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Recent Restricting Of Hard Working GMs

I Am a Guild Master I Need to send out Mail, whisper people access, my guild banks and stores send out gold for prizes etc etc. I realize this makes me a very active player and also fit the description of a spammer/goldseller from a surface scan of the logs, but if you were look deeper i am just doing what GMs do. I am very dissatisfied that you keep taking away my ability to do even the most basic things like whisper or send mail due to the fact I drew and sent out a mail to my guild(s). Not to mention i am being denied the ability to use the Guild bank and store of my own guilds and or am a officer in. I am having my ability to be an effective GM because I was doing my job as a GM.

I realize these filters are in place to catch people in ToS violation, for more grievous things than guild mail, but could counter qualifiers not also be put in place. Or possibly a longer monitor period rather than immediate ban-hammering long term loyal players and paying subscribers. Perhaps making the Social Ban Hammer an active action w/i the system rather than the automatic default response.

I know I am not alone many other GM's have experienced similar restriction

Direnni Dynasty Member
Edited by GrooverGabe on March 31, 2015 3:46AM
  • Divad Zarn
    Divad Zarn
    I Am a Guild Master I Need to send out Mail, whisper people access, my guild banks and stores send out gold for prizes etc etc. I realize this makes me a very active player and also fit the description of a spammer/goldseller from a surface scan of the logs, but if you were look deeper i am just doing what GMs do. I am very dissatisfied that you keep taking away my ability to do even the most basic things like whisper or send mail due to the fact I drew and sent out a mail to my guild(s). Not to mention i am being denied the ability to use the Guild bank and store of my own guilds and or am a officer in. I am having my ability to be an effective GM because I was doing my job as a GM.

    I realize these filters are in place to catch people in ToS violation, for more grievous things than guild mail, but could counter qualifiers not also be put in place. Or possibly a longer monitor period rather than immediate ban-hammering long term loyal players and paying subscribers. Perhaps making the Social Ban Hammer an active action w/i the system rather than the automatic default response.

    I know I am not alone many other GM's have experienced similar restriction

    Direnni Dynasty Member

    After ban we will have some freedom at least after this hardworking GM needs to do, it takes more time than my real job :D jk, but to be serious i feel like its something wrong about this system, cause sometimes when i dont doing anything (i mean mail/whispers/changing notes etc) and just running around collecting nodes/crafting or something else, I still get kicked for "reached message limits, pls dont spam" so sometimes i get worried as well about it.
  • calia1120
    This is a huge issue for me as a GM. I've been kicked for message rate spamming after promoting 5 people up 2 ranks. Other GMs have had this same issue occur while in the midst of running guild events, which is annoying to say the least.

    The lack of guild management tools is a serious flaw, and GM's are forced to use addons to perform routine tasks.

    ZOS, please either implement some guild tools or relax the restrictions a little. I give you credit for taking action to block spammers, but a little more leeway for legitimate actions would be great.
    GM, Iron Bank of Bravos | The Psijic Order | Mara's Tester/Mara's Moxie | Dominion Imperial Guard
    Council of Nirn | | Addon Dev - part of the Wykkyd code team
  • ElfFromSpace
    I've had this exact same problem... multiple times. Usually it happens at the worst possible time too, such as when I was selling provisioning kits with ingredients about to go stale in 2 days and one of the support staff replied that the ban should clear itself in a few days before another managed to get me unbanned.

    When will we get a Guild Mail tool that can allow us communication without having to spam the server like this?
    Former GM Elder Scrolls Exchange
  • bastianwulfblood
    Our guildmates require a certain amount of communication from us and having this limit does not allow us to manage our guilds the way we need to. Sending mail while running raffles and sending out welcome messages to new members can quickly take up the allowed amount of mail and give us a temporary ban. I agree with my fellow GMs, there needs to be some alternative way to go about this! There should be some guild management tools made available to us.
  • rmarsh936
    I agree, I have been kicked from the server multiple times in the past for reaching the message limit, and it is annoying, and as an active guild master, I am busy in the game communicating with people.
    Edited by rmarsh936 on March 31, 2015 8:43AM
  • asteldian
    The spam kick has little to do with actual chat spam. It is some kind of bug because it happens even when doing nothing. Used to be very common, then went away, now seems to be back
  • stefan.gustavsonb16_ESO
    Hmm. Ticking off their most loyal and active players does not seem like a wise thing to do for ZOS. With the current low population in the game, every active guild master in a reasonably large guild is a key resource for them, and they should take good care of those people, not auto-ban them for the wrong reasons.
  • ashlee17

    Hey there :)

    This is a topic that is near and dear to my heart. I'm sorry to hear you are facing such hardship, and sadly it's something many guild managers and officers face.

