Why doesn't ZOS want to earn money ??? I simply don't understand.

There are 3 things for which more than a handful of players would be willingly spending maaaany crowns.
And these things wouldn't affect the game or other players in the least.
And they are in no case PTW options regardless of your point of view to this concept.
The magical 3 things are:

Character Name Change
Faction Change
Race change

So does anybody out there really understand why
ZOS didn't come up with these 3 immediately when
they introduced the Cown store ??

  • f047ys3v3n
    It is my understanding that race change is coming. I also hope for some appearance changes as I have grown tired of some of the looks I picked. Either way though I expect the prices will be too high for my tastes. They have some crazy ideas about the micro in micro-transaction. How on earth anybody can think a $25 senche mount is micro is beyond me. Maybe I am just poor but the whole game only costs $60, seems like a skin on a mount for $25 is pretty crazy. I would say I hope race and apperance changes are a few bucks but ZOS clearly thinks big. Heck, fully level a horse for $135, Yikes.

    As for faction change...... I'm not sure if ESO would like this though I certainly expect a lot of AD players would as AP earnings at least appear to be much higher in the factions with lower populations of noobs who can farm the AD masses. In any case, I expect it would be a mess to try to accomplish this because of the main quest line progressions through all three zones. Perhaps they could simply sell traitor status allowing a player to play cyridiil in a different faction than the rest of the game.

    As for character name change. I'm sure you can figure out how to accomplish this if your really put your mind to it for free. Folks have.
    I am mostly pleased with the current state of ESO. Please do continue to ban cheaters though and you guys have to find out who is duping gold and how because the economy is currently non-functional.
  • FooWasHere
    Yes, I must say it's a bit baffling. And e.g. name change must be utterly trivial to implement.
  • KhajitFurTrader
    f047ys3v3n wrote: »
    It is my understanding that race change is coming. I also hope for some appearance changes as I have grown tired of some of the looks I picked. Either way though I expect the prices will be too high for my tastes. They have some crazy ideas about the micro in micro-transaction. How on earth anybody can think a $25 senche mount is micro is beyond me. Maybe I am just poor but the whole game only costs $60, seems like a skin on a mount for $25 is pretty crazy. I would say I hope race and apperance changes are a few bucks but ZOS clearly thinks big. Heck, fully level a horse for $135, Yikes.
    It is a mixed calculation, factoring in many aspects like economics and (marketing) psychology.

    What people seem to forget is that not that long ago, they were forced to (regularly and repeatedly) spend those $25 on about 60 days of subscription, while still not getting a mount out of it. Now they don't have to pay for their playing time anymore, but instead they get presented the option to buy a mount (among many other things). Of course, not everyone will jump on it (sorry, pun intended). This would have to be factored in the price.

    Could they sell more cats/guars/horses/bantams if the prices were (much) lower? Counterintuitively, the answer to that isn't a simple yes. Mounts and other cosmetic items are also sometimes called vanity items. They appeal in different degrees to the basic needs of an individual, like "standing out from the crowd" (i.e. catering to the sense of self-esteem and -worth), and getting approval and/or attention (or even adoration) of their peers (i.e. catering to the sense of social acceptance and standing). Any item that's perceived as being "too cheap" or "too common" won't have as big an impact to that effect as one that comes with a higher price tag and thus may not be seen as often.

    Of course, not every item or service that is offered appeals to everyone in the same way, depending on personal taste and choice. But the choice of products and services the shop offers will continue to grow, and there will be something for anyone eventually.

    Edited by KhajitFurTrader on June 6, 2015 4:11PM
  • Gidorick
    I agree with you @Oliviander. While I have my own personal issue with the concept of Race Change and Faction change I don't know why ZOS has chosen to try to make money in ways that will seem like P2W when there are SO many non-P2W ways to make money.
    What ESO really needs is an Auction Horse.
    That's right... Horse.
    Click HERE to discuss.

