Are vampires ACTUALLY broken?

  • poodlemasterb16_ESO
    It's cool but the benefits kind of go away at higher VR levels. I only use Bats from my vampire skill set and that rarely. A sorc has better ways, to both, gain health, and to kill stuff.
  • Nebthet78
    The fire damage I feel is functioning normal for the vampire, but I do think that the bonus that we are suppose to receive from Supernatural Recovery, Undeath and Unnatural Resistance are not calculating correctly. Something isn't working right and it does need to be looked at, but until then vamp players really have to work on strategy and make certain concessions for their characters to keep their survivability up.
    Far too many characters to list any more.
  • MornaBaine
    Lots of food for thought here. Thanks for the input everyone. I'd still like someone who has the proper add-ons to test all this stuff and see if things are working as they are supposed to across the 4 Stages. So if some kind soul feels like doing the research and then spelling it all out for those of us, like me, whose strong suit is NOT math, that would be great. :)
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

  • dodgehopper_ESO
    I have to admit for dungeons and the like, it can be annoying not to be able to feed for the duration. Unless you're in a fast team it can actually be a problem, and yes I do find the health regen debuff actually the most annoying part of it. I've got an Orc vampire that I plan to turn back to his plain old ugly self once I've completed the skill set for that very reason. I personally think the multiplicative nature of the health regen weakness of vampires wrecks the balance for races like Nord and Orc. Whereas Breton/Dunmer have it best because of their innate resistance. All that being said though, I don't really like the notion that everyone plays a vampire to be powerful either. My main character has never 'turned' into anything, and he's the main one I pvp with too.
    US/AD - Dodge Hopper - Vet Imperial Templar | US/AD - Goj-ei-Raj - Vet Argonian Nightblade
    US/AD - Arondonimo - Vet Altmer Sorcerer | US/AD - Azumarax - Vet Dunmer Dragon Knight
    US/AD - Barkan al-Sheharesh - Vet Redguard Dragon Knight | US/AD - Aelus Vortavoriil - Vet Altmer Templar
    US/AD - Shirari Qa'Dar - Vet Khajiit Nightblade | US/AD - Ndvari Mzunchvolenthumz - Vet Bosmer Nightblade
    US/EP - Yngmar - Vet Nord Dragon Knight | US/EP - Reloth Ur Fyr - Vet Dunmer Sorcerer
    US/DC - Muiredeach - Vet Breton Sorcerer | US/DC - Nachtrabe - Vet Orc Nightblade
    EU/DC - Dragol gro-Unglak - Vet Orc Dragon Knight | EU/DC - Targan al-Barkan - Vet Redguard Templar
    EU/DC - Wuthmir - Vet Nord Sorcerer | EU/DC - Kosh Ragotoro - Vet Khajiit Nightblade
    <And plenty more>
  • poodlemasterb16_ESO
    If stage 4 is not your favorite place to be you are not doing it right. ;)

    Vampires don't care about health regen, they are undead, they will take health from whoever they please. That's kinda the point of a being Vampire.
  • Leeric
    Govalon wrote: »
    Just cure your vampirism and be done with it. I also had to cure it because I play a lot endgame pve. Vampirism is completely useless in pve, giving you zero bonuses while still giving you huge penalties. IMO being vampire should give you bonuses and negatives but this is not the case in endgame pve. Shame really because I have always been a vampire in all ES games. I tried to be one here too but it is just not viable. Maybe someday they add even one dungeon where even one monster does something else than fire damage.

    It does not help in pvp that most popular class is designed from ground up to be fire mage (DK)

    I have been vampire from the very first days after early access and upon curing it, game became a LOT easier. I no longer die in pve. At all. That is the one good thing about vampirism, it forces you to learn to stay away from red

    1 - Vampirism gives you bonuses. Damage reduction and increased magicka/stamina recovery are tangible benefits.

    2 - Vampirism also give access to beneficial skills. You don't have to run around like a headless chicken dodging PvE's many raining AoEs, just pop mist form.

    3 - What exactly is the "huge penalty"? I wear one piece of fire resist jewelry (and it's not even gold) and now I view scamps as an inconvenience rather than a mortal threat.

