Maintenance for the week of June 17:
• PC/Mac: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 9:00AM EDT (13:00 UTC)
• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)
• PlayStation®: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – June 17, 10:00PM EDT (June 18, 2:00 UTC) - June 18, 5:00AM EDT (9:00 UTC)

PTS Patch Notes v2.0

  • Attorneyatlawl
    any plans on fixing Dragonknight passive ability battle roar?
    it supposed to recover small amount of hp/magicka/stamina but instead it nearly full recovers all resources on ultimate use.

    What are your stats and level? It doesn't do anything remotely like that in my vr14 dk, that's for sure. I have around 24.8k hp and 22.5k stam in my current pvp build and get around 30% back when using a 200 cost ultimate. That's around 7500 each which is in line with previous patches as a percent. Battle roar is a flat value plus a bonus based on the ultimate's cost. If you're seeing a near full restoration you are probably running very low stats. What does your combat log say you're getting? If you are trying to judge it off of the stock UI, it isn't going to be remotely accurate with no numbers, the collapsing to middle animation, and with how largely stepped it is when changing.
    Edited by Attorneyatlawl on March 13, 2015 9:38PM
    -First-Wave Closed Beta Tester of the Psijic Order, aka the 0.016 percent.
    Exploits suck. Don't blame just the game, blame the players abusing them!

    -Playing since July 2013, back when we had a killspam channel in Cyrodiil and the lands of Tamriel were roamed by dinosaurs.
    -In-game mains abound with "Nerf" in their name. As I am asked occasionally, I do not play on anything but the PC NA Megaserver at this time.
  • jcaceresw
    @ZOS_GinaBruno any chance to fix undaunted skill line progression? I already submitted twice tickets for this issue. The thing is that completing dungeon achievements are not making my undaunted skill line to progress. Is stuck at lvl 9 with 5 exp since patch 1.6.5
    Edited by jcaceresw on March 13, 2015 10:40PM
  • Elsonso
    Edit: Somehow, I missed the last sentence of the first paragraph when I read the OP
    Edited by Elsonso on March 14, 2015 2:32PM
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Mumyo
  • mortuusbae
  • Kevinmon
    Renamed the purple-quality stealable item "Bolt of the Second Numidium” to “Bolt of the Nimidium.” Akulakhan will never realize its ability to transcend time. That right belongs to another golem.

    Typo, or on purpose?

    LOL they misspelled it when they renamed it just ROFL
  • Aerieth
    Is the aiming of conal AOE's going to be fixed?

    Before 1.6, when I used Carve, my character would turn in the direction I had the recticle pointed and the attack would fire.

    Now, when I use carve, my character stays pointed the wrong way, often in the opposite direction of where i'm aiming, and the attack goes off into thin air.

    This also seems to be effecting nightblade refreshing path skill as well.

    If this was intentional, it is certainly undesirable, it was also unanounced in the patch notes.

    This is indeed very annoying and certainly not desirable character skill behavior - in my opinion.
    Makes above mentioned skills a pain to use in high action situations.
    Edited by Aerieth on March 13, 2015 11:57PM
    @Aerieth - PC EU Megaserver
    Ilatria Shadowcore - Lv 50 Nord Vampire Nightblade - Tank / Stam DPS - Daggerfall Covenant
    Maiine Shadowcore - Lv 50 Breton Vampire Nightblade - Magicka DPS - Daggerfall Covenant
    Aerieth Shadowcore - Lv 50 Imperial Vampire Nightblade - Healer - Daggerfall Covenant
    From patch notes long forgotten:
    "Fixed an issue if you had a summoned pet, it could potentially be grabbed by an invisible Molag-Bal and get stuck in a floating posture."
    "Dogs can no longer teleport while chasing cats (much to the disappointment of the dogs)."
  • Ysne58
    Ok, the repair manifest message applies to the PTS patch download. That is going to have to be fixed. I can play on both NA and EU just fine.
  • Fizzlewizzle
    Mumyo wrote: »

    Where do you see a Templar buff?
    Unless you want both your buffs and debuffs to disappear when a Templar cleanses you, i would shut my mouth if i were you.
    (Its for your own good, not for the Templar)
    Mending-The-Wounded, Aldmeri Dominion, Templar.
  • Mumyo
    Mumyo wrote: »

    Where do you see a Templar buff?
    Unless you want both your buffs and debuffs to disappear when a Templar cleanses you, i would shut my mouth if i were you.
    (Its for your own good, not for the Templar)

    It was a joke after jabs are also hurting ur group in organised small scale pvp for instance.
    I am Templar btw.
    It was simply funny for me to see that we actually hurt our dks when using the aura.
  • Dekkameron
    I'm happy to see you fixed all of the most important issues......
    - Veteran Combat Librarian -
  • JDar
    Please fix Cyrodiil.
  • Rydik
    any plans on fixing Dragonknight passive ability battle roar?
    it supposed to recover small amount of hp/magicka/stamina but instead it nearly full recovers all resources on ultimate use.

