Personally, the only reason I ever brought a companion with me in Skyrim was for the extra carrying capacity. Other than that, I felt they got in the way more than they helped.
Also, I noticed you refer to "Craglorn" as if it weren't a group setting. Do you mean to only have them available above ground? Because all the dungeons are 4-man instances.
MercyKilling wrote: »Craptic...err...Cryptic games has companions in Neverwinter. I found them to be fairly useless, to be honest. What good is a companion that dies in one or two hits and has the intelligence and common sense of a newborn?
☆ Introduction
Companions have become a big part of the elder scrolls series as AI grows we find ourselfs attached to them.
It got to the point where you started to have families and family shops so we started to get even more attached to the games. Some of us found ourselves logging in just to vist our houses and family. Now how do we replicate that feeling into ESO well as in part 1 it starts with player housing and guild halls.
But it has to go further so whats next well it is companions and to do this you need a way to bring them in.
So i have created a few ideas to think about ZOS.
If you have some good companion ideas please put them in your comments below.
Make sure to vote if you would like to see something like this added in now this is tied into part 1 player housing.
Before reading this thread ZOS please see part 1 as they will be tied into each other as well as future threads.
I would really appreciate members of ZOS comming here and giving their opinion on this thread.
@ZOS_AlanG @ZOS_GARYA @ZOS_AjanJ @ZOS_GabrielleA @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_UlyssesW @ZOS_AmeliaR @ZOS_MichelleA etc
☆ Some Music While You Read
☆ How will they work
The ai pathing and combat is already in the game with the sorc pets.
Q. But won't this upset the sorc players?
A. no because they can still have their pets out as well as their companion.
I personally think it will make sorcs even stronger but also companions wont be any sronger than the pets already in.
Q. So everyone can walk around with the same companion out?
A. Well no because there would be customization options.
1) taking your companion to a barbershop will let you change anything besides race and voice.
2) you will put gear on them exactly like you would for your own characters.
Q.How would levels and skills work with them?
A. Their level is based off yours and for the skills each companion will have a certain skill tree made up of different abilities in the game and passives depending on what ZOS wants for each one.
Q. So how many points will they get?
A. Well it would depend on what zos wants but they cannot be stronger than a sorcs pet already in the game so as long as that balances out.
Q. So what happens to my companion if i swap to another one?.
A. They will simply go back to your housing area and wait for you there.
Q. So where would we be able to use them?
A. That is up to ZOS but i would recommend only in single player content so no group content bar craglorn type content and pvp.
Q. What Reason would ZOS have for doing this?
A. Well simply put they could easily set up companions for sale in the crown store. Where you would buy their quest line or choose to use one of the starters if you choose.
☆ Possible Companions
Name: Fights For No Cause
Race: khajiit
Sex: Male
Class: warrior
Personality: prides himself on been the best and will always honor his word
Background: Mercenary
These rag tag warriors fight for one reason money.
How to get him: with his reputation he is not hard to find and if you want the best your going to have to go find him.
He can be found inside the main cities tavern. Once you have expanded your house to hold extra people. You can offer him x amount of money to come work for you.
He will tell you that he can not take on a new employer until he finds his brother. After abit of talking you tell him that you will help track him down if he is willing to come work for you. He agreed to these terms and hands you the last note from his brother.
This leads you on a trail leading to a cave. After fighting your way through you find his brother hiding in a secret tunnel. Turns out he was following another person down the tunnel until she disappeared behind this wall . He the explains to you how she was the most beautiful thing he has ever seen and he must find a way in.
After completing the puzzle the door opens and you both step inside to see an empty room. All of a sudden the door behind you closes and crackling laughing starts echoing through the area. Suddenly spiders drop from the ceiling and after defeating them a voice echos "Foolish traveler like many before you
Your curiosity has gotten you killed, Beware the shadows hahaha" suddenly a figure emerged from behind and pulls his brother into the air before dropping his lifeless body to the ground. The figure then drops to the ground and shouts "Pathetic" then charges at you and now you can see this huge spider like creature. Once defeated you take a ring off his brothers corpse and bring it back to him and explain what happened. He tells you that he is sadden by these events but death is not the end. He starts laughing and begins to say " well let's get to it then shall we" confused you drop the subject with a simply " ok then...." .
More to come later so stay tuned.
The companions are not allowed in dungeons or pvp
They instead come with you in single player content and places
Like craglorn. People are skipping the thread and just voting so remember
The companions dont affect anyone else what so ever.
Companions worked well in single player TES games for sure, but I see no reason to have them in a multi-player game. If you want someone else to come with you and help you fight, quest, whatever, there are plenty of other players around, so why not be social and group up with one of them?
Adding companions would also create game balance issues - particularly for PVP and group dungeons. You could always have them disabled for those types of content, but ZOS that's just another thing for ZOS to consider with all new content: is this something where companions should or shouldn't be allowed?
