Maintenance for the week of June 10:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 10

PS4 NA down for Maint again?

  • Heromofo
    Ace-2112 wrote: »
    Heromofo wrote: »
    Ace-2112 wrote: »
    Heromofo wrote: »
    Azalin76 wrote: »
    Anyone know what is going on with the PS4 server? They said it's coming down at 7 am but it's now 837 am and there has been no announcement saying that it is actually down for maintenance.

    Well lucky for you im a master wizard and i shall now summon a Zenimax Moderator.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom



    Almost passed out there.....

    Now come and tell us!

    I thought it was against forum rules to use the "@" function to Mods?

    If used correctly you are not banished but i am a level ten master wizard!.

    Yeah...the way it was worded in "the rules"...I just prefer not using it.
    Mods can be picky, and one may enforce a rule one way, and another Mod may go a completely different route. (LOL)

    Indeed they do but from my encounters they have been like minded and friendly just extremely sick of answering the same questions over and over and over.....

    Hence why you need to make it interesting for them :D
  • Anarchy87
    Driving me insaneeeeee.
    i aint messin wit u.
  • Heromofo
    Over 2 hours now...... longer than last nights one lol
  • Anarchy87
    This crazy, way to kill a friday night. lol
    i aint messin wit u.
  • Heromofo
    Anarchy87 wrote: »
    This crazy, way to kill a friday night. lol

    Yup lol my friends list has everyone at the logging in screen of eso waiting...
  • skwake
    Oh well, im out. Sucks for us Aussie players but what can u do... Catcha tomorrow night eso!
  • Anarchy87
    Pretty sure it was down last friday aswell.
    i aint messin wit u.
  • Yorubuke
    Seriously 3 times the downtime, u need that much time to "prepare for the weekend" the next day after the weekly downtime. Seriously killing me here, like some1 send a health potion please :p
    For the Dominion.
    Honorable Member of the Sanada Family
    Magicka NB - Rank 11
    Stamina Tank DK - Rank 12
    Stamina Sorc - Rank 12
  • Heromofo
    skwake wrote: »
    Oh well, im out. Sucks for us Aussie players but what can u do... Catcha tomorrow night eso!

    They just dont care for us Aussies lol
  • Stares-At-Sun
    Soul Shriven
    I understand maintenances are a regular thing and are necessary to keep the game at its best. I don't mind the maintenance itself, but every time you guys have one, Xbox servers get done before PlayStation. Normally I wouldn't care, but I just got this game on Wednesday, and I have been waking up in the morning to play before work, only to find that the only server that's incomplete is the one I play on (PS4 NA server). Couldn't you guys switch it up and do the PlayStation servers first for once? It seems a little more fair to the PS4 players that get put last in line. Every. Single. Time.
    Also considering that the Xbox server took like 50 minutes and the PlayStation one is two hours and still counting I t's pretty annoying, really
  • Heromofo
    I understand maintenances are a regular thing and are necessary to keep the game at its best. I don't mind the maintenance itself, but every time you guys have one, Xbox servers get done before PlayStation. Normally I wouldn't care, but I just got this game on Wednesday, and I have been waking up in the morning to play before work, only to find that the only server that's incomplete is the one I play on (PS4 NA server). Couldn't you guys switch it up and do the PlayStation servers first for once? It seems a little more fair to the PS4 players that get put last in line. Every. Single. Time.
    Also considering that the Xbox server took like 50 minutes and the PlayStation one is two hours and still counting I t's pretty annoying, really

    Normally they appear by now and comment on this where are you @ZOSIES?
  • Anarchy87
    coming on 2 and 1/2 hours. wtf
    i aint messin wit u.
  • Heromofo
    Anarchy87 wrote: »
    coming on 2 and 1/2 hours. wtf

    They Dun Gones And Brokes Dit!
  • Fuzzy_McFuzz
    Soul Shriven
    Two and a half hours now and not a word. An ETA or an update would be appreciated.
    For The Covenant
  • devil555666
    Soul Shriven
    50 mins down for xbox. Ps4 2 1/2 hrs and counting wtf is that about
  • Endorphines
    Soul Shriven
    Time to play only in the AM est and second day in a row now. I have about 2 hours left before my day begins and will be late tomorrow for another chance to play. I'm starting to regret buying eso plus.
    PSN: L337-Endorphines | NA Server | AD Alliance
    Guardians Of Nirn guildmaster
  • Sithisvoid
    I heard it was back up
    Edited by Sithisvoid on June 19, 2015 2:16PM
  • Vorpal_Spork
    The server goes up and down more than a yoyo.
  • Vorpal_Spork
    Azalin76 wrote: »
    I meant no official announcement from ZOS, usually they put up a post in the forums somewhere saying it's down for maintenance, the only thing I have seen is that they plan on taking it down. I just find it odd that they didn't post anything, how are we supposed to know when it's back up otherwise?

    It is in the news section. Dev Tracker tab up the top is your friend :)

    They didn't say when it's coming back up. They only said when it went down, which is completely useless information.
  • Mastodonials
    Lol clearly by "prepare for the upcoming weekend," what they meant was " just avoid the weekend headache by just keeping the servers down until after." We're at the 2.5 hour mark. Server went down two days in a row "to prepare" and both times it was down over an hour longer than the Xbox server. I wonder what takes so much time? Are they physically adding more hardware and then unplugging the excess come Monday so as to only spend the extra money on more capacity when they have to?
  • Mastodonials
    Lol clearly by "prepare for the upcoming weekend," what they meant was " just avoid the weekend headache by just keeping the servers down until after." We're at the 2.5 hour mark. Server went down two days in a row "to prepare" and both times it was down over an hour longer than the Xbox server. I wonder what takes so much time? Are they physically adding more hardware and then unplugging the excess come Monday so as to only spend the extra money on more capacity when they have to?

    I say this because one would assume, after the mess last Friday night, that they took the servers down then to increase their hardware capacity. The fact that they're doing it again prior to this weekend makes me suspect that they are being so tight that they're not running hardly any extra capacity whenever they can help it. I would hate for this to become a weekly occurrence just to save a few dollars. Just upgrade the servers and leave it that way, yeah?
  • Yorubuke
    Maybe its not coming back up lol im getting tired of waiting. almost 3 hours now
    For the Dominion.
    Honorable Member of the Sanada Family
    Magicka NB - Rank 11
    Stamina Tank DK - Rank 12
    Stamina Sorc - Rank 12
  • Anarchy87
    Or change the day they decide to do it on.
    i aint messin wit u.
  • kha0s_813
    Soul Shriven
    Theres only twice the ps4 owners out there and they treat us like hot garbage.
  • Mastodonials
    3 hours and still down. That's a lot of preparing. Who was it that spilled coffee all over the hardware?
    Edited by Mastodonials on June 19, 2015 1:58PM
  • Anarchy87
    im not sure i would handle that.
    i aint messin wit u.
  • Anarchy87
    I wonder why an official comment about this hasn't been made.
    i aint messin wit u.
  • oOenomaus
    Soul Shriven
    There no excuse for this
  • Heromofo
    3 hours now and nothing servers still down and no offical word or even a nod from them.....
  • Anarchy87
    Heromofo wrote: »
    3 hours now and nothing servers still down and no offical word or even a nod from them.....

    Im spending my time reading your Improving On ESO Series Starts Here S01E01 lol
    i aint messin wit u.
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