Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

The entire workforce of Devs needs to work on NOTHING but the lag issues. This is ridiculous!

  • kevlarto_ESO
    I think they have hit a wall, I like the mega server concept as opposed to the single shard set up, both have pro's and cons, one of the biggest problems with the old conventional way of servers is dead servers and server merges which is a bad word and give the perception of a failed game.

    Mega server will have their own problems like we are having now, and I hope at some point they can get it figured out, before we all start running around as stick figures..LOL

    From the beginning ZOS has had some grand plans for ESO, and I hope they can still get a lot of them implemented, I think they should put the Imperial City in as soon as they can that will naturally break up the population in Cyrodill, in fact I think it should be part of the base game, they have plenty of other things to DLC down the road.
  • wOOOOt_of_SD
    The fix they use currently seem to be to lower the population size. I heard it was lowered to 150 players from each faction now.. Soon big battles will be a thing from the past.
  • DogFaceInBananaPatch
    It's working for me, i hate to say it but it's probably a l2p issue.

    I think you mean to say Learn 2 Live Near A Server.
  • DogFaceInBananaPatch
    Anoteros wrote: »
    Megaserver's: Greatest innovation of the MMORPG genre! - said no one ever.

    Megaserver's: Guarantee's you'll, at least, dislike ten times the amount of people.

  • xarguideb17_ESO
    LAG is the greatest downfall of this game. It does really not seem like ZOS is taking it seriously. They should!
  • tengri
    The have no clue what to do.

    Putting a thousand monkeys on the same problem wont still not be enough to produce Shakespeare a solution.
    On top of that without the mandatory subscription they cant afford the necessary cages and feeding anymore...
  • skavenapsb16_ESO
    bg22 wrote: »
    You mean to tell me that with roughly $15m/month in sub fees, you cannot purchase the most elite servers on the market?

    This is out of control. Fix the lag Zenimax!!!!!

    Quit "fixing" and "adding" everything else and focus SOLELY on the lag!

    Yeah! Class dev! Go work on lag! Dessigner.. go work on lag! You drawer also.. why not! GO GO

    irony off.
  • doggie
    On the positive side ZOS is hiring server programers, but on the negative, Funcom never managed to fix the lag in massive PVP sieges either, and they had 10 years of prior inhouse knowledge of mmorpg programming including massive pvp battles with the AO Notum Wars expansion. They eventualy gave up to fix the PVP lag after 4-5 years, calling it a black hole, you can pour resources into pvp lag but nothing will ever come out of it. So they put their resources to something the players could benefit from instead.

    Unless they manage to hire a major senior programmer who know how to handle the strain I doubt they'll be able to fix it. ID Software actually gave Funcom some free advice on network just after launch of AO back in 2001, noone would belive it was actually ID soft. programers when they posted on the forums so they had to post it on the official ID soft. blog at the time.

    Which is funny since ID is now owned by Zenimax media. But I doubt FPS server programming is much use in a mmorpg these days.
  • fromtesonlineb16_ESO
    bg22 wrote: »
    Froggmann5 wrote: »
    bg22 wrote: »
    You mean to tell me that with roughly $15m/month in sub fees, you cannot purchase the most elite servers on the market?

    This is out of control. Fix the lag Zenimax!!!!!

    Quit "fixing" and "adding" everything else and focus SOLELY on the lag!

    They can't just, "FIX" lag, and never assume that they can. It's literally impossible technologically for them to have Cyrodiil 100% lag free. That's one of the pains of an MMO with battles spanning player amounts up to 200+ on screen at once (Zerging), that aspect will always be around. Also, if they do have a group focused solely on Cyrodiil and the issues related with it.

    Unless they want to spend another X Million dollars and X amount of years rewriting the entire net code, this isn't going to happen.

    This isn't even something that can just magically go away in a few weeks, or even a few months.

    I do love a well-argued rebuttal .. care to provide one?
  • bellanca6561n
    Sharee wrote: »
    "The entire workforce of Devs needs to work on NOTHING but the lag issues"

    Would you like a dentist instead of a surgeon to operate on your eye?

    They are both doctors, after all.

    That was my first thought too, Sharee ;)

    And my first fear, using the same logic, was that they'd put their legal team on it....

  • Tandor
    I agree, PvP is a joke at the moment and not just the lag. What makes it infinitely worse is reading the forums and finding no acknowledgement of the lag issue. It's bad enough that it exists but to see no response is a game changer, pardon the pun.

    They've acknowledged it many times, and indicated that it is a top priority. You should check the Dev Tracker.
  • Seraphyel
    bg22 wrote: »
    Quit "fixing" and "adding" everything else and focus SOLELY on the lag!

    What? They are fixing or adding anything else? Haven't realized that by now, the last time they added something mentionable was in September...
  • ZOS_UlyssesW
    Hello, folks.

    We understand everyone's frustration with the issues in Cyrodiil, but we do expect that everyone present their feedback in a constructive way. As this thread is not constructive, we are closing it. If you wold like to continue discussing issues with lag in Cyrodiil, we invite you to check out this thread. Keeping threads consolidated allows us to help players more efficiently and facilitates the visibility of different issues. We encourage you to head to that thread to continue your discussion.
    Edited by ZOS_UlyssesW on April 1, 2015 11:58AM
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