Vazkahkatz wrote: »Yesterday evening while fighting molag bal, I tried to transform into a werewolf. I got that big that we used to get where my appearance didn't change but my abilities did. (I hope I put this in the right place)
I suspect that in this particular fight the game considers you to be wearing a costume whether you have one on or not - as this is the fight where you appear in the super shiny ornate gear, and have ridiculous powers.ViciousWayz wrote: »Vazkahkatz wrote: »Yesterday evening while fighting molag bal, I tried to transform into a werewolf. I got that big that we used to get where my appearance didn't change but my abilities did. (I hope I put this in the right place)
If you were wearing a costume at the time then it prohibited you from showing the transformation as well as animations. This has been an issue for a while and I'm not sure why it's not yet fixed.
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