    Want more crazy ideas? Check out my Concept Repository!
  • dafox187
    race and faction shouldbe no but im ok with class/hair/tattos/name

    don't get mad at my spelling, autocorrect doesn't cover fantasy.
    Why couldn't the Khajiit go to the party? She had to be Elsweyr.
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    • Gender Change
    • Name Change
    • Race Change
    • Class Change even.
    (Alliance change I'm not sure is so simple to implement)

    I agree, they should be in the crown store. Whilst I don't personally agree with all of them myself, they still should be there. A lot of players have been asking for these fundamental things since the crown store was first mentioned. I know when talking to friends about the crown store and similar in the game, the most common response that has come has basically been "Well do they at least have name/race change options in there yet?"
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • Skiserony
    I don't really see class change and alliance change working so well. It would bring a lot of problems with it.

    Class change doesn't even make sense, suddenly having a maxed out class? No.
  • KanedaSyndrome
    Oliviander wrote: »
    There are 3 things for which more than a handful of players would be willingly spending maaaany crowns.
    And these things wouldn't affect the game or other players in the least.
    And they are in no case PTW options regardless of your point of view to this concept.
    The magical 3 things are:

    Character Name Change
    Faction Change
    Race change

    So does anybody out there really understand why
    ZOS didn't come up with these 3 immediately when
    they introduced the Cown store ??

    They are probably unable to make the faction change happen, it would break the current quest system I think, and I'm not sure I have the confidence in ZoS to be able to implement such a thing.
    KanedaSyndrome's Suggestions For Game Improvements
    The Fortuitous Collapse of the Wave Equation
    The Best Plans Require No Action
  • jamesharv2005ub17_ESO
    Here is an idea. Want a class and race change at the same time? Roll a new character.
  • Blackhorne
    Here is an idea. Want a class and race change at the same time? Roll a new character.

    Tell you what, we'll throw in a name change as well. :p
  • f047ys3v3n
    Skiserony wrote: »
    I don't really see class change and alliance change working so well. It would bring a lot of problems with it.

    Class change doesn't even make sense, suddenly having a maxed out class? No.

    Given that the "balance" from 1.5 to 1.6 was to go from DK being the #1 dps and #1 tank class to Templar being #1 in DPS, Tank, and Heals wouldn't it be fun to have class change. I have two max level toons I would love to switch to Templar so I could spec one as a healer and the other as a stam dps. This game was garbage when DK was the best at only two of three roles, who was to know what class to play? Now that Templar is the best at all roles it is a much better game as their is no ambiguity as to what class to roll.
    I am mostly pleased with the current state of ESO. Please do continue to ban cheaters though and you guys have to find out who is duping gold and how because the economy is currently non-functional.
  • Lithium Flower
    Lithium Flower
    Then level a new character like people do all the time, make the effort to branch out and diversify. Leveling up a character is time consuming but having access to several v14s, in various factions and configurations is a huge advantage (whether in PvP or PvE, entitling you to multiple rewards, etc) that ought to be strived for, not handed out on payment of cash.

    The Crownstore should never replace gameplay. Some choices should matter and be permanent.

    The race change they talked about in ESO live wasn't in connection with the Crownstore but because of a big upcoming racial bonuses rebalance. If they fundamentally change racials drastically, then a one-time race change might become warranted not to just cater to whiner whimsy.

    Name and appearance change is reasonable enough but race, faction and class should remain permanent choices.
    Edited by Lithium Flower on June 8, 2015 6:49AM
    Dragonknight Smith of the Lith | Rayna Dreloth
    Templar Josephine Belmont | Catherine Belmont | Irene Belmont
    Sorceror Blathanna | Eta Carina
    Nightblade Adda Vorenor

    Ebonheart Pact | Daggerfall Covenant | EU | Champion Points ~ 800 | Crafter of all things
  • Spark
    Also, more character slots please! Free money for you...

    To be honest, I hope we will never see class or faction changes. I feel these two things are too fundamental to change. At that point, I'd say reroll instead. But appearance, race? Please let us change those.

    Not sure about names though...
  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    Many of the services and ideas listed above are being worked on. Though they may seem simple on the surface, some can take more time and resources than you might expect. Many of our resources that work on the Crown Store are also working on future content as well.