    4 - You mention PvP. Notice all the pale white skins on the highest ranked players? It is most certainly not for the aesthetics. Despite the most popular, most played, and perceived strongest class overflowing with fire damage, vampires are very strong in Cyrodiil and to some people over-powered - even with many players spamming silver shards and fire ballistae exploding everywhere. And you don't think they are viable?

    5 - I am a Vampire Nord and have completed DSA, Hel-Ra, AA, City of Ash, etc, and the only concession I make is wearing a single purple fire resits glyph on my necklace.

    It's a shame you felt compelled to follow the faulty advice of others rather than playing the way you want. Being a vampire is actually kind of cool.

    Ive never seen so many lies in one reply lol. Sounds like your opinion is from a couple patches ago and not a reflection of the current game.
  • Drasn
    Leeric wrote: »
    Govalon wrote: »
    Just cure your vampirism and be done with it. I also had to cure it because I play a lot endgame pve. Vampirism is completely useless in pve, giving you zero bonuses while still giving you huge penalties. IMO being vampire should give you bonuses and negatives but this is not the case in endgame pve. Shame really because I have always been a vampire in all ES games. I tried to be one here too but it is just not viable. Maybe someday they add even one dungeon where even one monster does something else than fire damage.

    It does not help in pvp that most popular class is designed from ground up to be fire mage (DK)

    I have been vampire from the very first days after early access and upon curing it, game became a LOT easier. I no longer die in pve. At all. That is the one good thing about vampirism, it forces you to learn to stay away from red

    1 - Vampirism gives you bonuses. Damage reduction and increased magicka/stamina recovery are tangible benefits.

    2 - Vampirism also give access to beneficial skills. You don't have to run around like a headless chicken dodging PvE's many raining AoEs, just pop mist form.

    3 - What exactly is the "huge penalty"? I wear one piece of fire resist jewelry (and it's not even gold) and now I view scamps as an inconvenience rather than a mortal threat.

    4 - You mention PvP. Notice all the pale white skins on the highest ranked players? It is most certainly not for the aesthetics. Despite the most popular, most played, and perceived strongest class overflowing with fire damage, vampires are very strong in Cyrodiil and to some people over-powered - even with many players spamming silver shards and fire ballistae exploding everywhere. And you don't think they are viable?

    5 - I am a Vampire Nord and have completed DSA, Hel-Ra, AA, City of Ash, etc, and the only concession I make is wearing a single purple fire resits glyph on my necklace.

    It's a shame you felt compelled to follow the faulty advice of others rather than playing the way you want. Being a vampire is actually kind of cool.

    Ive never seen so many lies in one reply lol. Sounds like your opinion is from a couple patches ago and not a reflection of the current game.

    Curious as to where exactly you believe he lied. My nightblade is a V14 Dunmer vampire and my sorc is a V14 Breton vampire and everything he said is pretty much correct.

    Just because you can't do it doesn't mean that someone who claims they can is a liar. Stop being bad.
  • poodlemasterb16_ESO
    Leeric wrote: »
    Govalon wrote: »
    Just cure your vampirism and be done with it. I also had to cure it because I play a lot endgame pve. Vampirism is completely useless in pve, giving you zero bonuses while still giving you huge penalties. IMO being vampire should give you bonuses and negatives but this is not the case in endgame pve. Shame really because I have always been a vampire in all ES games. I tried to be one here too but it is just not viable. Maybe someday they add even one dungeon where even one monster does something else than fire damage.

    It does not help in pvp that most popular class is designed from ground up to be fire mage (DK)

    I have been vampire from the very first days after early access and upon curing it, game became a LOT easier. I no longer die in pve. At all. That is the one good thing about vampirism, it forces you to learn to stay away from red

    1 - Vampirism gives you bonuses. Damage reduction and increased magicka/stamina recovery are tangible benefits.

    2 - Vampirism also give access to beneficial skills. You don't have to run around like a headless chicken dodging PvE's many raining AoEs, just pop mist form.

    3 - What exactly is the "huge penalty"? I wear one piece of fire resist jewelry (and it's not even gold) and now I view scamps as an inconvenience rather than a mortal threat.