    I have been campaigning on the forums for some more tools to help guilds manage their banks, membership and activities for a few months now.

    There is a distinct lack of guild management tools avalible to us at the present time. Please spare 5 min of you time to read and respond to this thread- Please lend your support to this cause!

    If you have already read it and posted - thank you! It's hard to keep track it all sometimes, but every comment supporting better guild tools brings us one step closer to a solution.

    Let's unite as a community in calling for the tools guilds need to build a strong ESO community.

    Thanks for reading and happy adventuring
    Administrator of More Than Fair Guild- North American Server- Come and Join us for a fun and friendly experience - 480+ members and great trader location- all factions welcome - mail me @ashlee17 in game for an invite.
    Join the crusade for better guild management tools!
    Please comment and support this cause!
  • michael_bimson
    Divad Zarn wrote: »
    cause sometimes when i dont doing anything (i mean mail/whispers/changing notes etc) and just running around collecting nodes/crafting or something else, I still get kicked for "reached message limits, pls dont spam" so sometimes i get worried as well about it.

    I have sometimes experienced this and I am not a GM or anything. I don't even think I had sent any mail whatsoever on these occasions.
  • Elsonso
    What about MOTD being a Notification now? Surely this reduces the need for direct mass mail?
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • MissBizz
    Divad Zarn wrote: »
    cause sometimes when i dont doing anything (i mean mail/whispers/changing notes etc) and just running around collecting nodes/crafting or something else, I still get kicked for "reached message limits, pls dont spam" so sometimes i get worried as well about it.

    I have sometimes experienced this and I am not a GM or anything. I don't even think I had sent any mail whatsoever on these occasions.

    behind the scenes "messages" can kick you. Often from add-ons. I know there were issues with some of the "skill slot saver" addons, as they quickly remove/replace all skills on your bar and whatnot. I think most would be a non-issue by now.. but it may have been an add-on kicking you.
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • Rune_Relic
    I dont belong to a guild and still get kicked for message spamming jsut walking around sometimes.
    How do you know its guild activity related ?
    Anything that can be exploited will be exploited
  • Bouvin
    ZOS fails to implement basic, decent guild manage tools (such as calendar and guild mail) that have been in other MMOs for more than a decade.

    ZOS punished players by banning them or restricting them in-game for using add-ons to get around their crappy guild management implementation.

    AWESOME JOB ZOS. Way to alienate your most loyal players (Guild Master's) who already have enough on their hands trying to manage a guild.. which isn't easy.
  • wenchmore420b14_ESO
    I am an officer in a guild that has been around since pre-launch. In lieu of GM being away taking care of real world issues for a while, I am actively trying to re-build the membership and activity, which means LOTS of recruiting in zone chat, lots of messaging, and sending out guild wide newsletters and such to 250+ guildies, ( I use one of above said add-on's). Knock on Hist I haven't been kicked like others in this thread, but I know it happens and i worry every time I send a newsletter, or do a recruiting blitz. I agree, after running and managing a guild, that there needs to be more tools to properly run and manage a guild and banning those who are just trying to make their guild better needs to be addressed. Remember Zos! Your most loyal and supportive players are the Community of Guild Members. Please help us to continue to enjoy this fantastic game AND help others do the same.
    Thank You!~ Huzzah!~
    Lord Wenchmore~
    Drakon Koryn~Oryndill, Rogue~Mage,- CP ~Doesn't matter any more
    NA / PC Beta Member since Nov 2013
    GM~Conclave-of-Shadows, EP Social Guild, ~Proud member of: The Wandering Merchants, Phoenix Rising, Imperial Trade Union & Celestials of Nirn
    Sister Guilds with: Coroner's Report, Children of Skyrim, Sunshine Daydream, Tamriel Fisheries, Knights Arcanum and more
    "Not All Who Wander are Lost"
    “When the people that can make the company more successful are sales and marketing people, they end up running the companies. The product people get driven out of the decision making forums, and the companies forget what it means to make great products.”

    _Steve Jobs (The Lost Interview)
  • calia1120
    What about MOTD being a Notification now? Surely this reduces the need for direct mass mail?

    Doesn't ensure people will see it. I believe that Addons like No Thank You are able to hide these notifications as well.
    GM, Iron Bank of Bravos | The Psijic Order | Mara's Tester/Mara's Moxie | Dominion Imperial Guard
    Council of Nirn | | Addon Dev - part of the Wykkyd code team
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