AshySamurai wrote: »I like the map as it is. I can use addons to save my own pins (and share it with other players). If you want fog of war - there are also an addon for it too, but I don't want it, so no need to add it for everyone IMO.
While there are add-ons that will do pretty much all of this, the below ideas include monetization aspects for the Crown Store.
Circuitous wrote: »I quite like the idea of drawing or otherwise interacting with the map. I'm not particularly fond of the fog of war idea, though. I do like having the map open and fully functional right away, especially for populated zones. I think fog of war works better in something like a dungeon, though.
I really hope your "I don't want it, so no need to add it for everyone." comment is sarcasm.
Also, add-on support will not be included in console release. AND the fog of war (as you call it) add on resets every update. You fill out the map and the update deletes the map. Fun but a real waste of time in the long run.
Oh and about addons in general, in the beginning of my post I mentioned these:
AshySamurai wrote: »
No need to add it for everyone. Why it should be added if only small minority would ever want it? I don't act like "I don't want it - noone get it", but I don't like when someone act "I want it, so all will get it". You want it - you can do it with addons. Addons setting reset with every update - make a backup. I do it all the time and all works fine. Consoles don't support addons - too bad, we already tested game for them. They already get most popular addons in their UI.
Bugs > Content > Fluff!
Actually no. I am not thinking "I want it so everyone should have it". I'm thinking "This will make ZOS money from a system that currently doesn't make ZOS money WHILE adding content, mechanics, and gameplay to ESO."
None of those things are a bad thing.
AshySamurai wrote: »
Actually, making fluff instead of real content is a bad thing. Bugs > Content > Fluff!
And if you want it to be in Crown Store - lol, really? Who will ever buy it?
there will ALWAYS be bugs to squash. The focus on bugs and balance is the reason we got ONE area released within the past year.
And who will buy it? TONS of people. There are people who spend small fortunes on virtual farming tools or chances to smash candy. These are the people that ZOS is targeting now. These are the whales that will be ESO's primary customers.
AshySamurai wrote: »We got one area in last year because of B2P: DLC and cash grab. Cyro is still not fixed. Yeah, deers saved us all. Spiders world boss and Giant Camp still not fixed. There are a lot of bugs which exist from launch and still not fixed. Use search to find appropriate topic about it (I saw one not so long ago). We saw Imperial City on QuakeCon. Don't tell me that they didn't released more content because of they fixing bugs.
AshySamurai wrote: »And who will buy it if they can get it for free? How stupid man should be to pay for what he/she can get for free. Whales spend money on something that will grant power over other players (item, title, any other fluff that will show that whale is better than regular player). If you tie an achievment and dye for buying it - sure, a lot of people will buy it. In other case - they just download addons.
I have always enjoyed the maps in ESO. I love their aesthetics. They are a great compromise between hand-drawn styled maps and over-world maps like Skyrim and Daggerfall. There are a few additions that would really make the mapping system become more alive! While there are add-ons that will do pretty much all of this, the below ideas include monetization aspects for the Crown Store.Writing on Maps
- Writing on Maps
- Stamps and Seals
- Map Reveal Mechanic
- Cartographers
First and foremost is the addition of the ability to write on the maps. This would be a simple “write & erase” mechanic. Players could buy a Charcoal & Eraser item from the Crown Store that is consumable and would eventually run out and require repurchase.This would be a straight forward write-anything-anywhere type mechanic. Players would place the cursor anywhere on the map and type whatever they wanted on their map.
Stamps and Seals
Additionally, this could also include a stamp set that’s also purchasable in the Crown Store with separate consumable wax to create seals.These seals could be placed and removed using different stamps and colors. Using the Charcoal & Eraser a player could add notes about the specific stamps.
Map Reveal Mechanic
For FUTURE zones, ZOS shouldn’t automatically include an entire revealed map of the zone. Players should have to travel the area to reveal the map. This should be true of Exterior Zones, City Maps, and Dungeon Maps. Revealed, completed maps should be able to be purchased in the Crown Store.
Each city, at least the larger cities, should have a cartographer that can offer the following:
- Completed Zone Maps
- Individual or packs of city maps
- Individual or packs of city maps
- Charcoal & Erasers
- Stamps & Wax
- The location of Treasures, Skyshards, and Lorebooks
- Cartography Writs
At the Cartographer players should be able to purchase all items for in game gold or Crowns, giving all players the freedom and flexibility to buy maps and accessories in whatever currency they wish to spend.
To anyone who says the little things are a waste of time, they are not. You have to get the foundation right before you build on top of it. And one of the first foundations they need to get right that will take care of the majority of money issues is the subscription. Which is not good enough yet.
I realize this idea could make ZoS more money. But I don't think charging basic UI stuff that other mmos give for free is wise. Unless there is a way to unlock that stuff in game for free money wise, but expensive time wise too. If ZoS starts locking everything behind a pay wall only. They will drive away many of the customers they are trying to bring into the game in the first place.
Good ideas but with the caveat, there needs to be a longer way of unlocking it in game and they need to make the subscription kick people in the face if they don't see value.
Revealed, completed maps should be able to be purchased in the Crown Store.
