Maintenance for the week of June 3:
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Who Are You?

I didn't put much thought into it until recently. Been playing since (console) release and I think I've decided to give my character a role/purpose.
Came up with a little something to give him more weight.

Trevon Isran always dreamed of seeing the edges of Tamriel.
Raised in a family of Redguard Mages, Trevon became an adept within the realm of magic. He would use his nearly infinite powers as parlor tricks to turn a quick coin. Once he earned his first gold, he became obsessed with wanting more. Trevon knew with coin, came power and he quickly tried trick after trick until he grew tired of being a performer. It was then that Trevon would turn to a life of crime and join the ranks of the Thieves Guild and Outlaws.

He soon got caught up in the wrong business and ended up a Soul Shriven under the thrall of Molag Bal. With the help of folks from the Ebonheart Pact, he escaped and is now free---back in the realm of Tamriel. Reluctant to help any further with this "save the world" plot, he joins forces with The Prophet and others within the ranks as he sees it as an opportunity to gain more gold.

Yadda, Yadda. That's all I have for now---just spit that out.
So basically, he's willing to help anyone for a price but he's generally a good guy at heart---since he's a healer.
He also has an obsession with becoming a Werewolf ever since he saw one rip a Hagraven in half.

ANYWAY. What are you guys playing as? Who are you and what's your story?
  • newtinmpls
    I know way too much about all of my characters.

    Um... earlier tonight I was playing Broken Branch Toothmaul. Goblin (okay I used a bosmer design - 'cause there is no 'goblin); happened because I really like the Toothmaul Gully adventure in auridon (had a particular altmer sorc that went through it 4 times with other people) anyway as Hisa Ni Caemaire (the altmer) was going through it again with her sister (my husband rolled up a young brave and bold altmer templar), I started thinking about the reprehensible way that most altmer treat goblins, and how much of a jerk the quest-giver there is.

    So Broken Branch (I picture goblins as having sort of pseudo-asian conventions that you don't name someone something nice - it would put them at risk of covetous daedric attention) watches as this sister set of Templar and Sorc go through Toothmaul (and they are both members of the order of the dragon) and they are also not as violent as the game "norm" (I picture more sleep spells than kill spells - granted that's not what we 'see' in game).

    Anyway, she got interested, eventually joined the Order of the Dragon as a Templar .... was captured and taken to Cold Harbor (like many in the Order) made it back and is now exploring/learning and seeing the world.

    She has a horse now too! Here is Broken Branch astride "big brown horse":

    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • Gabriel_Froste
    Therus Arderius, former Imperial who did not participate in the Dragon Wars but was killed by a Dragon shortly after the wars while mining Ebony Ore at the summit of the Throat of the World. Lost his Notched Pickaxe and now has a fear of everything except glorious one-sided combat. A nervous eater and a master blacksmith with armor bound to his flesh... accidentally.

    Incidentally as a Draugr who was not really a big fan of Dragons, he wandered Tamriel until he was eventually abducted and Sacrificed to an individual he is convinced is named: Holag Hall (no lips).
    Please Refer to my Blacksmith Manual
    Rambling Anti-Manual Manual
  • Pelagius
    HabOh wrote: »
    Trevon Isran always dreamed of seeing the edges of Tamriel.
    Raised in a family of Redguard Mages, Trevon became an adept within the realm of magic.

    Your character is quite a rarity! Most Redguards are fearful and distrustful of magic. Probably helped you to fool your fellow Redguards in the local taverns. They'd never expect one of their own to turn to the magic arts. :smiley:

    I love coming up with character backstories, it can help define how you play your character and make it much more enjoyable. Keep up the good work.
    xbox| HaWkMAN2121
    pc| smit2634
    server| NA
  • HabOh
    Pelagius wrote: »
    HabOh wrote: »
    Trevon Isran always dreamed of seeing the edges of Tamriel.
    Raised in a family of Redguard Mages, Trevon became an adept within the realm of magic.

    Your character is quite a rarity! Most Redguards are fearful and distrustful of magic. Probably helped you to fool your fellow Redguards in the local taverns. They'd never expect one of their own to turn to the magic arts. :smiley:

    I love coming up with character backstories, it can help define how you play your character and make it much more enjoyable. Keep up the good work.

    You know, I actually forgot about that tidbit. I know they love their Soul Gems though, haha.

    And you're right. Backstories are good, gives games such as ESO more heft. Makes your playstyle/playthrough unique, like a fingerprint.
    Therus Arderius, former Imperial who did not participate in the Dragon Wars but was killed by a Dragon shortly after the wars while mining Ebony Ore at the summit of the Throat of the World. Lost his Notched Pickaxe and now has a fear of everything except glorious one-sided combat. A nervous eater and a master blacksmith with armor bound to his flesh... accidentally.

