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What are your trade habits / How often do you buy or sell things in ESO?

Regardless of the method used, how often do you trade with other players?

Let's see how active ESO's market is.

If "rarely buy things" is selected, it is implied that your characters are self sufficient, make their own equipment and rarely need things from the market.

If you buy and sell things for your guild, forget about that for this poll and only consider your personal trading habits.

If multiple options seem to fit you, choose the one where you feel most of your trade volume comes from.

I feel an "I just want to see the results" option is not needed here.

Feel free to discuss trading methods or the merits of different tradegoods in the comment section.
Edited by Rodario on October 13, 2014 9:14AM
Victoria Lux - Templar Tank

What are your trade habits / How often do you buy or sell things in ESO? 163 votes

I never sell or buy anything
14% 23 votes
I rarely sell or buy things, except for motifs/recipes I still need, or find and don't need.
14% 23 votes
I rarely buy things, I sometimes sell excess materials
8% 14 votes
I rarely buy things, I often sell stuff (produced goods, farmed mats, ...)
16% 27 votes
I sometimes buy things, I rarely sell anything
8% 14 votes
I often buy things (personal use), I rarely/sometimes sell stuff
3% 6 votes
I often buy and sell things (personal use/personally produced or farmed goods)
27% 45 votes
I often buy and sell things (playing the market, buy low then sell high)
6% 11 votes
  • Rodario
    In my personal experience:

    I make everything I need myself and I always have all the mats I need from just gathering while questing (Not farming, just picking up stuff en route).

    I find that the only goods that sell (well/reliably) are max level set items (not all, but a choice few), motifs 10-14, consummate recipes, tempers, runes, cooking mats for fortified/consummate versions and a few alchemy mats.

    Generally, rare mats sell a lot better - and for a higher price - than the items they're needed for. This even applies to foods, where it can't be argued that there are too many variations like with equipment.
    Edited by Rodario on October 13, 2014 9:29AM
    Victoria Lux - Templar Tank
  • AngryNord
    Sell: Whenever I find set items I don't need, or have a large amount of crafting mats I no longer need.
    Buy: If there's a motif book I can afford (i.e. very rarely...). Or in the rare occasion I need crafting mats fast.
    Edited by AngryNord on October 13, 2014 9:40AM
  • Audigy
    I don't participate in trading right now as its too time consuming and difficult to do.

    Without a guild I don't have access to trade hubs and spamming in chat isn't so fun either ;)
    Edited by Audigy on October 13, 2014 9:50AM
  • Micallef
    I don't.
    I don't like the concept of needing a guild for trade. It restricts the possible market to just that guild. Coupled with the dismal guild system, it's not even a consideration for me. Much less troublesome to be self-sufficient.
    Zone chat is ineffective and constant 'advertising' is one of the main reasons why I have it off at all times except in Cyrodiil.

    It's one of the many design decisions that make me go 'whatever they were smoking, I want some'...
  • Starwhite
    I do a daily farm round, sell crafting materials, motifs and goods. My twinks often need special crafting materials for new equip, so I buy it.

    I don't do cooking or alchemy, these rare receipes and goods are a nice daily income.

    Trading guilds, I'm in three different. A french, englisch and international one. So I can pick up the chapest to buy for my own and best price for sale. I don't buy from one guild to sale in another .... not my kind of style.
    Edited by Starwhite on October 13, 2014 10:29AM
    Le cœur a ses raisons que la raison ne connaît pas.
  • zhevon
    I rarely trade or buy; I check out my guild store for deals on various items - recipes, map, motifs but I rarely find anything I am interested. I use to sell motifs/recipes there - but its pretty useless now so they generally get thrown into the guild bank. The trading hubs and chat are mainly wastes of time.
  • dan958
    I only really buy resins, and I sell motifs. I can make all the armour and weapons I need for myself - and I go and collect the materials for it.
    @dan958 - PC/EU - Dannuin - Nightblade - Bosmer - CP982 - For the Queen!
  • Gythral
    I rarely buy, still buying bank slots
    I do sell the small excess I farm now, if I can find a market for it.
    but the market is way too small for just about anything that I can make or farm and even smaller for the few things I'd like to buy.
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • ers101284b14_ESO
    I try to be self sufficient and rarely buy. I do however sell stuff I don't need and I like the fact that I can actually sell stuff in this game. Never could in any game with an AH house cause people undercut so bad. I like the stability of the guild store.
  • Xeres14
    When I log into the game I want to quest, dungeons, pvp whatever. I'm not ready to join a guild to sell stuff though. I have ton of mats to sell but - meh, just wanna play.
  • Woolenthreads
    Rarely Buy, Regularly sell? Methinks you missed one. I have about 30 items in the Guild Store including additional recipes and racial motifs. I simply set a formulaic price, I'm not truly bothered about the sales. Being a Guild Store, it doesn't get much traffic.
    Oooh look, lot's of Butterflies! Wait! Butterflies? Get out of here Sheo, stop bugging me!