Each city, at least the larger cities, should have a cartographer that can offer the following:At the Cartographer players should be able to purchase all items for in game gold or Crowns, giving all players the freedom and flexibility to buy maps and accessories in whatever currency they wish to spend.
- Completed Zone Maps
- Individual or packs of city maps
- Individual or packs of city maps
- Charcoal & Erasers
- Stamps & Wax
- The location of Treasures, Skyshards, and Lorebooks
- Cartography Writs
just because you can think it, doesn't make it real.
just because you said it, doesn't make it right.
i just think that it is too late for this sort of thing. If the game had been this way at launch people would accept the FoW, but ZoS didn't go in that direction so foisting such a game mechanic on players now (complete with having to buy maps and unlocks to regain functionality that they Already Possess) would only create more friction between ZoS and the ESO player base.
Writing on maps is a trivial boon. I get that you must be looking for ways to encourage ZoS and I think you should keep at it, but it's usually a good idea to bounce ideas off a third party to get an outside opinion before publishing every idea that pops into your head.
Good thing i looked here Gidorick i am adding a map like segment to my next bit so i will definitely have to remember to add this in.
I have always enjoyed the maps in ESO. I love their aesthetics. They are a great compromise between hand-drawn styled maps and over-world maps like Skyrim and Daggerfall. There are a few additions that would really make the mapping system become more alive! While there are add-ons that will do pretty much all of this, the below ideas include monetization aspects for the Crown Store.Writing on Maps
- Writing on Maps
- Stamps and Seals
- Map Reveal Mechanic
- Cartographers
First and foremost is the addition of the ability to write on the maps. This would be a simple “write & erase” mechanic. Players could buy a Charcoal & Eraser item from the Crown Store that is consumable and would eventually run out and require repurchase.This would be a straight forward write-anything-anywhere type mechanic. Players would place the cursor anywhere on the map and type whatever they wanted on their map.
Stamps and Seals
Additionally, this could also include a stamp set that’s also purchasable in the Crown Store with separate consumable wax to create seals.These seals could be placed and removed using different stamps and colors. Using the Charcoal & Eraser a player could add notes about the specific stamps.
Map Reveal Mechanic
For FUTURE zones, ZOS shouldn’t automatically include an entire revealed map of the zone. Players should have to travel the area to reveal the map. This should be true of Exterior Zones, City Maps, and Dungeon Maps.
Crown Store
In the Crown Store players should be able to buy for Crowns:In Game Cartographers
- Map Packs that include a Zone map with city and dungeon maps.
- Cartographers Eye for each zone that shows ALL points of interest in the zone. (Skyshards, Treasures, Lorebooks, Etc.)
- Charcoal & Eraser Packs (5 sets)
- Stamps & Wax Packs (5 sets)
Each city, at least the larger cities, should have a cartographer that can offer the following for gold:
- Revealed Zone Maps
- Individual city maps
- Individual dungeon maps
- The location of Treasures/books/materials/etc in a zone
- Individual Charcoal & Eraser sets. Each set lasts 1/2 as long as the sets included in the packs sold for Crowns.
- Individual Stamps & Wax Sets. Each set lasts 1/2 as long as the sets included in the packs sold for Crowns.
- Cartography Writs
At the Cartographer, players should be able to purchase gold purchasable items, as well as having a tab for Crown Store purchases, giving all players the freedom and flexibility to buy maps and accessories in whatever currency they wish to spend.
babydollxoxo wrote: »
I'm simply speechless. They need to hire you asap. You have a new stalker <crosses out and writes fan>
babydollxoxo wrote: »
There is @babydollxoxo it's called TrueExploration!
I found it to be finnikey... so many times I'd clear out the map and something would happen and my map would disappear again. Worth a shot though!
My original concept that I wrote up a while back and never posted included a fog-toggle where you could toggle the fog on/off. This concept has been tweaked for the Crown Store items and takes into account players might want to see everything at once. These players could go to the Cartographer and buy (with Crowns or in-game Gold) fully unlocked Zone maps, Maps to specific dungeons, etc.
This idea supports both play-preferences.
Why should we have to buy unlocked zones. I don't like this idea. It should be a toggle.
TheShadowScout wrote: »I love the idea! But then, I would... it so reminds me of the good old days of mapping gameworlds, be it from "The Bards Tale" on my Amiga, or many, many games that came after...
And the idea to have maps sold in cities for those who prefer to have things as they are now... makes it all good for them too. And the ones who want everything handed to them... could buy the advanced maps where they get even the points of interest filled out already. Gold sink, anyone?
Of course... it -could- get vexing to have to do this on every character... but again, with the map store, that's just a bit of gold, nothing more. As long as the prices are reasonable - you earn enough of that questing along anyhow...
Still waiting for the crown store crafting motivs to become an unlock that once bought allows to draw multiple character-bound copies on your alts... so... I would expect if they did this, they'd sell it as individual pieces, so impatient people would have to shell out the purchase price multiple times.I could see the Crown Store Zone Map Packs including unlocks for all players at once.
TheShadowScout wrote: »Still waiting for the crown store crafting motivs to become an unlock that once bought allows to draw multiple character-bound copies on your alts... so... I would expect if they did this, they'd sell it as individual pieces, so impatient people would have to shell out the purchase price multiple times.