    LOL! Using some drugs or drinking something? Seems like you live in another reality...
    Edited by Rydik on March 14, 2015 2:31AM
  • Rydik
    mortuusbae wrote: »

    Nirnhoned yes, but Radiant Destr working fine, it's 3 sec channel that very easy to interrupt, stop whine and l2p.
  • Sentinel
    Well, I logged on over onto the PTS to see the new intro movie, and I have to say, I actually prefer the old one.
    The reasons for this:
    1. The new one shows nothing from any actual Gameplay
    2. It has recycled footage from the other mini-movies
    3. Does not give an adequate basis for player's origin (The character being sacrificed)
    4. Does not preview the main threat of the game as much as the storyline emphasizes. (The new trailer emphasizes the Alliance war above everything)

    Now, going back, I believe that the original trailer could be improved in ways:
    1. Clearer animations
    2. More in depth sacrifice section
    3. Possibly show the players journey upon first entering Coldharbour (Rise up from liquid and be cast in chains from Daedra nearby? Maybe even provide the basis of 'vestige' through this.)
    My own Interpretation of a introduction sequence:
    After the Playing Character (PC) gets sacrificed by mannimarco, a world tunnels around them in a black/blue light (similar to the original) and a narrow gap in the center of this tunnel widens exponentially. This gap transitions into a point of view of the PC looking around confusedly swampy area of glowing blue liquid (The kind of liquid in Coldharbour in which vestiges and daedra spawn from) in Coldharbour, nearby contraptions of daedra set up for transporting prisoners. The PC looks up suddenly to be dragged away by a Daedra. The camera zooms out from this, and the view reveals another vestige appearing in much a similar fashion. It then proceeds to zoom further out to reveal the marching armies of Coldharbour. After a considerable time previewing this army, the camera zooms to a prison nearby, where the Character's story begins.
    So, I hope you can look into this, and thank you for your time! :smile:

    EDIT: Another note, even if it's not possible to revise the intro movie, (Adding this in because @lordrichter makes a good point) it would be nice to at least see such of the things above in the game as maybe a prologue. Maybe a second movie, etc. Anyway, the point is, they shouldn't be cut out, even if it's seen once it still has a great value to the game, especially to those who are joining just now coming from the other ES games.
    Edited by Sentinel on March 15, 2015 8:10PM
  • wrathofrraath
    A thousand thank yous from all the Deadlands Adepts for fixing Burning Spellweave
    Vokul Lovaas - V16 Magicka Dragonknight
    Vokul Vol - V16 Magicka Nightblade

    Order of Mundus - NA DC

    DK heals OP
  • Ysne58
    Thanks for making the friends icon go away over time.
  • Shadow
    •Call of the Pack: Fixed an issue with this passive not correctly giving additional transformation time to nearby Werewolf allies. Call of the Pack now increases the duration of nearby allies’ Werewolf Transformation for 5 seconds at Rank I, and 10 seconds at Rank II when the caster activates Werewolf Transformation.

    I don't think im alone here in saying that this doesn't even come close to helping the werewolf skill line. The werewolf form needs to be a toggle ability and still occupy the ultimate slot while the passives that effect our werewolf form effect our human form as well. I feel that this will make the entire werewolf community very happy.
  • theroyalestpythonnub18_ESO
    Please don't let the new cinematic intro go live. It's only tangentially related to the player character's story, and just confuses things. Don't sacrifice the narrative for rule of cool.

  • Junipus
    If it's emphasising PvP then ZOS are shooting themselves in the foot with the current state of Cyrodiil.

    I can quite readily see hordes of new players eager to get into Cyrodiil to PvP quitting after one night of lag.
    The Legendary Nothing
  • prototypefb
    any plans on fixing Dragonknight passive ability battle roar?
    it supposed to recover small amount of hp/magicka/stamina but instead it nearly full recovers all resources on ultimate use.

    What are your stats and level? It doesn't do anything remotely like that in my vr14 dk, that's for sure. I have around 24.8k hp and 22.5k stam in my current pvp build and get around 30% back when using a 200 cost ultimate. That's around 7500 each which is in line with previous patches as a percent. Battle roar is a flat value plus a bonus based on the ultimate's cost. If you're seeing a near full restoration you are probably running very low stats. What does your combat log say you're getting? If you are trying to judge it off of the stock UI, it isn't going to be remotely accurate with no numbers, the collapsing to middle animation, and with how largely stepped it is when changing.

    i only recently started to level my vr DK and noticed if i have low resources and pop ulti i'm full resource or near full resource again.
    it's recovers way too much, i have 15k hp 24k magicka, it's unlikely flat value, since it changes along with your missing resource, the more you're missing the more you get, it's broken and OP, i assume it's been like this forever since DKs been abusing DK - vamp - ulti spam combos, just now it' slot easier to notice since stats are x10 ish.
    this passive needs to be brought in line with other passive abilities, OP stuff needs to be dealt with for balancing issues.
    highest value of recovered HP i saw was 9k while having 15k total, thats way too much, as for other stats i don't use addon which tell other stat recovery but it for sure makes all 3 bars full or next to full.
  • prototypefb
    Rydik wrote: »
    any plans on fixing Dragonknight passive ability battle roar?
    it supposed to recover small amount of hp/magicka/stamina but instead it nearly full recovers all resources on ultimate use.