    4 - You mention PvP. Notice all the pale white skins on the highest ranked players? It is most certainly not for the aesthetics. Despite the most popular, most played, and perceived strongest class overflowing with fire damage, vampires are very strong in Cyrodiil and to some people over-powered - even with many players spamming silver shards and fire ballistae exploding everywhere. And you don't think they are viable?

    5 - I am a Vampire Nord and have completed DSA, Hel-Ra, AA, City of Ash, etc, and the only concession I make is wearing a single purple fire resits glyph on my necklace.

    It's a shame you felt compelled to follow the faulty advice of others rather than playing the way you want. Being a vampire is actually kind of cool.

    Ive never seen so many lies in one reply lol. Sounds like your opinion is from a couple patches ago and not a reflection of the current game.

    What you talkin' 'bout Willis? That's pretty well how it is.
  • drrose33cub18_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    "Walk always in the light or we will drag you to it"

    -Vigilant of Stendarr-
  • Ragefist
    "Walk always in the light or we will drag you to it"

    -Vigilant of Stendarr-

    There is always someone lurking in the shadows

    -Thieves guild-
    Edited by Ragefist on November 30, 2014 2:19AM
  • poodlemasterb16_ESO
    "Say, didn't I see you coming out of there?"

    Riften Guard
  • DezIsDead
    kijima wrote: »
    Well, at least people aren't banging on about vampires being OP anymore.

    Truth is, they are pretty average in PvP now.

    I disagree. Those vamp zergs running around make it pretty good. Healing wise yeah they don't help much but still a great AoE
    Dez Is Dead vr16 AD Sorc
    Rez Dez vr16 DC sorc
    Aimer Cantentius VR16 DC NB AKA Needs Vigor
    Vanreimus Comeback DC DK
    Ihealedurmum VR8 AD temp
    Unonti VR crafting sloot
    Zoschasedawaymyfweinds EP Temp
  • Breg_Magol
    " ... or we will drag you to it"

    -Vigilant of Stendarr-

    This is the part that I have issues with ... ;)
  • mjsegaline
    Soul Shriven
    Honestly, if you are not using the very powerful vampire abilities like mist form and drain essence then I don't want to hear you complain that vampires are broken. The whole point of being a vampire and the way it is balanced is those abilities. If you feel it is an inconvenience to slot mist form and drain, then not only are u probably an idiot but why are you even a vampire? Stop picking the same LEET skills everyone else does and be original. Use vampires the way they were intended. End topic
  • poodlemasterb16_ESO
    mjsegaline wrote: »
    Honestly, if you are not using the very powerful vampire abilities like mist form and drain essence then I don't want to hear you complain that vampires are broken. The whole point of being a vampire and the way it is balanced is those abilities. If you feel it is an inconvenience to slot mist form and drain, then not only are u probably an idiot but why are you even a vampire? Stop picking the same LEET skills everyone else does and be original. Use vampires the way they were intended. End topic

    Have not used either since about VR3. Really there are better ways to both gain health and do damage. I never used Mist Form, a Master Vampire with nothing in that skill. It's a small bar and really there are better things to put there.

    Now if you get good at using Drain Essence there is a window to maybe level 45 or so where DE is just a hoot. I learned to solo multi person dungeons using Invigorating Drain. You can just stand in the trash, like 8 - 10 of em', and if you keep track you can walk away at 100% with em' all dead. Just fight with the pack and get em' down as far as you can then start Draining them, one after the other, as you keep fighting. Done right the Drain finishes em'.
  • MornaBaine
    mjsegaline wrote: »
    Honestly, if you are not using the very powerful vampire abilities like mist form and drain essence then I don't want to hear you complain that vampires are broken. The whole point of being a vampire and the way it is balanced is those abilities. If you feel it is an inconvenience to slot mist form and drain, then not only are u probably an idiot but why are you even a vampire? Stop picking the same LEET skills everyone else does and be original. Use vampires the way they were intended. End topic

    I use drain and mist form because, for me, the point of playing a vampire is a vampire, not a mage with a skin condition. LOL And, at least in PvE, those 2 abilities DO save your bacon. Now if only I could drain dungeon bosses! LOL I really wish there were enough vamp abilities to fill a whole bar with actually.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

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