The bolded part I agree with, I just don't want those NPCs to be companions who come and fight alongside you. I'd really like it if there were certain NPCs who you could do favours for, or otherwise help, and after a while of building up your relationship with them you get certain benefits.
Most people know by now how much I dislike SWTOR today and what it has become to, but! Their companion system is the best in all MMOs I played.
They are a real part of your story, you can tag along with them in dungeons, quest with them, equip them ... It works flawlessly and adds a huge part of immersion to the game.
In my opinion, a companion system, just like housing are a must have for MMOs. Why play alone in an MMO? There is no point. All old ES games and MMOs had companion systems, not as complex as the modded Skyrim or SWTOR, but you still had reputations to gain, NPC´s helped you fight or became your friends / husband or wife. Its not understandable to me why this was sacrificed for more than often, pointless "group or die" content.
I really miss having the ability to improve my standing with certain NPCs, its such a crucial part of MMOs.
Caius Drusus Imperial DK (DC) Bragg Ironhand Orc Temp (DC) Neesha Stalks-Shadows Argonian NB (EP) Falidir Altmer Sorcr (AD) J'zharka Khajiit NB (AD) |
Isabeau Runeseer Breton Sorc (DC) Fevassa Dunmer DK (EP) Manut Redguard Temp (AD) Tylera the Summoner Altmer Sorc (EP) Svari Snake-Blood Nord DK (AD) |
Ashlyn D'Elyse Breton NB (EP) Filindria Bosmer Temp (DC) Vigbjorn the Wanderer Nord Warden (EP) Hrokki Winterborn Breton Warden (DC) Basks-in-the-Sunshine Argonian Temp |
C0pp3rhead wrote: »Seriously? The single player content is so easy that there's no need for a companion. Multiplayer content is too difficult for a companion to be of any use. There are so many dps checks that a companion wouldn't be of any help. Moreover, programming several different types of companions would be ridiculous. They just recently got pets right. If you want pets, play a togglemancer sorcerer.
Most importantly, I wouldn't want someone at my side in a dungeon who needs a companion to babysit them.
The bolded part I agree with, I just don't want those NPCs to be companions who come and fight alongside you. I'd really like it if there were certain NPCs who you could do favours for, or otherwise help, and after a while of building up your relationship with them you get certain benefits.
Maybe one of those NPCs is a merchant, and after improving your standing with him he gives you a discount on repair costs.
Maybe one is the mayor/lord of a town/manor, and after improving your standing with him he'll give you daily quests that scale with your level.
Maybe one is an abbot, and after improving your standing with him he gives you a discount on respecs.
Maybe one is a fence, and after improving your standing with him you can fence/launder more items per day with him.
winterscrolls229prerb18_ESO wrote: »I would love to see companions, if anything for the rp.
Combat utility not even close as you get so overlevelled so quickly but to increase your inventory, be a vendor, !!! MAKE A CAMPSITE!!! !!! HOLD A LAMP AT NIGHT!!!! would be super excellent (and definitely crown worthy if that counts).
Ps. Also must come with chainmail bikini outfit option if its for crowns. Thanks.
So many people are so shortsighted. Just because you won't use them doesn't mean they won't be good for the community.
Within ESO, there already exists the mechanic for an NPC to follow and fight alongside the player. There also exist quests where the player is able to choose the type of companion that follows them. Using these already established systems, ZOS should allow players to hire Mercenaries and have NPC characters tag along with them on their missions. Expanding the functionality to include different types of Mercenaries could offer a robust mechanic for groups and single players alike.
Who Will You Hire?
Player’s, starting at level 10, should be given the option to hire Companion Mercs to accompany them on their adventures. This accompaniment should extend to all areas of play. They should also fill group slots, fulfilling the grouping requirement for dungeons.
The better the Companion Merc a player would like to hire, the more expensive they will be. The Merc would ideally be leveled to the player, which would make the most sense within the mechanics of the game. Level 10 Mercs could start 50 gold per hour and increase per level to a level 50 Merc that costs around 1,000 gold per hour.
Being designed by ZOS, Companion Mercs could have interesting personalities and conversation trees to give them to continue their employment or to dismiss them. ZOS could also create a random Companion generator that created the Companion Merc on the fly as the player requested them. Both have benefits and I don’t think either is one necessarily better than the other.
So many people are so shortsighted. Just because you won't use them doesn't mean they won't be good for the community.
But it's a poll with a question about the personal opinion - "... I would [not] like ..." - the question is not "would this be good for the community?". With your logic, votes are pointless because you have to vote yes to nearly everything. My wife loves liver, I don't ... why should I lie and say otherwise? If the question were "do you wan't your wife to get liver", I would answer with yes, but the question is about my personal "taste".
I have a pretty extensive Hirable NPC Companion concept. Here's the opening:
Here's the full thread: