I really dislike Stamina builds in 1.6 and combat in general

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Right now, playing a stamina build in 1.6 is just god awful, and frankly boring. I'm basically forced into going full Glass Cannon, and the slow methodical play of Dot builds as stamina simply don't work anymore. Anything that's not full on Burst Damage is probably going to flat out die as you will not be able to get through multiple shields. So i'm forced into this crap of basically either instant killing my target with bow, or doing the Wrecking Blow Dance till it connects....

It isn't fun....at all...They need to cut down on shields, and cut down on all the extreme burst moves so that PvP is actually something other then Instant Kill or Super Sorc Mode.

  • Juraigr
    no but seriously 1.6 is boring tbh :/ much, much shield stack
    EU Worst DK , Best DK Singapore and NA also known as 'Special Snowflake'

    Jurra - V14 Dragonknight Rank 38 August Palatine
    Jurra Hex - V14 Sorcerer Rank 25 Colonel [SEMI-RETIRED until Zos fix this BS sorc nonsense]

    LA DK Still OP :P

    One of the Three Light Armor DK's



    Grinding my way to August Palatine finally made it, still holding a torch for eso so now imma filthy casual
  • Lionxoft
    Soft caps are something I'd like to see make a return.
  • Soulac
    Lionxoft wrote: »
    Soft caps are something I'd like to see make a return.

    B-but I love my 3k stam reg :neutral:

    If you don't like being a glass canon, Stamina is indeed boring since you barely break through shields, even with 3.2k weapon dmg..
    To be honest, they probably feel the same, since Stamina builds relay on did, but there are many skills ignoring dodge.
    Why isn't there any skill which ignores shields? Dots as example?
    Of course everyone needs his defense, but it's just so boring..

    You hit a Magicka player down:
    Shield, Shield, Shield, Heal.
    Healing ward alone is able to shield against an execute.. gg.

    You hit Stamina player down:
    Dodge, dodge, dodge, dodge while spamming heals.
    Well you can't dodge cheesus beam, curse, lightning or Resto heavy attacks, Concealed weapon, teleport Strike, whip, jabs, Soul Assult and some other skills.
    Anyway it's still annoying.

    Shield Stacking and Dodge should get changes, but it shouldn't break the "balance".
    If you take away dodge, Stamina builds will probably disappear since it's the only possible defense (a bit more cost won't change anything)
    Take away shields and you see dying Sorcs, DKs and Templars everywhere (since NB has no Shield..)
    Cost increase won't help in my opinion.

    And since zos doesn't care..
    We will deal with this boring *** the next months.

    R.I.P Dawnbreaker / Auriel´s Bow
    Member of the Arena Guild and the overpowered Banana Squad.
    Nathaerizh aka Cat - Nightblade V16 - EU

    - Meow -
  • Maulkin
    Right now, playing a stamina build in 1.6 is just god awful, and frankly boring. I'm basically forced into going full Glass Cannon, and the slow methodical play of Dot builds as stamina simply don't work anymore. Anything that's not full on Burst Damage is probably going to flat out die as you will not be able to get through multiple shields. So i'm forced into this crap of basically either instant killing my target with bow, or doing the Wrecking Blow Dance till it connects....

    It isn't fun....at all...They need to cut down on shields, and cut down on all the extreme burst moves so that PvP is actually something other then Instant Kill or Super Sorc Mode.

    Not as easy as you make it out to be.

    There are tanks out there in 1.6. Heavy armour tanks that can take a lot and I mean A LOT of punishment. They can easily withstand 4-5 people beating on them for a prolonged amount of time.

    Currently a tank vs glass cannon fight is a +10m fight where the cannon cannot get past block and mitigation. If top-end damage is reduced and shields at the same time, the main beneficiary would be tanks and you'd be complaining about the super-tanks and how nobody dies in PvP cause they build supertanky. And how they can, by landing one good combo, wreck glass cannon builds, making them redundand.

    In short, that's what happens when softcaps are removed. Everybody can build to the extreme, whether that's damage or survivability. It would need major balance rework which I don't think is going to happen at this stage

    PS: For all the QQ about Sorc Shields survivability is much reduced in 1.6. I could put together kill streaks going from 100-200 in 1.5, playing solo. In 1.6 I hardly push past 50 because the moment you get focused if you don't have an obstacle to hide behind, you're dead in seconds due to burst. 11k Shields are nothing when each player hits you for 12-15k. I hear the same from all other high-level sorcs I speak to.
    EU | PC | AD
  • RinaldoGandolphi
    Not as easy as you make it out to be.

    There are tanks out there in 1.6. Heavy armour tanks that can take a lot and I mean A LOT of punishment. They can easily withstand 4-5 people beating on them for a prolonged amount of time.

    Currently a tank vs glass cannon fight is a +10m fight where the cannon cannot get past block and mitigation. If top-end damage is reduced and shields at the same time, the main beneficiary would be tanks and you'd be complaining about the super-tanks and how nobody dies in PvP cause they build supertanky. And how they can, by landing one good combo, wreck glass cannon builds, making them redundand.

    In short, that's what happens when softcaps are removed. Everybody can build to the extreme, whether that's damage or survivability. It would need major balance rework which I don't think is going to happen at this stage

    PS: For all the QQ about Sorc Shields survivability is much reduced in 1.6. I could put together kill streaks going from 100-200 in 1.5, playing solo. In 1.6 I hardly push past 50 because the moment you get focused if you don't have an obstacle to hide behind, you're dead in seconds due to burst. 11k Shields are nothing when each player hits you for 12-15k. I hear the same from all other high-level sorcs I speak to.

    Yup, Hardened Ward is over rated. It is much easier to break then it was before the 15% nerf in Cyrodiil. Even with all points in Bastion and 30K magic, your Ward will be good to absorb 1 hit from a properly speced Stamina Two Hander. Sorc's are very good against other casters due to being able to Stack Harness/Dampen with Hardened Ward and BOL Defense. All the builds have pros and cons.
    Rinaldo Gandolphi-Breton Sorcerer Daggerfall Covenant
    Juste Gandolphi Dark Elf Templar Daggerfall Covenant
    Richter Gandolphi - Dark Elf Dragonknight Daggerfall Covenant
    Mathias Gandolphi - Breton Nightblade Daggerfall Covenant
    RinaldoGandolphi - High Elf Sorcerer Aldmeri Dominion
    Officer Fire and Ice
    Co-GM - MVP

    Sorcerer's - The ONLY class in the game that is punished for using its class defining skill (Bolt Escape)

    "Here in his shrine, that they have forgotten. Here do we toil, that we might remember. By night we reclaim, what by day was stolen. Far from ourselves, he grows ever near to us. Our eyes once were blinded, now through him do we see. Our hands once were idle, now through them does he speak. And when the world shall listen, and when the world shall see, and when the world remembers, that world will cease to be. - Miraak

  • Erock25
    Right now, playing a stamina build in 1.6 is just god awful, and frankly boring. I'm basically forced into going full Glass Cannon, and the slow methodical play of Dot builds as stamina simply don't work anymore. Anything that's not full on Burst Damage is probably going to flat out die as you will not be able to get through multiple shields. So i'm forced into this crap of basically either instant killing my target with bow, or doing the Wrecking Blow Dance till it connects....

    It isn't fun....at all...They need to cut down on shields, and cut down on all the extreme burst moves so that PvP is actually something other then Instant Kill or Super Sorc Mode.

    Saw it was an xso topic and the sorc complaining did not disappoint. The general gist of this topic is that you feel every class in the game needs to be burst dps all because of sorc's shields? I just want to make sure I'm understanding you right.

    Still waiting on your sorc videos.
    You earned the 500 LOLs badge.
    You received 500 LOLs. It ain't no fluke, you post great stuff and we're lucky to have you here. +50 points
  • Soris
    PS: For all the QQ about Sorc Shields survivability is much reduced in 1.6. I could put together kill streaks going from 100-200 in 1.5, playing solo. In 1.6 I hardly push past 50 because the moment you get focused if you don't have an obstacle to hide behind, you're dead in seconds due to burst. 11k Shields are nothing when each player hits you for 12-15k. I hear the same from all other high-level sorcs I speak to.

    Good thing you still have at least 11k shield while also remain deadly on your sorc.

    Shield nerf for Sorcs pov = Stack more magicka, be more deadly, have a big fancy ward.
    Shield nerf for Templar pov = Stack more health, have a big shield, be a non factor. Or stack more magicka have no shield.

    You have no right to complain :smiley:
    Welkynd [Templar/AD/EU]
  • Sharee
    If you don't like being a glass cannon, try heavy armor. It works a lot better than i expected.

    Its still a wrecking blow dance, but its not a 'kill in 3 seconds or die in 3 seconds' scenario anymore.
    Edited by Sharee on April 8, 2015 1:04PM
  • Maulkin
    Soris_ESO wrote: »

    Good thing you still have at least 11k shield while also remain deadly on your sorc.

    Shield nerf for Sorcs pov = Stack more magicka, be more deadly, have a big fancy ward.
    Shield nerf for Templar pov = Stack more health, have a big shield, be a non factor. Or stack more magicka have no shield.

    You have no right to complain :smiley:

    I'm in no way complaining about how Sorc is in PvP at the moment. I'm not delusional

    Quite the opposite, I have repeatedly said that Sorc burst needs a small nerf in exchange for higher sustained DPS in PvE. That is where Sorc needs some love. In PvP Sorc is undoubtedly beast atm, on a par I believe with NB.

    I have also repeatedly said two more things:
    1) All ward values should scale off Magicka, not just Sorc Wards.
    2) Caster Templar needs a bit of love. Dark Flare and Vampire's Bane needs some changes to make Templars competitive light armor builds.

    Edited by Maulkin on April 8, 2015 1:12PM
    EU | PC | AD
  • technohic
    Sharee wrote: »
    If you don't like being a glass cannon, try heavy armor. It works a lot better than i expected.

    Its still a wrecking blow dance, but its not a 'kill in 3 seconds or die in 3 seconds' scenario anymore.

    Well; I am hoping with fixing armor penetration that it is a bit better. Will see.

    As to the OP. This is not exclusive to stamina builds. The current meta is stack as much damage as you can for all DPS and then you either better have a shield or heals to get through it.

    You actually have more benefit as a stam user in having those heavy hits available regardless of your class. Not to mention as people start using more nirhoned which is either bugged or very stupidly designed.
  • Maulkin
    double post :/
    Edited by Maulkin on April 8, 2015 1:12PM
    EU | PC | AD
  • frozywozy
    What they need to do is nerf the "two-shot" nightblades builds that insta gib you off your horse 10times a day in transit lines. People get literally on top of the leaderboard spending 10hours a day killing free targets off their horses.

    Boring life u're gonna say? Well, it's not because they decided to do it anyway that it should work that way.

    Nightblades can literally spam ambush on a guy riding a horse at full speed and full stamina non stop just bouncing from one side of the map to the other teleporting on the back of the guy. Ridiculous.