    Incidentally as a Draugr who was not really a big fan of Dragons, he wandered Tamriel until he was eventually abducted and Sacrificed to an individual he is convinced is named: Holag Hall (no lips).

    Nice Skyrim reference! Pretty funny.
  • PurpleStarsaver
    Great story!!

    My character now is an ancestor of my high elf character I made in Skyrim! :smile:

    My character's name is Mirea (me-rey-ah) Throbane. She’s a bosmer but at a very young age her tribe was attacked by high elves. The reasoning is still unknown. For many years she was a helper for a blacksmith and his wife. To the outside world they treated her rudely but behind closed doors they considered her as their child because they couldn’t have any of their own. The blacksmith trained her in combat so that if the time came, she can defend herself. One day she fell head over heels for an high elf named Aidra. They were, of course, secret lovers but then she bared Aidra’s child. He told her he didn’t want anything to do it. He then told his parents and they were furious. Since they didn’t want their blood to be tainted, they stormed to the blacksmith and gave a proposition. Either he get rid of the child and in return they would give him a reward or they will burn down his establishment with everyone inside. After Aidra’s parents left, the blacksmith went into the back to his house. He grabbed the child while his wife begged and pleaded him not to hurt the baby. However, he never planned on hurting her. All he wanted to do was to give her a kiss goodbye. Mirea wasn’t there when all of this occurred. When she walked into the home to see the blacksmith and his wife were unpleasantly sad. When Mirea asked what was happening, the blacksmith immediately instructed her to visit his sister, Nenil, out in the country side with the baby. Since his sister was a gentle soul, he knew she would let Mirea and her daughter live there. Mirea demanded to know what was happening but the blacksmith told her it was for the best that she didn’t know. She then set off at night along with her child to the country side. She didn’t want to leave them but she also didn’t want to disobey. She made it to Nenil’s house and she indeed was very welcoming. She took care of the baby while Mirea did chores. A week past and she didn’t hear from the blacksmith and his wife. She had a bad feeling so she told Nenil she was going to check up on them. Nenil agreed and let Mirea use one of her horses to travel to there. Unfortunately, Mirea was attacked while she was traveling back (then you know what happened in the beginning of ESO). When she came back to the world she immediately went to the blacksmith. When she saw the blacksmith’s place her heart sank. The place was completely burned. She rummaged through fallen wood panels and then saw the charred remains of the blacksmith and his wife as they held eachother closely. Mirea then noticed a box that was untouched. There was a letter in the box and it explained everything. So, needless to say Mirea is on a mission to find the people who are responsible and deal with them. Mirea also wants to see her daughter one last time but she knows that she cannot be her mother anymore.

    Sorry that it's so long! I got carried away..
    PSN: Purplestarsaver
  • HabOh
    Great story!!

    My character now is an ancestor of my high elf character I made in Skyrim! :smile:

    My character's name is Mirea (me-rey-ah) Throbane. She’s a bosmer but at a very young age her tribe was attacked by high elves. The reasoning is still unknown. For many years she was a helper for a blacksmith and his wife. To the outside world they treated her rudely but behind closed doors they considered her as their child because they couldn’t have any of their own. The blacksmith trained her in combat so that if the time came, she can defend herself. One day she fell head over heels for an high elf named Aidra. They were, of course, secret lovers but then she bared Aidra’s child. He told her he didn’t want anything to do it. He then told his parents and they were furious. Since they didn’t want their blood to be tainted, they stormed to the blacksmith and gave a proposition. Either he get rid of the child and in return they would give him a reward or they will burn down his establishment with everyone inside. After Aidra’s parents left, the blacksmith went into the back to his house. He grabbed the child while his wife begged and pleaded him not to hurt the baby. However, he never planned on hurting her. All he wanted to do was to give her a kiss goodbye. Mirea wasn’t there when all of this occurred. When she walked into the home to see the blacksmith and his wife were unpleasantly sad. When Mirea asked what was happening, the blacksmith immediately instructed her to visit his sister, Nenil, out in the country side with the baby. Since his sister was a gentle soul, he knew she would let Mirea and her daughter live there. Mirea demanded to know what was happening but the blacksmith told her it was for the best that she didn’t know. She then set off at night along with her child to the country side. She didn’t want to leave them but she also didn’t want to disobey. She made it to Nenil’s house and she indeed was very welcoming. She took care of the baby while Mirea did chores. A week past and she didn’t hear from the blacksmith and his wife. She had a bad feeling so she told Nenil she was going to check up on them. Nenil agreed and let Mirea use one of her horses to travel to there. Unfortunately, Mirea was attacked while she was traveling back (then you know what happened in the beginning of ESO). When she came back to the world she immediately went to the blacksmith. When she saw the blacksmith’s place her heart sank. The place was completely burned. She rummaged through fallen wood panels and then saw the charred remains of the blacksmith and his wife as they held eachother closely. Mirea then noticed a box that was untouched. There was a letter in the box and it explained everything. So, needless to say Mirea is on a mission to find the people who are responsible and deal with them. Mirea also wants to see her daughter one last time but she knows that she cannot be her mother anymore.