    LOL! Using some drugs or drinking something? Seems like you live in another reality...

    if you actually played that damn game you'd notice i guess, i'm guessing you're running vamp dk?
  • Cinbri
    [*] Renamed the purple-quality stealable item "Bolt of the Second Numidium” to “Bolt of the Nimidium.” Akulakhan will never realize its ability to transcend time. That right belongs to another golem.

    Huge change that made me sad.
  • SLy_Kyti
    Please note that there will be additional fixes included in next week’s patch on the Live megaservers.

    Thanks for this ^^
    X fingers crossed that Nirn, horses, cloak, walking with talons, Guild notes and many other nuisances are included.
    Master Crafter: Almost all motifs
    GM~ Blades of Old Tamriel NA/AD
    Member~ NZAD
    Member~ Blades of Vengeance NA/AD
    -Tamriel College -Amazing Deals of Nirn-
  • ArconSeptim
    I hope you fix all these UI bugs that are happening around, repairing armor, champion point xp bar and similar.
    Also fix the nirnhoned trait, there is a lot things to be fixed.
  • evedgebah
    Please fix the Light Armor 5 set spell critical bonus. It is not providing its critical as stated. It provides 0 Crit.
  • Elsonso
    Sentinel wrote: »
    Well, I logged on over onto the PTS to see the new intro movie, and I have to say, I actually prefer the old one.
    The reasons for this:
    1. The new one shows nothing from any actual Gameplay
    2. It has recycled footage from the other mini-movies
    3. Does not give an adequate basis for player's origin (The character being sacrificed)
    4. Does not preview the main threat of the game as much as the storyline emphasizes. (The new trailer emphasizes the Alliance war above everything)

    Now, going back, I believe that the original trailer could be improved in ways:
    1. Clearer animations
    2. More in depth sacrifice section
    3. Possibly show the players journey upon first entering Coldharbour (Rise up from liquid and be cast in chains from Daedra nearby? Maybe even provide the basis of 'vestige' through this.)

    So, I hope you can look into this, and thank you for your time! :smile:

    They spent a lot of money on the new CGI movie for TU, so it is hardly unexpected that they want to use it now. It is also too late for change and no amount of critical review is likely to change anything. The lead time is gone and it is time to release, not reconsider.

    That said, the old trailer does a good job explaining where the player fits into the world, how the player got there, and where "there" is. The in-game footage lends the hand of credibility and the feeling that, staged as it is, it is something that could happen in the game. The segue in to the opening scene of the game always makes me feel like part of the game, as a player, but I am not sure if the intro cinematic plays that way, anymore. New characters just drop into the prison cell, so I think we get to play the intro cinematic one time. That makes a segue intro movie awkward at the end. This intro movie has a Solo game feel to it and is something one might expect at the start of TES 6.

    The new CGI trailer stuff is a movie based, very loosely, on the actual game. It contains scenes and images that do not, and never will, appear in the game. The quality of the CGI is excellent, the action is fast paced and epic, but the game is no match for it. It does focus more on the Alliance War, but more importantly, it has a group focus in the three main characters from the different alliances. It has a more MMO feel to it and downplays the Solo nature of the main quest, although at the end it is one person against Mannimarco. (The meaning of the final scene with the Nord continues to elude me)

    I guess that the biggest issue that I have with the new intro is that it is deceptive, but that is pretty much normal and expected for games these days. If anyone did an honest trailer, no one would buy the game. At least with the old intro, you could tell it was footage from the game. The new movie intro is so wildly over the top that the game will never be able to live up to it. Thousands (not hundreds) of soldiers, people scaling walls, zerg-busting lightning AoE attacks that a Sorc can only dream of, massive daedra stomping across Cyrodiil, and the "long vanquished foe" is apparently a werewolf wearing a scarf across the nose.

    You only watch it once, so most people will forget about it. You can still only watch it once per game session, which means that if you want to watch it a lot the game needs to be restarted.
    Edited by Elsonso on March 14, 2015 3:21PM
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Enodoc
    The new intro cinematic is nice, but I agree that it now fails to adequately introduce the player character's story, which previously was presented well.
    UESP: The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages - A collaborative source for all knowledge on the Elder Scrolls series since 1995
    Join us on Discord -
  • Thayn
    Any updates that will address the rampant issues with lag? Both in Cyrodil and in PvE zones?

  • ZOS_GinaBruno
    Community Manager
    I hope you fix all these UI bugs that are happening around, repairing armor, champion point xp bar and similar.
    Also fix the nirnhoned trait, there is a lot things to be fixed.

    Off the top of my head, these will all be fixed on Monday.
    Gina Bruno
    Senior Community Manager
    Dev Tracker | Service Alerts | ESO Twitter | My Twitter
    Staff Post
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