Ok, ive used Greater Storm Atronach a lot in 1.5, it gave an alright damage when dropped on your enemies head (nothing to special) and a nice lightening laser that actually did some decent dps (kinda like an ugly step child to soul assault).
So in 1.6 i try and use the GSA again and it feels considerably weaker, i drop it on peoples heads and dont even see there health bar even move at all anymore. And that nice laser that actually did some decent dps, well no more. My Atro just goes around trying to tickle people with some static electricity now.
As im soloing around cyrodiil this just makes this ultimate pretty much useless, if someone has to trigger the synergy to get this baby to put out some deeps, thats not really acceptable, imo. As i am not able to synergize with my own ultimate.
Ways to fix this to be a better ultimate.
-one way is to make it have the damage it would have with the berserk buff to begin with, and if someone synergizes with it they get a berserk buff (but not the atro because they already have it). doing this will make the ultimate usable for soloing and give a benefit while using it in a group setting.
-another way is to let the sorcerer synergize with his own Atro, to activate the Berserk buff for the attro (plus nice benifit for the sorc lol as he gets berserk buff too, but hell why not, dk's standard gives them a 20% damage increase while standing in it, would only be fair right).
-Make Atro not stunnable, i mean really what the hell!!! sorc has the only ultimate in the game that can be mitigated by normal players stuns and interrupts. this ultimate better be putting out some mad deeps if someone can just negate all it does while its out. just saying.
Basically sorc Storm Atronach is not what it used to be, and eric said he wanted you to feel like you were still comparable to your 1.5 characters, well this ability falls short imo.
Let me know what you think on the matter, i would like to get more feedback on this ability before it gets pushed up the chain.
Guild UMBRA Chapter Lead
~Leper Si -V14 Sorcerer~
Youtube Channel - Leper