    Finally, I think that Wrecking Blow deals way too much damage through block. It was discussed already in another thread.
    Frozn - Stamdk - AR50
    Frosted - Magplar - AR50
    Frodn - Magden - AR50
    Warmed - Magblade - AR50
    Mmfrozy - Magsorc - AR44
    Necrozn - Magcro - AR32
    PvP Group Builds

    “Small minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas.” -Eleanor Roosevelt
    • Fix Volendrung (spawn location - weapon white on the map causing the wielder to keep it forever - usable with emperorship)
    • Remove / Change CPs System, remove current CP/noCP campaigns and introduce one 30days with lock, one with no locks
    • Fix crashes when approaching a keep under attack because of bad / wrong rendering prioritization system
    • Change emperorship to value faction score points and not alliance points - see this and this
    • Fix long loading screens (mostly caused by players joining group out of rendering range)
    • Add 2 more quickslots to the wheel or add a different wheel for sieges weaponry only
    • Fix Balista Bolts not dealing damage on walls or doors if deployed at a certain place
    • Release bigger battlegrounds with 8 to 16 players per team and only two teams
    • Fix the permanent block animation - see examples : link1 link2 link3 link4 link5
    • Gives players 10 minutes to get back into Cyrodiil after relogging / crashing
    • Add a function to ignore the Claiming system of useless rewards
    • Improve the Mailing System / Rewards of the Worthy stacking
    • Assign specific group sizes to specific campaigns (24-16-8)
    • Make forward camps impossible to place near objectives
    • Make snares only available from ground effects abilities
    • Change emperorship to last minimum 24hours
    • Fix body sliding after cc breaking too quickly
    • Remove Block Casting through Battle Spirit
    • Fix the speed drop while jumping - see video
    • Fix loading screens when keeps upgrade
    • Fix Rams going crazy (spinning around)
    • Bring back dynamic ulti regeneration
    • Fix speed bug (abilities locked)
    • Introduce dynamic population
    • Lower population cap by 20%
    • Add Snare Immunity potions
    • Bring resurrection sickness
    • Fix character desync
    • Fix cc breaking bug
    • Fix gap closer bug
    • Fix health desync
    • Fix combat bug
    • Fix streak bug
    • Fix server lag
    frozywozy wrote: »
    What they need to do is nerf the "two-shot" nightblades builds that insta gib you off your horse 10times a day in transit lines. People get literally on top of the leaderboard spending 10hours a day killing free targets off their horses.

    Boring life u're gonna say? Well, it's not because they decided to do it anyway that it should work that way.

    Nightblades can literally spam ambush on a guy riding a horse at full speed and full stamina non stop just bouncing from one side of the map to the other teleporting on the back of the guy. Ridiculous.

    Finally, I think that Wrecking Blow deals way too much damage through block. It was discussed already in another thread.

    *** nightblades
  • Ezareth
    FENGRUSH wrote: »

    *** nightblades
    That is my PvP Mantra every day. I'm tempted to spend my fortune buying detection pots and passing them out like candy just to spite them all.
    Permanently banned from the forums for displaying dissent: ESO - The Year Behind
    Too Much Bolt Escape - banned for "hacking the game to create movement not otherwise permitted by in game mechanics."
    Ezareth VR16 AD Sorc - Rank 36 - Axe NA
    Ezareth-Ali VR16 DC NB - Rank 20 - Chillrend NA
    Ezareth PvP on Youtube
  • cozmon3c_ESO
    Ezareth wrote: »
    That is my PvP Mantra every day. I'm tempted to spend my fortune buying detection pots and passing them out like candy just to spite them all.

    ive been trying out the flare morphs for the f'ers, the fire one sucks because for some reason when you stealth you run faster then if you were walking in the game lol. the best would be the one that lasts on the ground and you just stand in it i think, im going to test it out today, it doesnt do damage but i just need these f'ers visible.
    Guild UMBRA Chapter Lead
    ~Leper Si -V14 Sorcerer~
    Youtube Channel - Leper
  • Oughash
    frozywozy wrote: »
    What they need to do is nerf the "two-shot" nightblades builds that insta gib you off your horse 10times a day in transit lines. People get literally on top of the leaderboard spending 10hours a day killing free targets off their horses.

    Boring life u're gonna say? Well, it's not because they decided to do it anyway that it should work that way.

