1st of all TESO is awesome,ive been playing from beta and have waited for 2years to come out and the game just gets beter and beter each month thx to the all the devs dedication and i will play this game like a wow fanboy is playing wow.8)
im following this game closly aswell as all the related community podcasts like eso of the record,teso elite etc etc.
i play nightblade and i am almost 50,3lvls to go,yeahy me! XD
i have a char of each class in the game and i play on both servers,tho eu server is my main.i read allot of good stuff in the patchnotes and see stamina builds are getting attention wich is good.
theese are my suggestion for nightblade and bow as this is my main and i focus on mainly and i play a cross over bow dps/sword and shield tank build.
bow suggestion
the combination shadowcloak with some bow abillitys especially the standard heavy attack isnt working well as either shadow cloak is too short or drawtime of a heavy attack takes to long.snipe abillity aswell but thats fully understandable.
im ussing a bow with increased atackspeed and skilled dark veil abillity and still i can rarly get a shot with an heavy atack off that crits,this is wrong as thats what i wanted to build on,its wrong if you cant combine theese abilltys properly on an early lvl let alone later at 50+ lvl.either shorten the drawtime slightly or make it class specific(wich i would do to make the nightblade a bit more rougish in terms of play)and make the shadow cloak effect a second longer.this would boost the bow build beter and makes it more sustainable in longer fights like boss fights and makes bow build more bursty.
general combat suggestions
when using a abillity and there is a need to block,blocking should overide any animation. like when i cast strife-soulsyphon and i need to block instantly the block needs to overide the cast/animation of my previous abillity instantly,it would be good to when activated and emidiatly overided by blocking that you would loose the magicka or stamina of that casted abillity,but you would do only partial or no dmg to that target at all as a penalty as you interrupted it with blocking.this would improve the combat by miles and makes it more fluient in play,and stimulates a more dmg mitigation style of play for all classes,a beter action combat mechanic.
and last but not least and i have mentioned this before to miss j.folsom on a esoelite podcast as a suggestion is weaponswap.aside that weaponswap atm isnt really reactive)why cant you swap weapons while sprinting???this has to change,
and lastly weapons dissapear from backs and hips when you mount a horse.its kinda imersion breaking really.no mmo sofar has this.mounted in wow.tera.swtor.age of conan and many other mmo,s you see your weapon when mounted.
i hope you take my suggestions under consideration and i hope i have helped out with this post,and im looking forward to the future of teso as i will be playing it for a long long time.cheers 8)