PaulScelus wrote: »There are plenty of enemy forces on every side that can easily take back a good portion of a dominated map. The problem is the players. As soon as it looks as though the map is going all one colour, bam, people leave the campaign and make it even easier for said colour to continue to dominate the entire map. It's stupid, really. It's like a hive mind of people saying "Well, woke up and only have X number of keeps. I'm going to XYZ campaign instead". The moment that campaign starts going one colour, I guarantee it will end up having the same problem. People are the problem, not the systems in place. ZOS has made many mistakes with ESO, fair enough, but they cannot be held accountable for people abandoning campaigns at the first sight of a map-overtake challenge.
PaulScelus wrote: »There are plenty of enemy forces on every side that can easily take back a good portion of a dominated map. The problem is the players. As soon as it looks as though the map is going all one colour, bam, people leave the campaign and make it even easier for said colour to continue to dominate the entire map. It's stupid, really. It's like a hive mind of people saying "Well, woke up and only have X number of keeps. I'm going to XYZ campaign instead". The moment that campaign starts going one colour, I guarantee it will end up having the same problem. People are the problem, not the systems in place. ZOS has made many mistakes with ESO, fair enough, but they cannot be held accountable for people abandoning campaigns at the first sight of a map-overtake challenge.
eventide03b14a_ESO wrote: »It's fun if your side is the one in control. On that note I'm having a blast in Thornblade right now doing quests with impunity and no worry of any opposing sides; and the XP is just fantastic!
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »Any EP players come to Haderus (NA) we give a good fight and stick it to the yellow dogs every day even if they are pop locked and have 24/7 zergs. Just need some more night players to stop there night capping every single day cause we may go to bed with the map fairly even but when we wake up it's yellow thanks to the 24/7 zergs. No TB players.
Actually, that can be the most fun.
I used to love going into Chill and killing people in the quest areas who though they were safe because they were on the DC buff server. Muwahahha
^ This is how you get good. You fight against the odds, not with them. If you're EP and you want to refine yourself go to haderus. You will learn to fight worth 3 players because you will be fighting 3 to 1 every day.
Rune_Relic wrote: »I gave a similar solution months ago.
Every PVE bonus you gain as a buff server is countered by its PVP negative.
Gain 5000 health in PVE ~ Lose 5000 Health on PVP.
So who want the health then....PVE or PVP players ?
The status quo will give you no gains anywhere.
If you are wiped off the map you get max PVP bonus (giving the weakest a buff).
If you dominate the map you get max PVE bonus (giving the strongest a penalty..but not totally negative)
The natural state of things is a balnaced campaign rather than buff servers.
There is no cons to having a buff server at present
Forestd16b14_ESO wrote: »
Dude not cool don't be arse.... unless you have a good reason then be a giant arse.
filmoretub17_ESO wrote: »Just switch campaigns and problem is solved. .
KleanZlate wrote: »I decided to check out Haderus EU as a guest campaign and it's completely blue. Having a campaign completely in your faction color is as boring as having it all under enemy control. There's simply nothing to do. I guess I could use it for questing but questing in enemy territory is a lot more fun IMO. For me it's a wasted campaign.
No, it just makes a single server fun to play on with long long queues.
Aside from people not wanting to leave a campain due to their time invested, many just dont want to join a queue that can take 30 mins to an hour when they is their play time for the evening.
They stick with where they can get in and then when a new game comes out they go to that.
filmoretub17_ESO wrote: »
I've never seen every campaign messed up. Just avoid the ones that are messed up its not hard.
infraction2008b16_ESO wrote: »
The only one not messed up on EU is Thornblade, and usually you'll have to wait hours to enter it only for major lags or disconnections due to it being over populated however despite that it is balanced.
Problem with other campaigns:
Azura's star: All blue
Haderus: All blue
Chillrend: All yellow
I feel ZOS need to push people out of thornblade (possibly split it into two) and possibly introduce hard locks if home/guest setups reach a maximum level (i.e. make it so you can't join a full campaign even to queue). Force people into the other campaigns if one is full to the brim I say.
Rune_Relic wrote: »I gave a similar solution months ago.
Every PVE bonus you gain as a buff server is countered by its PVP negative.
Gain 5000 health in PVE ~ Lose 5000 Health on PVP.
So who want the health then....PVE or PVP players ?
The status quo will give you no gains anywhere.
If you are wiped off the map you get max PVP bonus (giving the weakest a buff).
If you dominate the map you get max PVE bonus (giving the strongest a penalty..but not totally negative)
The natural state of things is a balnaced campaign rather than buff servers.
There is no cons to having a buff server at present
filmoretub17_ESO wrote: »
Oh sorry man that isn't happening on NA but could very easily get there. Yea ZOS needs to just make it a queue and put everyone in the same campaign and when that one is full move everyone to the next campaign. Right now we have enough people on NA to fill up 1 campaign but instead they are spread out in 5 different campaigns fighting ghosts.