sallington

  • cabbagechest
    Mine mostly match, so I don't really have a dog in this fight. I can see how trying to chat with GroinBlaster420 might wreck immersion for some, though.
  • HK47_Raiden
    @J2JMC MMOs on any platform uses in game names, you didn't see people running around on FFXI on 360 or PS3 with their gamertag or psn on full show. Defiance showed gamertags under their character name, I'm not suggesting what the OP was saying that gamertags/psn shouldn't be shown at all but atleast show the name when you look at someone as the primary information THEN show the gamertag underneath that in a smaller font like titles.
  • Keep_Door

    lol op wants to ERP as a chick lol and cant cause his gamertag is to manly
  • Sausage
    Indeed, Ive started to get some hate posts to my PS account, due to VR14 gank machine.
  • CriD
    I like character names, but regardless even if we use them they will still be able to view your gamertag and profile at least on Xbox. Every game you play people can "stalk" you. They can also do it on the internet. Don't understand by what you mean by "playing anonymous", but if your scared to be online to the point you think people are stalking you as you play....dont be online. Or simply suck it up, interact with the players profile, and block them.

    OMG soooooooo hard to protect yourself from trolls. These types of threads are what makes me lose faith in this community.
  • lsneakl
    Time to sell that Xbox or PS4 because I will always be able to see who I have recently played with/against. Do you play any games on either of these systems?

    In the end GamerTag is hardly an identify of who you are.... Let me guess your gamertag is your real name and social security number? If not I don't see why having Victory17 showing up is going to put your privacy at risk.

    More important I am suspicious of people trying to completely hide their gamertags so that people are unable to report players for bad behavior. In the end use gamertags on the system and don't use them as logins or identifiers anywhere else if you are worried that way when someone searches it they only get your gamer information of what you have played.
  • Pman85
    I am against character names. This game already has a disconnect between in game friends and xbl friends. The more you take away from the normal, add and i will add you to my f list that is the foundation of the consoles, the worse it will be. Gaming isnt about just this game. It is about making friends that you enjoy playing with for the many games to come.
    Guildmaster - Order of Stendarr [XB1] - Apply today!

    Brought to you by Fishy Joe's....Ride the walrus!

  • J2JMC
    @HK47_Raiden I'm fine with them showing character names over gamertags. I thought that was the whole purpose of creating one. My point was, if OP thinks his problem mentioned in this thread will be solved by such a change he is mistaken.
    Knee Jerk, L2P, Obtuse, Casual, Entitled, All The Best, unnecessary mention of CoD

    Battle leveling for pve content defeats the idea of progression. Remove CP

    "Apparently the players are more informed than we are"-Richard Lambert

  • UltimaJoe777
    Game needs to display account name because of factors such as guild membership by account name. 'nuff said.

    If you still don't like it then make your account and character names identical. Problem solved.
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
  • Merkabeh
    Game needs to display account name because of factors such as guild membership by account name. 'nuff said.

    If you still don't like it then make your account and character names identical. Problem solved.

    Okay, we'll just make all of our character names the exact same (because we should just use our PSN ID). Or wait, we'll just change our IDs to make it fit with ESO, when we use these IDs in many other games, not ESO related.

    Great ideas guy! You obviously really thought this through.
    Crusader of The Knights of the Alessian Order

    Anything useful that players are wanting added into the game all fall under the category of "Yer ruinin my 'mersion!" - Sallington

  • UltimaJoe777
    Merkabeh wrote: »

    Okay, we'll just make all of our character names the exact same (because we should just use our PSN ID). Or wait, we'll just change our IDs to make it fit with ESO, when we use these IDs in many other games, not ESO related.

    Great ideas guy! You obviously really thought this through.

    Well you can either spend time complaining about the ideas we throw your way since you were complaining to begin with or you could always just, you know, not give a damn and just play the game?
    Guildmaster of Power With Numbers in PS4 NA Server's Aldmeri Dominion.
    Proud Founder of the Yaysay cult! DOWN WITH THE NAYSAY CULT!! #ToxicRemedy
  • dabulls7491
    Its easier to message with psn as oppossed to the ingame mail, so I prefer psn names
  • Voodism
    ZOS already stated that because of Xbox Live policies, it's hard to implement this correctly.

    We could see in the future character name and something like gamertag in smaller font size below, but don't expect character name only.

    Or just remove the GT... And don`t tell M$ anything.

    Its not like this is M$s game. I pay stupid amounts of money to xbox for no reason... the least they can do is mind their own business. :cold_sweat:

  • duncanmacleod08
    Soul Shriven
    actually a good compromise would be to do what never-winter did have charactername@gtag as the handle for rosters and mailing purposes and while in groups/or targeted show character name while not the best solution to the gamertag display problem it would at least put characters names at the fore front
    Edited by duncanmacleod08 on June 30, 2015 5:40PM
  • Kissmeplz
    Some of the comments are a giggle, but yes this is my first online console game. Though not my first mmo. Did not know why the use of gamer tags for things like guilds, though this makes sense. As to friends well in an mmo some people are pretty much exclusively friends to that mmo not so much to other games. My gamer tag is anonymous anyways, but for me its a matter of multiple toons often recognized for different roles in the game.

    So on this note I would totally agree that a players Gamer Tag be a part of their toon, but the Toons actual name should be the most visible identifier. Mind you add in a Title, Guild Title, Guild name and so on that is al ot going on above a Toons head.
  • rb2001
    Ab. So. Lute. Ly.
  • rb2001
    Gamertags are to an RP world what cigarettes are to lungs.
  • KatzMainTank

    It should be an option.
    EP - V12 - Crafter
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    PSN: KMT_Drahc
    Left Eye Gang dueling guild recruiter, join us!
  • Sythias
    Apparently this is due to a requirement from Microsoft and maybe Sony.

    Gamertags have to take priority in terms of interacting with other players. This is to provide a consistent atmosphere with all console games. Don't think its in ZOS's purview tbh.
    Sythias Blackhand - Imperial Nightblade - Trueflame NA DC
    Elder Skills PVP Captain
  • Thunder
    Kissmeplz wrote: »
    Vote YES to Toon names only.

    I can't vote in your poll because your poll isn't valid as you couldn't see fit to keep your opinion out of the opposing choice. Seeing the gamer tag of your friends has nothing to do with stalking them, you sound a little paranoid. The devs decided the convenience of using the gamertag so that friends could see whenever each other was on despite the name of the character outweighed any petty privacy concerns about hiding from your friends in a video game.

    If you've got a friend that wants to play with your more than you want to play with them, just tell them you are busy with something and can't play right now. If they continue to stalk you with their friendship, unfriend them.
    Edited by Thunder on July 1, 2015 6:03PM
  • Milktray
    I bet some ppl are rethinking their GT's nowadays lol
    ZoS please understand everyone thinks and pronounces things differently, so please add to your 'rules' that things get removed if the Mod doesn't actually quite understand phrasing
  • UTG_Zilla
    I think you're the only person that thinks that is stalking.

    The only thing comparable to stalkers in console eso is the breathers. People who their mics but don't talk, just deep breathe. Excuse me but no, I don't want to hear how labored your breathes are, if you're not gonna say anything here's a novel idea, notice the on/off button on mic? Yea use that.

    Back to topic tho, it's not eso choice as it is against the Xbox ToS. Furthermore, how would this change anything? If you're gonna add them as friends do you add their in gamertag or eso name? And idk about you but I really don't really don't see how not seeing in game names is a game changer for you.
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