Maintenance for the week of January 13:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – January 13

Shopkeeper author has exit, stage left

I have learned to really like this addon but I'm just an end user. Anyone with mad code monkey skillz wish to adopt it? Dude named dopiate might take it on but he's not quite confident with lua at this time. Not to put words in his mouth but that is my understanding.
Edited by Gillysan on October 26, 2014 5:01PM
  • DrHarmful
    I gave a full rundown of my take on this really great, but abandoned addon here

    I do not have any interest in taking over the addon. I don't even use the parts of it that have the minor bugs and I don't really have that much free time to support it.

    What I need is to preserve the data searching, saving and saving routines as a separate addon to support mine if, something where to happen to it.

    While I am fully setup and configured with ZeroBrane Stuido w/ ESO addon plugin - it shouldn't take me too long to get what I need from Shopkeeper.

    My nightmare would be someone takes it over and changes the saved variables format (for the 3rd time in 2 weeks) and then I would be forced to preserve the the data mining engine as the lua component of my program and/or just keep it for myself and forget trying to support others and just make sure my personal version works.

    I'm not rewriting the entire core of my program again. It's fast, efficient and solid as a rock now. It's a new version and should be posted as soon as I hear back from one or two more beta testers. Also, the new code in Shopkeeper 1.0 is so much faster and more efficient than it was before - so I'm not trying to re-invent the wheel. That part works 100%, it's better than it used to be and you don't fix whats not broken.

    I guess in summary, Gillysan and I would love to see Shopkeeper going but for different reasons. We both had the same issue, compatibility, he with the new and me with the old one. I have addressed mine and it works great but since it's future is unknown I also have an interest in what happens to it.

    It would be great if someone fixed the bugs in 1.0 but if someone takes over and changes my data source format then I'll either go private with my addon or pull out the engine from 1.0 and make it available with my program.

    I'm not clear on what incompatibility issue Gillysan has and I hope this works out good for everyone who uses Shopkeeper.

    As for people who don't care about Gillysan or my addon, all someone has to do is fix a few minor issues. It's really working great, even prepped for patch 5. There is a tool tip conflict and some routines where he got the math wrong so it suggests strange numbers. But, I think that's all that's wrong with it.

    I have tool tips turned off (I get them from other mods already) and It's perfect.

  • Elsonso
    Thanks for the heads up. A lot of the mods that I use are abandoned and require my own effort to keep them working.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • DrHarmful
    She's been fully resurrected from the dead better than ever!

    No offence to the other link but THIS IS SHOPKEEPER ....
    Edited by DrHarmful on January 27, 2015 4:15AM
  • Bouvin
    Gillysan wrote: »
    I have learned to really like this addon but I'm just an end user. Anyone with mad code monkey skillz wish to adopt it? Dude named dopiate might take it on but he's not quite confident with lua at this time. Not to put words in his mouth but that is my understanding.

    Look up DD Shopkeeper.

    Deome maintains it along with integration to Data Daedra
  • DrHarmful

    Have you seen the message section for ddShopkeeper? Strange I see no input from the author?

    It's just a question. You make your own judgement.

    It's also NOT Shopkeeper - it's been taken in a direction the author never intended. I'm not saying don't use it. I'm just saying if the user is looking for Shopkeeper as created by Khaibit, that can stand on it's own two feet, and has gone MONTHS without a single serious bug report they may be looking for Shopkeeper (Improved, Fixed and Updated)

    Just some friendly advice and to let users know that Shopkeeper isn't ddShopkeeper. Under the hood it's a whole different animal.

    Edited by DrHarmful on February 4, 2015 12:05PM
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