    Sorry that it's so long! I got carried away..

    That was actually quite a good little read! Sounds like Mirea has a lot of work cut out for her! Definitely has a better purpose than Isran, haha.
  • Pelagius
    Kay of Mero: Beginnings
    Chapter 1

    Kay's first memories were from an orphanage in Valenwood. The orphanage caretaker, called Maudred, was a kind elderly nord woman who said she simply found him on the doorstep one night. "I almost tripped on yeh on me way out fer mornin milk!" She would say to him when Kay asked where he came from. "You were such a quiet lad, even as a babe. Not so much as a peep from yeh as yeh lay wrapped up in that dusty tunic...even when I nearly punted yeh across the yard! Yeh jus stared up at me with that carved leaf or yours, clutched in yer little fist."

    The wooden leaf had the green letter 'C' carved intricately into its brown stem, and, being without a name, Maudred had taken to calling him Kay (she wasn't an educated woman--Cs and Ks always confused her--so she would just treat them like the same letter). As, Kay grew into adolescence, there was never enough food in the little orphanage, in spite of Maudred's best efforts. This caused many of the bosmer orphans, like Kay, to turn to local gangs where they could earn a bit of food and coin by taking up thievery as their trade. Kay had a natural fear of this lifestyle, not because of its moral uncertainty, but because it would force him to interact with other people.

    Kay was naturally very shy, and frightful of others. However he was also very naturally gifted in silence and sneaking (a byproduct of his constant desire to avoid being noticed by people). Ironically, this skill eventually brought on the attention of the gangs, who had successfully recruited every other bosmer orphan from Maudred's orphanage. One evening they strode into the little orphanage to bring him into the fold. Maudred, knew these gangsters immediately and tried to turn them away. "I won have yer like comin around this lot. Not here yeh won't." She said to them, brandishing the large ladle she had been dolling out soup with. "On yer way now, take yer business elsewhere."

    The largest of them, a dark elf gangster with leather straps wrapped around his forearms and a bare hairy chest, paid her with a sharp punch to the face. The punch caught Maudred off guard and caused her to topple back into the cooking fire that had been warming the soup she was preparing. She instantly caught fire. The dry hay used by the children for bedding kindled with terrible suddenness as Maudred attempted to stifle the fire by rolling on the dirt floor. Before long the whole hut was ablaze, filling the air with the smell of burnt flesh and dust. The gang members made a grab for Kay but he instinctively slipped away in terror, not knowing what he should do, he fell into his default response of fleeing to the shadows.

    As the blaze lit up the night sky, the only shadows to be found were in the outlying forest. Kay slid into the forest, and quickly scaled a tree to avoid the thunderbugs and hoarvers that roamed the forest at night. As he wedged himself between branches and leaned against the tree trunk, the shock started to wear off and reality began to fill his mind. Maudred had been burnt to death by careless criminals. The only person who had shown him any attention at all was murdered in hideous fashion... the smells which reached him even in his tree were a reminder of this.

    Maudred would receive no justice. Kay was a mere boy, scrawny, scared, and shy..and now homeless. In no position to exact revenge on his tormentors. He made his way back to the burnt down hut the next morning to salvage what he could, but nothing remained. The sign that had hung above the door identifying the hovel as a "Bosmer Orphanage" had burned away on each side until only the middle portion remained. Kay picked this up, feeling like it was a piece of home that shouldn't be left lying in the ash and muck. He looked around, but nothing of use remained in the rubbish of the only home he had ever known.

    He began to make his way back towards the forest, but something caught his eye. A sort of dull glint from the broken corner of the hut. As he approached he noticed it was the wooden leaf he bore to Maudred's doorstep as a baby. He lifted it from among the wreckage and examined it. The wood had been blackened by the fire, but the silvery green 'C' stood out, bright as ever. He stuffed it into his shallow pocket and continued into the forest. His only possessions a blackened leaf and a burnt up sign.

    He decided that the leaf had been a token of his parents and should be treasured. It was the only heirloom he had from the individuals that were responsible for bringing him to life. The sign would be kept in equal esteem, for it was the only heirloom he had from the individual who had made sure he kept his life, unfettered from the chains of influence. If these two heirlooms were to truly be held in equal esteem, they should each receive an equal share of his name as well.

