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Voice channel changed to area

Not sure if this is a bug or not, or if something is down, but I noticed upon entering into certain areas of Glenumbra earlier this constant DING sound is going off as it tries to join area chat and then disconnects, then joins again. Its really damned annoying. Anyone know what is causing it or how to disable it? Constantly get the message in the right hand corner of my screen "Voice channel changed to area" as well.
  • chollingshead6615
    Not sure if this is a bug or not, or if something is down, but I noticed upon entering into certain areas of Glenumbra earlier this constant DING sound is going off as it tries to join area chat and then disconnects, then joins again. Its really damned annoying. Anyone know what is causing it or how to disable it? Constantly get the message in the right hand corner of my screen "Voice channel changed to area" as well.

    Hey there is another thread talking about this too. My xbox has been doing it for over an hour. I believe ZOS is looking into it. its definitely a bug though.
    Edited by chollingshead6615 on June 12, 2015 8:05AM
    GT: SizedMountain4
    Xbox - North America Megaserver
  • Dephyrius
    Hey Chollings thanks for the heads up. I completely missed the other thread I guess and figured that it was a bug, just wanted to make sure though that I didn't mess something up or miss a setting LOL.
  • equinox_83
    Soul Shriven
    I have been having the same problem for the last several hours. I don't know how to turn it off specifically, but I have found a work around. If you go into options and scroll all the way down to the bottom, four up from the bottom is "Interface Volume" If you set that all the way to the left, you won't hear that horrible horrible horrible dinging sound any more. It was starting to drive me quite insane!!!!

    Can I also just take the opportunity to say how horrible it is to sign up to these forums. Not great when you're already short-tempered and frustrated from a ding going off every 6 seconds for the last 2 hours.
  • equinox_83
    Soul Shriven
    Ha. Didn't even realise another thread had been created. That's how long it took me to sign up for the dang forum and post my reply.
  • IMidgetManI
    Soul Shriven
    I've been having the same issue. It seems like if you keep closing ESO it will stop. Hopefully they fix this soon.

    You would think after a PC release AND a beta, it would be pretty close to bug free.
    Edited by IMidgetManI on June 12, 2015 10:50AM
  • SURxR3AL
    i had it too apparently its a bug, the only way i found to fix it is close the game and start it up again logging off wont fix it
    NA Server (Xbox One)
    Magika Sorc - Zane Cloudreaver(EP)
    Magika Temp - Revan V'ile(EP)
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    Stam NB- Relic V'alor(DC)
    Stam Sorc- Veric Septim(AD)
  • IMidgetManI
    Soul Shriven
    Is there any chance we can get banned because they think we are spamming the voice chat?
  • BuggeX
    Is there any chance we can get banned because they think we are spamming the voice chat?

    i dont think they bann someone, they know this is a bug.
  • ellochingon
    Soul Shriven
    Happening to me atm to, when I go to voice chat setting it goes wild.
  • magik_lunchbox
    Soul Shriven
    Nearly two years later, and its still an issue *eyeroll*
  • oxy556
    Soul Shriven
    How the hell has this issue not been fixed yet....
  • Excaltic
    This is actually a very -very- serious security bug, because you can also get dumped from a -private- xbox live chat into public game world chat where everyone can hear what you are saying without you knowing it...

    I think someone should inform Microsoft themselves about this, this could be labeled privacy intrusion...

    I wonder if it even reaches as far as to the real world, regarding privacy laws... because this is totally unacceptable...
  • Sygil05
    This has been an ongoing issue since at least Imperial City, and I can't believe they have not fixed it yet. Every time they release one of these stupid DLCs, I hopefully read through the patch notes to find out that they've not addressed the problem.

    At this point, I don't think they have a clue how to fix it, and so have moved on to other things. That, or they have some big plan for revamping the communications in-game, and are just punting the issue down the road until it's implemented.
  • NewBlacksmurf
    @Excaltic did you report your concerns to xbox support?
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Rikkadir
    Started on my PS4 this morning, "voice channel changed to area" every five seconds. So annoying.
    Why has this not been fixed?

    Managed to stop it by entering an Outlaws Refuge (where it stopped) then turning 'Area' off.


  • ZOS_Bill
    With this thread being nearly three years old the discussion will now be closed. You are welcome to start a new thread if none currently are open on this topic.
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