    With that said, we do want to get many of these services in your hands as soon as we can!
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
  • JamilaRaj
    I find it bit disturbing that cash shop people resources are laying hands on new content.
  • Takllin
    Many of the services and ideas listed above are being worked on. Though they may seem simple on the surface, some can take more time and resources than you might expect. Many of our resources that work on the Crown Store are also working on future content as well.

    With that said, we do want to get many of these services in your hands as soon as we can!

    Can we get any specific word on faction change/transfer?

    Thank you for the update.
    Jadokis - AD Redguard DK v16 AR 18
    Jàsènn - AD Orc Templar 47 AR 10
    Jessèn - AD Dunmer DK v16 AR 9 - Former Empress of Blackwater Blade

    Tekllin - AD Altmer Sorcerer v16 AR 18 (Ret.)
    Tekklin - AD Bosmer Nightblade v16 AR 12 (Ret.)
    Jasenn - DC Imperial Templar v16 AR 18 (Ret.)
    Jasènn - DC Orc Sorcerer v16 AR 15 (Ret.)
  • Snit
    Instead of faction change, ZOS should consider a "mercenary" system that allows you to fight as a different faction when in Cyrodiil. That might address PvP population imbalances without causing problems for the questlines.

    Appearance and name changes are baseline features expected of a top-flight MMO. Those two are tardy :)
    Snit AD Sorc
    Ratbag AD Warden Tank
    Goblins AD Stamblade

  • Attorneyatlawl
    Here is an idea. Want a class and race change at the same time? Roll a new character.

    This. What ever happened to playing the game to earn things or change your choices? I'm not really even a fan of name changes for cash since your reputation is part of what you do when playing, but people asking for class, race, and faction conversions so they can bandwagon to the flavor of the month and the dominant side every so often is just strange. I understood things like respec stones back in older mmorpg titles which took effort and cost to get so you could fix a simple character mistake with some work, but we already can run up to a shrine "npc" here and pay a trivial amount of gold to respec. There's only so much progression or sense of character you can take off from choices having any meaning before you be better off going to go play call of Duty if you don't want a persistent game world.... ;).

    Given how drastically your race choice impacts you character stats, I will be disappointed if race changes are anything more than simply changing what your character appears like when they're brought in. If not, you're basically taking a major passives tree and Charging real money to simply respec your character.

    Given that we know race change options are incoming however, we should see racial passives made into a changeable set where you get one skill point choice for the line alone, and could respec that in game for gold, the point buying a passive giving the existing three passives a race normally gets. Then, the crown store would let you look how you want. That is cosmetic and convenience. ( For example I could finally be an argonian but not have to lose out on the dark elf passives, which at 7 percent fire damage and 9 percent magicka are too substantial to not currently have considered anything but a dark elf for my magicka dragon knight.)

    Basically, let us spec "dark elf legacy" or "imperial legacy" and change that in game to have those racial passives, while the race physically is cosmetic and can be paid for changes on the cash shop. :) especially with nerfs and buffs or balance changes altering how useful or not a race will be for your existing characters.... It would suck for the only respec option to cost cash and not be able to be paid for in game like everything else is. Imagine if you had to pay cash for attribute point respecs, or for full skill respecs (but morphs could be done with gold). That's the equivalent problem that will result if they offer cash shop race respecs but don't separate the passives out from it =).
    Edited by Attorneyatlawl on June 8, 2015 8:11PM
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • Skiserony
    Many of the services and ideas listed above are being worked on. Though they may seem simple on the surface, some can take more time and resources than you might expect. Many of our resources that work on the Crown Store are also working on future content as well.

    With that said, we do want to get many of these services in your hands as soon as we can!

    omgomgomg, confirmation :blush:
  • Iluvrien
    Oliviander wrote: »
    There are 3 things for which more than a handful of players would be willingly spending maaaany crowns.
    And these things wouldn't affect the game or other players in the least.
    And they are in no case PTW options regardless of your point of view to this concept.
    The magical 3 things are:

    Character Name Change
    Faction Change
    Race change

    So does anybody out there really understand why
    ZOS didn't come up with these 3 immediately when
    they introduced the Cown store ??