    From that moment on, he was Kay of Mero.
    Edited by Pelagius on June 19, 2015 3:58AM
    xbox| HaWkMAN2121
    pc| smit2634
    server| NA
  • newtinmpls
    Everyone who enjoys posting on this thread, pretty please go check out fanfic dot net and consider posting your story. There needs to be more ESO stories!
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • Pelagius
    @newtinmpls Not a bad idea! Lots of good stuff,
    Edited by Pelagius on June 19, 2015 11:53PM
    xbox| HaWkMAN2121
    pc| smit2634
    server| NA
  • Cogo

    How did an Orc end up fighting against his breathern in an enemy alliance to the Orc Chieftain?

    Oghur was found at a very young age, by a family of Argonians who took in Oghur as their own. The name Oghur came from Oghur himself which seams to be one of the first word he spoke....

    The family of argonians teached Oghur about passion, understanding, respect and honor. Honor Oghur understood, since its in the blood of pretty much every orc.

    But why didn't Oghur return to his homeland once he grown up?

    A faction of the dark Elves decided to enslave the Argonian tribe where Oghur lived. Why they did this, Oghur still does not know. Among the dark elves was orcs as hired muscle. Oghur did not like this!

    Young Oghur, led an uprising against the dark elves that in time broke the slavery. The Argonians where much larger in numbers but simply are a to kind race to act on voilance. However, Oghur saw blood in this unjustice and faced off with a par of dark elves officers. The argonians understood quite fast how outnumbered the Dark elves where if this orc can cause so much trouble.

    The dark elves and their hired Orcs left, but from this day, Oghur swore alliance to the pact and to the, in his eyes, honorable Argonian people.

    When Oghur started his journey trough Tamriel, he did encounter a fair share of Nords, who he found rather amusing because they where probably the only race in Tamriel that could handle more mead then an Orc. and STILL be ready to fight!

    Oghur does not enjoy battle with his own kin, but his experience led him here, where his loyalty and honor was duty bound to the pact. Orcs do not turn their word, unlike Dark elves. Because of his past, Oghur is always friendly towards argonians, and very apprehensive against any dark elfes.

    Oghur choose a role of a protector over the innocent and found himself mostly at the front line, axe to axe with the enemy. A position Oghur feels quite fine with. The argonian wisdom and healing magic makes Oghur able to go on a rampage on the biggest FOE without any fear.

    Oghur does not seek combat, but he does welcome it.

    This is the story of the young Oghur and how he ended up in the Pact.
    Oghur seeks challenges, may it be the conflict in Cyrodiil or the dangers of Tamriel.
    Edited by Cogo on March 6, 2016 11:55PM
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • newtinmpls
    Cogo wrote: »

    But why didn't Oghur return to his homeland once he grown up?

    You do a good job here pointing out the difference between "homeland" and home.
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • wackwii
    Stripe the heroic earned his name because of his war tattoos and because he helped save his village from scavengers. He was born in orsinium in a small village. He was raised as a blacksmith and an excellent warrior. One day he decided to explore for a while and was eventually sent to coldharbour. Stripe the heroic lost all of his weapons and armour and forgot some of his blacksmithing skills. He escaped with the prophet and continues to work with him. He joined the dagger fall covenant and decided to help whoever he could find to earn armour and weapons and also relearn his forgotten skills. He continues adventuring and hopes to return to orsinium one day
    "You dream of the moon and of a man who is less than a man"
  • newtinmpls
    wackwii wrote: »
    Stripe the heroic earned his name because of his war tattoos

    I'd like to hear more about this. What tattoos and how did he earn them?
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • tastyvalentine
    Soul Shriven
    Just started, and horrible at role playing even though i love it. But heres my character.

    Valentine was a young child living just down the hill from an old mage. The old mage just wanted peace and quiet in his last few years after a lifetime of travels and hardships. Valentine, who had only grew up in this small village was mesmorized by his stories, by his magic. She would often skip chores and would run off to hear about the mage who took down a full sized bear, or an acient machine in forgotten places.

    When Valentine was ten she begged to learn magic, so she too could travel the world. Seeing it harmless to teach small spells, the old mage agreed. Either because Val reminded him of someone he once knew, or to have purpose again, he taught her a few select minor spells. And Valentine showed great promise in how quickly she picked them up. Her father was quite thankful when a mishap nearly killed him, and with some healing she saved his life.

    When Valentine turned 19, her father agreed to let her leave and head off to the mages guild, a place she'd never make it to. On her travels there she met another mage, not as old as the one who taught her, but the powers he possessed was so amazing! He rode upon an icey steed in which he explained was pulled from oblivion. And young Valentine believed him, for she wasnt well traveled to know icey steeds are also found in the world. Giving her directions to a spell, which he obivously made up, he left with all her gold she paid for knowing how to summon it.