    Having issues with Provisioning Writs? A list of problem Writs and people willing to help in game can be found in this Thread
  • Forestd16b14_ESO
    I do buy and sell mainly for use like i need something ill buy if some one need something ill sell at a low/ fair price. Like i don't get why players try to sell a stacked thing of say voidsteel ingot for 2000 gold.
  • ExiledKhallisi
    No point.

    Have all motif's
    Have maxed out horses.
    Have full legendary gear I farmed myself.
    I make my own potions.

    Gold is good for repairs. And buying the dwemer motif in 1.5... until then it collects dust.
    >>>>>>>>(DC)Guild Master of Biestas 250+ Active Members<<<<<<<<
    ||||||Vr14 Sorc: Darkened Soul vr14 Templar: Tiffaney||||||
    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
    ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  • Nox_Aeterna
    I never trade any another player directly , that annoys me ,higher chances that i would ignore the person instead of trading anything with them.

    I do buy and sell at AHs , so pretty much i have what my trade guild got.

    If the trade guilds dont have what i want i leave the guild and look for another one to join and look again , quite easy to get trade guild invites.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • Exarch
    I was in a trade guild for awhile, and used to sell raw materials, recipes, etc. there, but I went on vacation and was removed for inactivity, so now I pretty much just vendor everything, which I assume doesn't count in this poll.
  • stumpy999
    the trade system is very clunky. I can't place buy orders or see what is trending easily. That said, i rarely bother. I give stuff to guildies and vendor the rest unless I can craft with it. Then it fills all the horses up
  • MikeBob
    The answer I chose was not entirely accurate in my case, but it was the closest one to the truth, which is:

    I do not sell to other players at all. This is because I do not belong to a guild and I will not clutter up zone chat with 'WTS' messages.

    If I don't need something I loot/find, I vendor it (except purple/gold motifs, or purple recipes, which I have found 'extras' of - I store those on a mule).

    I do occasionally buy (from Guild Traders) - usually provisioning recipes or ingredients, or the occasional temper or resin, if I'm running short (and if the price is right ... I'm a dyed-in-the-wool cheapskate, hahaha!)

    This game really needs a global marketplace of some sort, in my opinion.

    I won't argue the point with anyone though, because 1) you ain't changing my mind, 2) I'm not trying to change anyone else's mind, and 3) I've got better things to do than rehash something on these boards that I know has been discussed at length (yeah, this one knows how to use the search feature).

  • Ourorboros
    I farm a lot-that Master Refiner achievement is a b i t c h. So I sell excess refined mats. I also sell a lot of glyphs, both found and made. I sell some armor and weapons with rarer traits. I sell tempers, herbs, provisioning mats. While I was fishing, I bought bait when I saw a good deal. I belong to 4 trade guilds, and it's not uncommon for me to have 30 items in each. About half my sales are through the guild trade vendors. Since I don't buy any of the items I sell, I price my items on the low end. That drives sales and I figure I'm still ahead. My bank is in high 6 figures, since about my only expense is armor repairs. I did buy Ancient Elf and Daedric motifs, and will likely buy any new motifs. I'm looking at nirnhoned items for research, but they are currently at twice the price I'll pay. All in all, I'm very happy with the trading system and economy.
    Edited by Ourorboros on October 14, 2014 2:21AM
    Breton Sorcerer Maester.White - BB meets GoT >Master Crafter< { 9 Traits completed 4/23/15 }
    TANSTAAFL--->There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.....Robert Heinlein
    Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea....Heinlein
    All those moments will be lost in time, like Time to die. "Blade Runner"
    ESO: the game you hate to love and love to hate....( >_<) May RNG be with you (*,_,*)
  • Holycannoli
    Never. There's no auction house, and I'm not going to join a guild just for some small pseudo auction house.
  • loudent
    I have neither purchased nor sold anything in this game. The mechanics just don't support how I want to do my trading
  • ShirleyShine
    I rarely buy anything, but sometimes if it is something I use a lot of, and see it in the zone chat at a reasonable price I make an offer.
    If I see someone who needs things for their main craft, or something they clearly need to keep their finances stable I will send my overflow and leave it up to the recipient where or not they pay for it.