    Except that it has been discussed to death in several threads over the last year that it is quite possible that Faction and Race change may have unintended/negative effects on the community... quite apart from the idea that if you play a character then you might want to actually play a character rather than a useful assemblage of numbers designed to hit other assemblages of numbers with.
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    Skiserony wrote: »
    I don't really see class change and alliance change working so well. It would bring a lot of problems with it.

    Class change doesn't even make sense, suddenly having a maxed out class? No.

    It's a game, a lot of things don't make sense. Honestly, I think if people can see past racial/gender changes, class change is trivial in comparison. And I don't think it would be a matter of suddenly having a 'maxed out' class. There would likely have to be some implementation of balance here so that the decision does not become a 'flavour of the month' change. Just thinking off the top of my head now there are a few options in this regard, and I'm sure many more.
    Many of the services and ideas listed above are being worked on. Though they may seem simple on the surface, some can take more time and resources than you might expect. Many of our resources that work on the Crown Store are also working on future content as well.

    With that said, we do want to get many of these services in your hands as soon as we can!

    Wonderful to hear Gina, thank you. Especially looking forward to a name-change option. Please let all know we're very much looking forward to the console release so development can get back to working/improving this version of the game concurrently. Fingers crossed the console release goes relatively smoothly.

    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • firewatch
    The best idea I have heard regarding faction change is that after completing Cadwell's Silver & Gold and seeing all of the areas, you have a one time opportunity to change your faction. Right now you get next to nothing for completing it.
  • Wingdude
    I can't understand why some people are so strict against race or class change. Of course such a function need some limits/costs to prevent min/maxers to change theirs chars after every update.

    But the point it is lore breaking and ppl should lvl an alt makes no sense to me. Where is the Difference between set up an alt with almost the same name and changing my old char. Or even theoratically: Delete the old one and create new with same name.

    You can't tell me any Difference than my lost playtime, level, achivements. So how does it hurt you?

    I myself picked a redguard dk in the beta as main and played him for over an year. Why you force me to be always a stamina based melee Char without loosing a significant advance ( and it is significant)? How does it impact you if i would be able to change my race once within 3-6 months or even a year supporting the development of the game with 30$. I am able to switch between vampire and warewolf every 1-2 weeks as well and noone gets injured.

    The gamedesign demands a endless amount of time to grind an alt up to v14 and get back the achievements or your PVP-Level. And as long this design stays the same i think a race or/and even class change should be available. With the right limitations of course.

    And in the end those who really are 100% in the lore are not forced to use such a function, your lore friends are not forced and propabliy want use it. I can't imagin you remeber the tons of players their name and which race/class they are so you can't even tell if they did a change.

    Can't see the problem at this point.

  • Farorin
    Race change is stupid. Don't pick a race that you don't want to play. A bosmer shouldn't be able to somehow morph into a breton. That is just plain stupid.

    Name change, I don't care too much but can see how it may cause some in game issues, and class change is no issue. What I really don't get is why they don't introduce a barber shop or something.
  • Wingdude
    Farorin wrote: »
    Race change is stupid. Don't pick a race that you don't want to play. A bosmer shouldn't be able to somehow morph into a breton. That is just plain stupid.

    Why is this stupid? And how does it hurt you if I would be able to do it.

    I didn't picked a race i didn't want to play. But after over an year I may just play in an other way without repeat endless playtime. The game and skills really changed in a big way since launch. ZOS somhow morphed the skills in something else but my class can't?

    You can morph into skeleton or other species in several quests. You can call a meteor from the sky, there are appearing freaking dark anchors out of nowhere and it in this universe it is stupid that i my be able to change my race? Need more arguements than: it is stupid because it is stupid to convince me.
    Edited by Wingdude on June 9, 2015 8:26AM
  • Skiserony
    Farorin wrote: »
    Race change is stupid. Don't pick a race that you don't want to play. A bosmer shouldn't be able to somehow morph into a breton. That is just plain stupid.