    Valentine learned the hard way that magic should not be played with and upon doing the spell, she found herself awoken in a dark place. ( the time she does the spell and wakes up as a soul shriven is a blank. As the story fills itself in as why shes there.) But helping the prophet and thus helping herself escape she comes back to the real world with a new mission. To actually learn ice and healing spells, and not take spells written on random pieces of paper by strangers at will. She longs to ride the icey steed one day.

    So now she travels, learning spells, and helping where she can.

    (side note im not buying the frost steed, at least not giving it to her. It sounds like more fun to have a character wanting something in the game she cant have. Lol plus it will also be why she is so driven to Focus on ice and healing spells the two im having fun playing with.)
  • wackwii
    newtinmpls wrote: »
    wackwii wrote: »
    Stripe the heroic earned his name because of his war tattoos

    I'd like to hear more about this. What tattoos and how did he earn them?

    His father was an orc chief and it was a tradition for new orc warriors to receive war tattoos when they became an adult in the village. Stripe the heroic chose blue stripes on his face and a skeleton body tattoo over the rest of his body. His tattoos stood out from the rest of the orcs which gave him the nickname "stripe".

    He earned the heroic title since the village was been attacked by bandit scavengers and stripe heroically defended his village along with a small group of orcs. He was recognized as stripe the heroic by the villagers and the chief (his father). He would become the next chief if he hadn't been taken to coldharbour.
    "You dream of the moon and of a man who is less than a man"
  • Dante_Ravenkin
    I've never really written a back story for a character like this, so I hope this is alright. I've never roleplayed in an MMO before, but I certainly would like to learn. (Tho I've DM'd plenty of D&D games).

    Journal of Dante Ravenkin

    I feel that now is a good time to collect my thoughts; put things on paper. For you, dear reader, I offer some background to my life.

    Like many Bretons, I was born to a familiarity of magicka. My Mother and Father both were active members of the Mage’s Guild and I began to show a talent for the arcane arts at an early age. My parents travelled Tamriel doing work on behalf of the guild, and their wanderlust ensured I travelled with them. I don’t believe they ever owned land; just a dusty carriage in which I spent many a day reading books. My mother taught me the ways of magicka, and I spent much time hearing the stories of Galerion the Mystic, the founding of the Mage’s Guild as well as the various histories of Tamriel and beyond.

    With us, was a Khajiiti female named A’shima No-Claws, who taught me reading and writing and many other things. She also taught me a way of seeing the world that many others do not. One in which life is precious and should be valued. I still miss her lessons, and the way she would speak to me as though I was not a child, but as an equal. As I grew in age I came to realize that she was a servant to my mother and father, but they saw her and treated her as though she was family.

    It was during my Ninth year that I came face to face with the stark realities of the world. While on the road from Cyrodiil towards Stormhaven, our caravan was beset upon by members of the Worm Cult. Their spells first cut down the horses; I still remember the sad, strangled sounds they made. My mother, Mara keep her, slung spell after spell at the foes. I watched three of them crumple in death. And I watched three of them rise, slaves to their necromantic master. My father drew steel and fought with a fury I’d never seen him muster before. It was as though Stendarr himself was fighting for my family.

    The fighting went on for what seemed like forever, but as I hid in the carriage, A’shima stayed close. We heard my father yell for us to run; told A’shima to take me to safety. She quickly gathered some supplies and we snuck out of the carriage opposite the fighting. She picked me up and we ran toward a thicket, unknown the the Worm assailants. I looked back over her shoulder and saw my father struck down; overwhelmed by the Necromancers. My mother…. what happened to my mother is too grisly for words.

    A’shima and I travelled for weeks, moving from town to town. All the way she continued her tutoring and I continued learning. She brought me to the Mage’s Guild in Wayrest and it was there that we could finally rest. The guildmaster and A’shima saw to my education and I quickly grew to hunger for more knowledge. during my 13th year, it was decided that I would travel abroad and study with the other Mage Guilds. I learned much from the Dunmer mages in Morrowind, and spent many days in the tombs of Skyrim, seeking ancient Nord scrolls and books. Even though I was an outsider in Elsweyr, A’shima had taught me much about Khajiiti customs and it quickly became like a second home.
    It was while I was studying in Elsweyr that I had received news that A’shima had taken ill. Much to my everlasting sadness, I didn’t make it back to Wayrest in time to say goodbye. I’m told she passed to Aetherius in peace, and I spent most of my coin to ensure she was entombed with honours. I did this both in her memory and the memory of my mother and father.

    Much time has passed and I started working in earnest for the Mage’s Guild. I was sent from place to place to root out the scourge of necromancy and oppose the vile legions of the Worm Cult. It was during one of these expeditions with my companion, Sollys, that we were overwhelmed. That was when I woke up in Coldharbour. But that is a long story for another time.

