there we go. but buying one from the item mall guarantees my alts will also have a copy of that mount.
there we go. but buying one from the item mall guarantees my alts will also have a copy of that mount.
That's good advice @rajaniemiorama_ESO . So far the 2 LTO mounts (the senche panther and the senche leopard) were interesting to me, and I hemmed and hawed over whether to buy them. I just wasn't sure if I liked them enough to buy them. In the end I came to the same conclusion: if I'm not sure if I like them enough, then that means that I don't like them enough. Of course, if I didn't already have the striped senche for my striped khajiit, I would have bought one of the LTO senches in a heartbeat...rajaniemiorama_ESO wrote: »Just PLEASE do not give in to hype of LTO mounts if you are not sure if you like it. If you don't know, then you actually don't.
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