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Looting Dead Bodies not working

Soul Shriven
I've been wondering why i cant loot things of the person i killed.
I saw a video on youtube where you could loot a dead body and steal it's items.
  • Ashtaris
    Rarely the game bugs so that you can't loot one of the bodies, but it shouldn't happen all of the time. Do you have any add-ons running? If so, you might want to turn them off and try again. Also, check to see if you are getting items in your inventory anyway, in which case you might have "Autoloot" turned on.

    Also be aware that if you are way over leveled for a certain zone that you may not be able to loot the killed NPC's.
    Edited by Ashtaris on February 26, 2015 2:59PM
  • Slurg
    If the body is highlighted you should be able to loot it.

    Sometimes things get hung up though. Try typing /reloadui in your chat bar and see if that helps.
    Happy All the Holidays To You and Yours!
    Remembering better days of less RNG in all the things.
  • Pantsukime
    Soul Shriven
    Am i overleveled when im v1 and kill lvl 36 xD
  • Elsonso
    Lately, the game has been slow to recognize that the combat is over.

    I reported, and still see, cases where the server and client are in a bit of a disagreement. This includes cases where the corpses are not marked for looting right away. It also includes cases where the corpses say they can be looted, but they will not open.

    Hopefully, this and other problems that I, in my ignorance, consider to be linked will be fixed before March 17. I suspect it is a server attention deficit disorder issue since latency reports good.

    Edit... oops. The new forum design does not tell me category before I open the thread and I forgot to look after I opened it. My comment is related to Live, not PTS.
    Edited by Elsonso on February 26, 2015 3:47PM
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

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    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
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  • pppontus
    Pantsukime wrote: »
    Am i overleveled when im v1 and kill lvl 36 xD

    Yes, you will not get loot for that unless the mob drops some level independant loot like rawhides.
  • mandrakethebard_ESO
    If you are significantly over the level of your enemy you are unlikely to get loot from them, except for the level-independent materials as mention in the above response.

    Also, if you run into the bug of an enemy that is highlighted for loot but cannot be looted, a workable solution is to kill something else close to them (even a vermin) and loot them... the loot grouping will allow you to simultaneously loot any kill within a close radius in the one action, including the bugged one.
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