    So here I sit, under the shade of a tree in the field outside Daggerfall, watching adventurers, bustle to and fro, training and preparing for war. I feel... hollow. But I myself must prepare as well. I know now, the target of my ire: Mannimarco, long time adversary of the Mage’s Guild. I look over and see Sollys, being the ever curious Bosmer. We were wed not long ago, taking the Pledge of Mara in a small, quiet ceremony. But I digress. Dear reader, should you hear my name told in tales, know that I was just a man doing what needed to be done for the good of Tamriel. I must remember to keep this journal up to date. Maybe someday my knowledge will help another.

    'This throne is arguably the most uncomfortable piece of furniture in the Kingdom. And I get to use it.'
  • ctt13
    Here's my character.
    This young nord started life as the servant of Sheogorath, murdering anyone who would dare cross his Daedric lord. He would constantly murder combatants in the first era and survived for a long time, right up until the end of the second era. After Sheogorath sent him to the earthly plain to amass a throne of cheese for Sheogorath to sit upon, he was quickly sacrificed by Molag Bal's followers and ended as a Soul Shriven. However Sheogorath revived him, using the Wabbajack and with the power of randomness turned him into a Dragonborn (Dovahkiin in the language of the dragons). High Lord Dovahkiin now likes long walks on the beach and relaxing into his chair of skulls.

    (The moral of this story is to not mess with the champion of Sheogorath)
    Edited by ctt13 on July 2, 2015 7:51AM
  • Rioghnan
    So Rioghnan... I always hesitate to post my back stories because I really think, no one probably cares. But I do like to write so it makes a great excuse. Anyway... He is an Altmer. Long white hair, pale blue eyes, oddly fair, pink complexion and some serious ears; I mean they're quite impressive. There's no hiding them even in all that hair. He likely inherited them from his father, along with pretty much everything else. Well, apparently... because he wouldn't really know. He was raised by his mother, who's also an Altmer but a redhead with the classic golden complexion and green eyes, who looks nothing like her son. Rioghnan never knew his papa. His mum, she's a bit over-protective, never even wanted him to get into magic and wouldn't really explain WHY. I mean, he's an Altmer, isn't that what they DO? So maybe more than a bit over-protective.
    His mother is from the Summerset Isles but she left her homeland, up and ran off to Vaardenfel. He was born in Balmora. Mum babied him his whole young life and was more interested in shielding him from the outside world than teaching him to be socially acceptable so he's a bit shameless and has no idea what's normal. And he doesn't really care, because he's not just clueless -- Mum and everyone else have always sort of fawned over him and told him how very handsome he is, and he believed every word of it. He thinks he can get away with anything, 'cause, ya know, he's cute. So he's a bit rotten. Not in an obnoxious, in-your-face sort of way, but he doesn't take much seriously and thinks everything is a joke. The innkeepers and shopkeepers -- and especially the taverns -- round Vaardenfel generally regard Rioghnan and his mates with a collective, emphatic eye-roll. They see him and his motley crew approaching and brace themselves, because someone usually winds up getting into a fight, passing out on the bar, throwing up somewhere other than the bogs, that sort of thing.
    It's not really much of a stretch that he would wind up in Coldharbour, terribly hung over, and not remembering how or why he got there. After having had his mum to protect him, mend his clothes, pat him on the back and tell him everything would be alright, he's not used to being totally on his own. And now he's caught up in this whole mess with Molag Bal and all that. Mum would have a coronary if she knew what her boy was involved in. It's quite literally her worst nightmare. Her sweet little son is about to find himself face to face with precisely that from which she fought so hard to protect him...
    Edited by Rioghnan on July 7, 2015 7:02PM
    You die first!
  • Lord_Draevan
    In TES games I always have two characters, an Imperial named Draevan and an Argonian named Taryn (though I had to go by Draevaan and Ta-Ryn in ESO because the originals were taken >_<). Both are in the Daggerfall Covenant.

    Draevan: he was born in Chorrol and joined the Imperial Legion when he was of age. He served for several years, but when Emperor Varen disappeared and the Empire began to serve Molag Bal, Draevan deserted the Legion and sought to join one of the three alliances.
    After reading Queen Ayrenn's proclamation he knew the Aldmeri Dominion and their anti-human attitude was out of the question. The Ebonheart Pact turned a blind eye to slavery to placate the Dunmer, so Draevan joined the only alliance he could in good conscience support: the Daggerfall Covenant. During a battle against a Worm Cultist cell in Cyrodiil, Draevan's squad was captured and sacrificed by Mannimarco to Molag Bal.