    Nightblades can literally spam ambush on a guy riding a horse at full speed and full stamina non stop just bouncing from one side of the map to the other teleporting on the back of the guy. Ridiculous.

    Finally, I think that Wrecking Blow deals way too much damage through block. It was discussed already in another thread.

    Not gonna lie, I hate this style of gameplay.
  • technohic
    Does radiant magelight work well? Thinking about running it as a lot of my deaths are from people not in the fight, but someone sniping then restealthing, then sniping, rinse and repeat. I will block when I hear it and if reasonable will charge and take them out and sometimes when I see a pug wandering that way, I stealth up and watch for them to get attacked then charge them. Just want a little more passive defense.
  • olsborg
    Shieldstacking should go away, yes, dont nerf single shields, that would be stupid without buffing light armor considerably.

    Dodge, or should I say chain dodge with Vigor spam, you cant kill them as a sorc cause Curse and AoE alone wont burst them enough. Boring? I dunno, but its rather annoying, yes.

    PC EU
    PvP only
  • Samadhi
    Ezareth wrote: »
    That is my PvP Mantra every day. I'm tempted to spend my fortune buying detection pots and passing them out like candy just to spite them all.

    As a Magicka build Nightblade, use Detection potions on a build centered around playing counter-stealth.

    Hunting Nightblades with Detection potions going is great fun, everyone should try it.
    "If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion." -- the 14th Dalai Lama
    Wisdom is doing Now that which benefits you later.
  • Mumyo
    Soulac wrote: »

    B-but I love my 3k stam reg :neutral:

    If you don't like being a glass canon, Stamina is indeed boring since you barely break through shields, even with 3.2k weapon dmg..
    To be honest, they probably feel the same, since Stamina builds relay on did, but there are many skills ignoring dodge.
    Why isn't there any skill which ignores shields? Dots as example?
    Of course everyone needs his defense, but it's just so boring..

    You hit a Magicka player down:
    Shield, Shield, Shield, Heal.
    Healing ward alone is able to shield against an execute.. gg.

    You hit Stamina player down:
    Dodge, dodge, dodge, dodge while spamming heals.
    Well you can't dodge cheesus beam, curse, lightning or Resto heavy attacks, Concealed weapon, teleport Strike, whip, jabs, Soul Assult and some other skills.
    Anyway it's still annoying.

    Shield Stacking and Dodge should get changes, but it shouldn't break the "balance".
    If you take away dodge, Stamina builds will probably disappear since it's the only possible defense (a bit more cost won't change anything)
    Take away shields and you see dying Sorcs, DKs and Templars everywhere (since NB has no Shield..)
    Cost increase won't help in my opinion.

    And since zos doesn't care..
    We will deal with this boring *** the next months.

    u can dodge jabs.
  • Durham
    Right now, playing a stamina build in 1.6 is just god awful, and frankly boring. I'm basically forced into going full Glass Cannon, and the slow methodical play of Dot builds as stamina simply don't work anymore. Anything that's not full on Burst Damage is probably going to flat out die as you will not be able to get through multiple shields. So i'm forced into this crap of basically either instant killing my target with bow, or doing the Wrecking Blow Dance till it connects....

    It isn't fun....at all...They need to cut down on shields, and cut down on all the extreme burst moves so that PvP is actually something other then Instant Kill or Super Sorc Mode.

    I prefer the stamina build melee builds however agree that shield stacking is out of hand....
    PVP The Unguildables
  • Soulac
    Since shields are not able to being crit you won't lose your Shield in a single hit, at least not if it's 12k.

    I got a lot of dmg
    Mumyo wrote: »

    u can dodge jabs.

    If you dodge out of range, yes.