    I keep myself solvent by doing a quick run through a city that has provisioning mats for 4 gold meals ~ with the 4 x perk per mats used, and not using recipes that consume rare ingredients I net at least 2,000g in +- 10 mins. Enough to keep my gear in shape and kept 3 horses fed while leveling them.

    Fishing has been good to me, both with a bit of welcome gold, relaxation and pure fun, and what with gunny sacks and chests spawning multiple times next to the hole I happen to currently be fishing, it has kept me well supplied with gold, soul gems, and rare mats and runes.
    Half the fun with those gunny sacks is the fact that any zone can give you Ta - Kuta, essence runes, honing stones - Dwarven Oil, or just racial stones.

    I seldom farm, usually just collect on my way to a destination.
    War....war never changes
  • kimboh
    I used to buy and sell a lot in the first few months of playing, but now I have tones of gold and no need to buy or sell anything, I give away motifs for free.
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  • AngryNord
    kimboh wrote: »
    I used to buy and sell a lot in the first few months of playing, but now I have tones of gold and no need to buy or sell anything, I give away motifs for free.

    If you've got any Imperial ones you can send them to me :P
  • Elloa
    I sell sometimes set items I've found, but this is so insignifficant that I choose the first option.
    I never bought anything ever in ESO!

    In other games, I'm almost never buying anything either. I enjoy to be self sufficient. In ESO it's possible. In othe rgame it's harder.
    The fact there is no AH doesn't bother me at all!
    Edited by Elloa on October 14, 2014 10:32AM
  • Ninnghizhidda
    I NPC everything, except for whatever I use to deconstruct or store for crafting, and perhaps the odd piece that I might actually use with one of my characters.

    The "trading system" in ESO is extremely cumbersome, lackluster and time consuming. On top of all the micro management. No thanks. I would rather not spend my precious time on all this irrelevant stuff.
  • Nestor
    I don't buy very often. Mostly it's Items for Research if I can't get the drop,or a stack of mats if I just reached the material level and have not gathered enough from deconstruction or farming. If some Tempers are at a nice price, I will grab them, just because.

    I just started selling stuff a few weeks ago by joining some Trade Guilds. Prior to that I sold everything to game vendors. I was leaving money on the table, but it was fast so it all balanced out.

    The few times I have tried to barter in Zone Chat has met with utter failure. No one will respond to me when I Say, Tell or Whisper to them that I want that goodie they have or I have the thing they want, so I don't bother anymore. Maybe I am doing something wrong, but it should not be this difficult.
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    Since I started alchemy, I started selling more. I'll sell extra potions, mats, recipes, motiffs, etc I find. And I'll buy recipes and runes I don't have.
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
  • Voodoo
    cant be bothered to sit in chat and spam/look for someone to buy/sell with. I am not a AH fan but it does make things easier to get what you want quicker. ...the guild stores rarely have anything i am looking for.
  • MikeBob
    Ourorboros wrote: »

    that Master Refiner achievement is


    ... mine!

    I just got mine last night!

    (And you're absolutely right - it was grueling business, to be sure.)

  • Zancont
    In terms of weapons/arms I only bought the pact set so far as I didn't get the glue where it drops.
    If I run short on some ingredients like bugloss I buy the if prices are reasonable.

    I sell a lot atm. potions and nirns

    Due to the fact that you can't place buying orders in guild stores and only having 30 selling slots I have to do business in regional chat spaming WTSs and WTBs

    STRONGLY VOTE for a larger marketplace - faction based like in SWTOR.
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