    Before launch, when all info was available to us, they ensured Race wasn't that big of deal and because of the softcaps it wasn't. I had a Redguard DK mage with all mage-related stats softcapped which meant the stam buffs actually were pretty useful. But the game has changed a lot, which made Races a big deal. So the reason I chose that Race now affects me while they said it wouldn't be, then it's only normal they should give a Race change since they have changed the game so hard.

    You should see the difference between a Dunmer mage DK and a Redguard mage DK, it's pretty ridiculous. And if that's your main character since launch it's pretty frustrating.

    It has NOTHING to do with plain stupidness.
  • Deheart

    Playing different races makes a big difference even at level one. To get the maximum effect you need to choose the race and class that fits your play style the best.

    And considering how they have changed the racial passives over the last year for some races, race changes are pretty much a necessity at least once for some players.
    As a casual player I was satisfied that at one point I had a char max level and near max crafting with almost all motifs and I pretty much lost interest. Then ESO discovered DLC's and now my main is just a wanabe and I am happily pulled back into the game.
  • Lithium Flower
    Lithium Flower
    As someone with 6 veteran characters, I do understand that leveling up a character is a lengthy, time-consuming process but it's part of what it means to play a role-playing game. The object of an rpg is to start a character from scratch and build it up slowly by gaining experience from gameplay. It has nothing to do with lore and magic and physics. It's a matter of game design and expectations. It's what everyone expects from an RPG.

    Having a new character means, starting that process from scratch. New race, new class, new faction - those are so fundamental to your character that by altering any or all of those you have fundamentally changed the character so it's no longer the same entity.

    A new entity has to start from scratch - that's the point of the game, that's why there are skills and experience and character progress and levels.

    When your Dragonknight uses Flame Lash, the 7k damage his level 50/Morph Rank IV skill does represents all the experience the character has gained in using it. From the 70 damage your Level 3 DK did in Bleakrock, that 7K tick represents the toil that's gone into leveling up that skill.

    Why should anyone be allowed to skip the gameplay and effectively have access to an unlimited number of cash-bought v14 templates?

    Why even retain character progression at that point, let's all start the game with every skill available at maximum level. Just choose what you want and dive into PvP/trials?

    Sorry but no, that "grind" IS a fundamental part of the game. You make a character and commit to it. You invest time and energy and effort developing *that* particular character.

    The "grind" is fundamental to making the character, not some penance players are made to do in order to get to their intended part of the game. It's not a punishment, it's not a torture, it's how you develop a character. If you don't like it or find it fun or rewarding, if it doesn't give you a sense of achievement to finally make that final ding, don't do it - go play a game without it or stick to the one character you have.

    People don't dive into Call of Duty and complain about lack of RPG features. Were you unaware of how RPGs play? Did you not expect to have to level up through experience gain?

    If you think the investment/payoff is too low or that the grind takes too long or is too tedious, we can make a thread about leveling and think of ways to make it more enjoyable and rewarding and try to get ZOS' attention - but clamouring to remove a fundamental part of game play on payment of cash is absolutely baffling.
    Dragonknight Smith of the Lith | Rayna Dreloth
    Templar Josephine Belmont | Catherine Belmont | Irene Belmont
    Sorceror Blathanna | Eta Carina
    Nightblade Adda Vorenor

    Ebonheart Pact | Daggerfall Covenant | EU | Champion Points ~ 800 | Crafter of all things
  • Wingdude
    Well the development is not broken or missing with a class or race change. If i would change my race and/or class i would need to lvl up new skills aswell.I need to progress for new gear and get used to the new/changed mechanics.

    In which way is it fundamental to run several times through the same quest lines, brain afk and bored. It may just be fundamental due the lack of endgame content. And still here ist the question why you bother about?

    If you don't want a race changed character don't change it and run on an alt. But how is it breaking your gameplay if those who want are able to?

    I don't want a total new entity i want my char adjusted to drastic game play changes which destroyed my character development since launch.
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