    Taryn: while he was born in the Black Marsh town of Thorn, he was captured as a child by a Dunmer slave raid and spent most of his life as a slave in Tear. When the Ebonheart Pact was formed, he along with all Argonians slaves were freed from bondage. When leaving the plantation he was working on, Taryn saw a line of Khajiit, Breton, and Redguard slaves being shackled to the same chains he and his fellow Argonians had just taken off. He approached the nearest Pact soldier and said:
    "I thought the slaves were being freed!"
    The soldier, a Nord, shook his head and replied:
    "Only Argonians, lad. As it is House Telvanni won't join the Pact if it means giving up Argonian slaves. The other Dunmer Houses would never join us if they had to give up all slaves."
    Disgusted, Taryn left Pact lands a few days later and headed west to Covenant lands, where he joined the war in Cyrodiil. During a raid on a Pact supply caravan, both sides were attacked by Worm Cultists. Those who did not die were taken before Mannimarco and sacrificed to Molag Bal.
    Edited by Lord_Draevan on July 20, 2015 10:52PM
    I'm a man of few words. Any questions?
    NA/PC server
  • Rioghnan
    newtinmpls wrote: »
    Everyone who enjoys posting on this thread, pretty please go check out fanfic dot net and consider posting your story. There needs to be more ESO stories!

    Last time I checked there I found a LOT of TES stories but the ones I read were way too sick and perverted for me. I mean, I'm not against a good romp in the sheets or whatever (and I have written my share!) but it seems like a lot of people like to write about full on sexual assault and go into disgusting detail about various races or daedra and their supposed perversions -- stuff that turns even the most promising storylines into some disturbing low budget XXX garbage. I got sick of reading about how my Xivilai had a bunch of brethren with S&M homoerotic tendencies. Yikes.

    Basically, anything I write would be far too innocent to excite any of those people from what I've seen. He likes to have relatively normal relations with humanoids of the opposite sex? What, no way. Too vanilla for us!
    Edited by Rioghnan on July 7, 2015 8:57PM
    You die first!
  • SedoUmbra
    I don't know if ZOS mods count this as advertising but please go here:
    Edited by SedoUmbra on July 7, 2015 9:06PM
  • Rioghnan
    Nopety nope
    (I'm glad they have this section on here cause I don't wanna go to Fanfiction net. They traumatized me with their triple x dirty daedra stuff.)
    Edited by Rioghnan on July 7, 2015 10:27PM
    You die first!
  • newtinmpls

    I've never seen much in the way of explicit/horrible content on; although I've heard many folks complain that 'adult' content gets banned. I do have a story in ESO-verse that starts with a pretty harsh depiction of slavery in Morrowind; but it's not explicit and I tried to be blunt about where it was (first chapter only).

    I still go there to write Morrowind fanfic (sigh ... that's still my favorite ES world/setting). I'm kind of a sucker for romance, and I admit Morrowind is a bit of a dark world ... but that's a far cry from anything really racy.

    Sorry to hear that some folks had bad experiences there.
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • Rioghnan
    I love Morrowind as well -- it's my favorite TES game to this day. Maybe I stumbled upon the wrong section on that site, who knows. I will have to check it out again.
    You die first!
  • ZOS_MaryB
    Hi guys! Here's the rule on advertising links:

    "Advertising: We do not allow advertising on our forums. This includes, but is not limited to advertisements and promotions for the following:
    Outside businesses and services
    Other games
    Any venture that results in monetary profit
    We do not consider the promotion of guilds, fan sites, and fan groups, or the activities and content thereof, to be advertising. Please feel free to let The Elder Scrolls Online community know all about your guild, fan site, or fan group! Simply keep in mind that you may not promote your guild, fan site, or fan group if you are looking to turn a monetary profit by doing so."

    TL;DR: Feel free to post your fanfic and a link to other TESO fanfic as long as you aren't trying to sell it.

    (Personal note: These have been my favorite posts to read today!)
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited Moderation Team - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • upnaudi21
    the names Belvedere nynx im a dark elf and have aged quite well ill be 126yrs old
    I was part of the thieves guild and attended the mage college was also a member of the champions and will never admit it to others but was a dark assassin for sometime.
    i wanted to explore all of tamerial and did so by returning to my ancestors homeland of morrowind years ago i realized there really wasn't anything there for me because i had already left behind my lover and friends
    i had no real family and was actually raised by a khajjit family where i had fell in love with one of the locals ..... A khajjit by the name of Nazita Kidavi. It was love at first sight type of deal they grew up together well i was about 112 when she was born but i knew in my heart that one day we would share the rings of mara together. Up until i decided to venture out into the vast of tamerial things where great between us however lack of money and materials caused me to have to provide for my soon to be growing family. we had built a house and had named it Nynx Lakeview Manor, located in the dense forests of Falkreath.its a grand scale of a house the greenhouse alone was enough for a small family and we were always eating delicious meals with all kinds of fresh ingredients from the chickens laying eggs to that o so sweet honey from there bees. When studying things, the extensive library had tales from all over. Nazita would get lost for hours in her novels.I would go down to the lake and fish for hours and that was when we would invite our very close friends over to enjoy a splendid meal fit for a king. written on windows phone
    Upnaudi21 on xbox one belvedere nynx is the name dark elf dragonknight
  • SedoUmbra
    Rioghnan wrote: »
    Nopety nope
    (I'm glad they have this section on here cause I don't wanna go to Fanfiction net. They traumatized me with their triple x dirty daedra stuff.)
    Rioghnan wrote: »
    Nopety nope
    (I'm glad they have this section on here cause I don't wanna go to Fanfiction net. They traumatized me with their triple x dirty daedra stuff.)

