A friend and I have been running the last few things in Northern Craglorn that I need to have the quest and exploration achievements and I realized that Craglorn is at this point very un-challenging and very un-rewarding. Most boss fights end before we even see the first mechanic, and most loot for quest returns are green vendor trash. I can run daily quests that include "dungeons" and will only get a little xp. If I go to Cyrodiil I can get an entire champion's point worth of xp and chances for much more valuable VR14 Martial Knowledge gear in the same amount of time.
@'s handed to us by Shada. It was hard, we died a lot, but we actually got XP from it. and had a good time. I came back to Shada recently and we burned her down before she even got through her first healing phase and got almost no xp, a piece of green vendor trash, and a little gold...
If I wasn't a bit of a "completionist" I wouldn't bother, and once I get the achievements I will probably never go back to Craglorn unless to help others friends who want to complete achievements. The biggest shame is that Craglorn has cool monsters, bosses with mechanics, and a more involved story, but Cyrodiil quests and dungeons are very boring and simple. I'm not sure I understand the strategy of encouraging players to get burned out on boring content by making it more rewarding.
So here is what I would like to propose to make Craglorn fun again:
1. Make everything in Craglorn VR14 and "Elite" (at least comparably as hard as City of Ash, Sanctum Ophidian, and veteran Dragon Star Arena)
2. Make the XP gain rate at least comparable to Cyrodiil dungeons and quests.
3. Make all quest reward gear a set piece that is worth something or just give an extra 30 gold over what we get now and save my time opening the chest and "vendoring" the worthless item.
I can tell there was so much effort put into the design Craglorn and the story and it is really such a shame to see it become a zone that has some stuff I do once for completion. If it was a rewarding challenge again then I don't think I am alone in saying I would do it again to experience it the way it was meant to be and actually see the boss mechanics instead of burning everything down in a few minutes.
Playing since beta...