The most fun I have had is when there are large armies from all three factions fighting over the same keep. A map completely dominated by one faction is soooo boring it is a waste of time going there.
It needs to change ASAP. History has shown over stretched empires are always weaker.
It gives lots of cheap AP since a lot of wandering EP tend to let their guard down -vs- a server with active warring.eventide03b14a_ESO wrote: »I personally enjoy that Thornblade is dominated by EP. I can explore to my heart's content.
You get better, and learn new skills and to survive... but ultimately, it's discouraging and generates boredom beyond boredom. Okay, I got REALLY good on Thornblade, I'm #3 on the Leaderboards, but there's zero reason to even play on Thornblade because the population imbalance is so damn terrible.NPK Daniel wrote: »You get better by being outnumbered constantly. I value my battle hardened warriors at 2:1 (minimum) vs people who have always ran with the advantage. It takes months of being smashed to be the smash-er.
It gives lots of cheap AP since a lot of wandering EP tend to let their guard down -vs- a server with active warring.
The only way this will ever be fixed is if zenimax limits the number of people who can get on a campaign to the least common denominator.
They refuse to do it. Therefore "Working as intended, nothing to see here."
kevlarto_ESO wrote: »
Well Brian wheeler did suggest this as one of the ideas to help the issue, but the community backlash to it was overwhelming negative, ZOS was not refusing to do it the player base was..
Seth_Black wrote: »
You're funny ...other factions don't even count on Thorn ...and never did. EP Council runs them down every night.
DC started using same strategy now and lately AD is only trying to take over keeps ALREADY UNDER ATTACK
Cheap shot bananas!Map is changing on Thorn just bcs even council got BORED of farming you day after day and they play nights mostly just to have regular fun.
On the other side congrats to DC guilds offering 'making you an emperor' for gold discovered new 'LOW'
Too bad we don't have one campaign exclusive for the ESO+ members ...would be fun
I don't know what you're talking about as that's not the case on DC Thornblade. We discovered a new low? Nobody has dreams of becoming Emp on Thornblade. We just want something to do.Seth_Black wrote: »On the other side congrats to DC guilds offering 'making you an emperor' for gold discovered new 'LOW'
kevlarto_ESO wrote: »
Well Brian wheeler did suggest this as one of the ideas to help the issue, but the community backlash to it was overwhelming negative, ZOS was not refusing to do it the player base was..
But NOT on Thornblade!"Featuring three-sided Player vs. Player (PvP) gameplay, The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited supports hundreds of players on screen at once in an open world fight for control of Cyrodiil. Seize, hold, and control the resources of massive strongholds.".....