    Use the filters. If you don't like the "adult" stuff than stay away from anything rated 'M', and if posts are done correctly (i.e words spelt correctly and correct grammar used) and have the correct rating based on the content they won't be brought down (you do have to edit it once every 90 days, even if you just click "edit" then "save edit", or it will be automatically taken down.
  • DarthForsberg
    Im new to RP so here is my first real back story...
    House Tiragrius Lore Book: Author Uknown.

    "In 2E 556,

    Natasha Stormbourne, house Tiragrius, was born under the sign of the Shadow on the 15th of Evening Star in Colovians, Cyrodiil.
    She was born during the North Winds Prayer Festival.
    Born to a proud house of Cyrodiilic Imperial Military Vampires.

    After the disappearance of the Five Champions, she discovered the brutal and harsh truth that caused the power vacuum,
    treachery of the unthinkable. Daedric Prince Molag Bal devised a plan with the now traitor Mannimarco to overthrow the government and take control of Nirn.

    She cursed Molag Bal and his usurper puppet Mannimarco, swore an oath to seek vengeance and free her people.
    Because she spoke out against the new government she was forced to seek refuge in the Aldmeri Dominion alliance.
    It is in this alliance where she has been in hiding honing her skills as a Nightblade Vampire, to one day rid her home land of the Daedra and the usurper Mannimarco.

    She now lives by just one rule, those who do not stand with her stand against her. She will not be bought, will not hesitate ,
    nor will she ever let anything or anyone stand in her way as she sets out on her personal quest of revenge.
    Both the Dagerfall Covenant and Ebon Heart Pact wish to invade her homeland as the power vacuum continues.
    She is now with the Mer of the Summer Set Isles as she has placed her sword in the same forge as Queen Ayrenn .
    Together they will defeat the invaders and repel the Daedric Prince and punish Mannimarco for his treachery. "
    Natasha Stormbourne: AD, Imperial NightBlade, XboxOne NA MegaServer.
  • CymbaliaElsinorin
    Soul Shriven
    Cymbalia Elsinorin. Altmer. Originally from Alinor.
    Former apprentice on the Psijic isle until her devout worship of Hermaeus Mora got her expelled. Exceptional magical skill won her the favor of Hermaeus Mora who accepted her in Apocrypha to read all of the forbidden knowledge that her heart desired. Or so she thought. In reality the knowledge and arcane tomes she was allowed to read were but a fraction of what she sought to understand. Be that as it may, that base knowledge and power came at a price. She would be forever in the service of her daedric prince, serving him in Tamriel for whatever task he saw fit for her.

    She was tasked to retrieve an ancient Dwemer artifact in Winterhold, Skyrim. Unlike many other similar missions she had been tasked with, this one, she failed. After a grueling trek through many ancient Nordic ruins, the artifact was gone. Nowhere to be found. It had been stolen, and she had nothing to take back to her master. Upon her return to Apocrypha, Hermaeus Mora was disappointed, but the prince had come to trust and enjoy having such a loyal servant in Nirn for him, so there were no serious repercussions for her failure.
    Until she delves one shelf too deeply into an area she had never been to in Apocrypha. She had found a book written in an ancient unrecognized language, which she could not understand whatsoever, until flipping further through the tome. Suddenly she understood every word, and her thoughts and ideas changed with them. The way she viewed the world changed with every page deeper she read. Until she was discovered. She had found a tome that no mortal of Tamriel was ever meant to read, and this, in Hermaeus Mora's eyes, was in excusable.
    He sent her back, in time and space. Erased all of her knowledge, stripped her of her arcane prowess, and reverted her back to a Mer at the age of 22 years old. Everything she had learned she would have to learn again. All her skills were gone. It was as if she had been in a dream for 150 years in the Daedric realm of Apocrypha, and she felt and lives every second of it until she was awoken and returned to reality in Vulkel Guard on Auridon of the Summerset Isles. She would live the rest of her life knowing that she would have to fight and study even harder than before to regain the power that was stripped from her so long ago.
    She is now even more determined to reach the power and knowledge she once had. And to show Hermaeus Mora that disposing of his most loyal servant was a grave error.
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