    R.I.P Dawnbreaker / Auriel´s Bow
    Member of the Arena Guild and the overpowered Banana Squad.
    Nathaerizh aka Cat - Nightblade V16 - EU

    - Meow -
  • Rune_Relic
    Thing is...half the stuff isn't working anyway.....or working in strange ways.
    I would love to make a judgement, but between lag and half the game broken or not WAI its impossible.
    That's laughter of despair by the way.
    Anything that can be exploited will be exploited
  • krim
    Right now, playing a stamina build in 1.6 is just god awful, and frankly boring. I'm basically forced into going full Glass Cannon, and the slow methodical play of Dot builds as stamina simply don't work anymore. Anything that's not full on Burst Damage is probably going to flat out die as you will not be able to get through multiple shields. So i'm forced into this crap of basically either instant killing my target with bow, or doing the Wrecking Blow Dance till it connects....

    It isn't fun....at all...They need to cut down on shields, and cut down on all the extreme burst moves so that PvP is actually something other then Instant Kill or Super Sorc Mode.

    Before i feel like all play styles had their roles and advantages in different parts of the map. Zerg diving, ganking, large groups, small groups, open fields, keeps, bridges, mile gates, resource towers etc. Now every where you go its the same thing.
  • AhPook_Is_Here
    Did i just stumble into the tears about everything thread by mistake?
    -Unknown American
  • Xsorus
    This is not about shield stacking though...Shield Stacking is a problem yes...and is related to the issue...But right now this game has become Burst or Nothing.

    They really need to come in, nerf a lot of these heavy damage attacks to be a lot more reasonable...but when they do this they have to address shields a bit better as well.

    I'm saying its stupid that if you get hit by fossilize for example I can two shot you with Wrecking Blow.

    This is not about shield stacking though...Shield Stacking is a problem yes...and is related to the issue...But right now this game has become Burst or Nothing.

    They really need to come in, nerf a lot of these heavy damage attacks to be a lot more reasonable...but when they do this they have to address shields a bit better as well.

    I'm saying its stupid that if you get hit by fossilize for example I can two shot you with Wrecking Blow.

    This would take ZOS years to do correctly. :o
  • Perphection
    This is not about shield stacking though...Shield Stacking is a problem yes...and is related to the issue...But right now this game has become Burst or Nothing.

    They really need to come in, nerf a lot of these heavy damage attacks to be a lot more reasonable...but when they do this they have to address shields a bit better as well.

    I'm saying its stupid that if you get hit by fossilize for example I can two shot you with Wrecking Blow.

    This is where I'm frustrated right now as well, playing stamina I have to be relatively glassy to be effective. It's a shame that shields don't work the same as player health. That alone IMO would help alleviate a lot of the problems without having to go into balancing skill damage.
  • Jakx
    Its an arms war. Shields are necessitated because light armor cant survive a single hit without one. Damage is through the roof and would require a reduction across the board.

    People keep giving this "stack magicka and you are amazingly tanky bc shield is stronger" example. Yet fail to look at the flip side. Stam gear is itemized so much better than spell damage gear that these people saying they are "glass cannon stamina" still have insane stam regen amounts allowing them to perma roll dodge. Which is equally if not more problematic than shielded targets.

    So while you complain about shields, Ill complain about perma roll dodging. The game wont miraculously fix itself if one is nerfed. They both stay or they both go.
    Joined September 2013
  • eliisra
    My main problem with 1.6.5.

    Use a magicka built and you're dmg is fluff, while you also have to chew through nirnhoned, reflect and Harness Magicka. You cant go full fire power either, need to spec extra stamina, health and use heavy, to prevent exploding, to break cc every 10 sec and dodge red circles. If you want to kill anything, go play the master of sieges (or sorcerer).

    So you use a stamina build, because only class shields to break down. Better dmg, real burst and endless dodge roll against the rain of siege. But stamina builds still only have like 0 skills to choose from, if lucky with class morphs maybe 1-2 and no decent self-heal until rank 24.

    Finding it really hard to make fun builds right now :expressionless:
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