Worst Change in this Patch

  • purple-magicb16_ESO
    This post gets my vote for most trivial complaint ever.

    Except it's not a trivial complaint, not by a long shot. Anyone that pvps or sells items on guild stores will be annoyed by this change. Which is ultimately redundant because you cannot delete the mail unless you retrieve the attachment. So they essentially annoyed the majority of players because a handful needs to be coddled? yeah, clearly trivial. Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back sport.

    Yes it is. I've experienced game crashes, freezes, had to reinstall my client twice among other things. You have no idea how difficult it will be for you to convince me that this is a significant issue. Its a joke. And not a very funny one at that.
    I don't comment here often but when I do, I get [snip]
  • Soulshine
    Well I would say that for some, this one is right up there with losing all the keybindings. It's one of those annoying small things that somehow become huge due to the repetitive nature of the "problem." Personally, I do not care about it that much but I can validate that some ppl would find it very annoying.

    What I don't get is why was it added? I don't recall ppl asking for this feature. One of those mysterious, apparently uneeded things that someone at dev central decided to spend resources on? It does not make much sense to me...
  • Cogo
    Cogo wrote: »
    Tripwyr wrote: »
    Mail now has a confirmation before deleting. This adds another step to deleting the excessive mail received from PvP.

    This is not a troll thread, I am livid that these changes keep getting added without the option to disable them.

    I agree on the excessive mail in PvP. It NEEDS to get reduced how much rewards you get from pvp! Seriously. You get more gear there in 2 hours then 2 days in PvE!

    No, you don't, actually. Equivalent time PvEing will get you more gear, plus other useful things that you won't get PvPing. You only get the more generic set pieces, too. And nothing other than greens. And about 60 gold per container, when the cost of PvPing is so much steeper than PvE.

    Lol at PvE'rs whining that PvP'rs get more stuff. That gave me a good laugh.


    I am one of those players who DONT like to get more then I am worth.
    I get a HUGE mailspam of items in Cyrodiil. And most players could kick my arse in there.

    I should NOT get that much rewards!
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • twev
    My postman came with a package this morning I was "livid" I had to take 5 seconds of my life to sign for it.

    Well, do that a hundred times a day for a week or so, as some people have to, and get back to us, ummmkay?
    This post gets my vote for most trivial complaint ever.

    Except it's not a trivial complaint, not by a long shot. Anyone that pvps or sells items on guild stores will be annoyed by this change. Which is ultimately redundant because you cannot delete the mail unless you retrieve the attachment. So they essentially annoyed the majority of players because a handful needs to be coddled? yeah, clearly trivial. Don't break your arm patting yourself on the back sport.

    Yes it is. I've experienced game crashes, freezes, had to reinstall my client twice among other things. You have no idea how difficult it will be for you to convince me that this is a significant issue. Its a joke. And not a very funny one at that.
    And yet the forums always have scads of responses to posts citing 'broken game' issues such as yours with response after response about how the responders don't have any issues at all. And they never had any issues, and it's absolutely indicative of your own personal computer not being up to some standard other than the ones we all generally accept when all/most of the rest of our programs always run well.

    They'll tell you that you're in the distinct minority, whereas a 'delete confirm button' will affect every player that gets email in this game.
    Seemingly for every email they get.


    Edited by twev on September 16, 2014 4:21PM
    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • KariTR
    Cogo wrote: »
    Cogo wrote: »
    Tripwyr wrote: »
    Mail now has a confirmation before deleting. This adds another step to deleting the excessive mail received from PvP.

    This is not a troll thread, I am livid that these changes keep getting added without the option to disable them.

    I agree on the excessive mail in PvP. It NEEDS to get reduced how much rewards you get from pvp! Seriously. You get more gear there in 2 hours then 2 days in PvE!

    No, you don't, actually. Equivalent time PvEing will get you more gear, plus other useful things that you won't get PvPing. You only get the more generic set pieces, too. And nothing other than greens. And about 60 gold per container, when the cost of PvPing is so much steeper than PvE.

    Lol at PvE'rs whining that PvP'rs get more stuff. That gave me a good laugh.


    I am one of those players who DONT like to get more then I am worth.
    I get a HUGE mailspam of items in Cyrodiil. And most players could kick my arse in there.

    I should NOT get that much rewards!

    Stop repairing walls then (unless you're AD on EU, then don't :p).
  • smeeprocketnub19_ESO
    Cogo wrote: »
    Cogo wrote: »
    Tripwyr wrote: »
    Mail now has a confirmation before deleting. This adds another step to deleting the excessive mail received from PvP.

    This is not a troll thread, I am livid that these changes keep getting added without the option to disable them.

    I agree on the excessive mail in PvP. It NEEDS to get reduced how much rewards you get from pvp! Seriously. You get more gear there in 2 hours then 2 days in PvE!

    No, you don't, actually. Equivalent time PvEing will get you more gear, plus other useful things that you won't get PvPing. You only get the more generic set pieces, too. And nothing other than greens. And about 60 gold per container, when the cost of PvPing is so much steeper than PvE.

    Lol at PvE'rs whining that PvP'rs get more stuff. That gave me a good laugh.


    I am one of those players who DONT like to get more then I am worth.
    I get a HUGE mailspam of items in Cyrodiil. And most players could kick my arse in there.

    I should NOT get that much rewards!

    well maybe you are different from everyone else. But I PvP everyday. I'm certainly not making back the 75-100 tripots I use, or the soul gems or the food (though that isn't really an issue)

    PvE pays for itself and is free. We will see if a measly 60 gold per container pays the bills.

    Like I said, PvE'r complaining that PvP'rs get more after they are handed everything. What do you do with all the crap you get PvEing if you don't like getting paid more than you are worth. (though saying trash items equate to getting paid is pretty absurd.)
    Dear Sister, I do not spread rumors, I create them.
  • Siliconhobbit_ESO
    UPDATE: Wykkyd's Mailbox Addon here: http://www.esoui.com/downloads/info20-WykkydsMailbox.html

    removes the confirmation of empty mail deletion.

    Problem solved.
    Sinister Swarm
    15 Years of Gaming Excellence
  • Roselle
    If you want more notifications disabled, you can also check out esoui.com/downloads/info764-BT9ByTheNineNotify-ExtendedNotificationSettings.html - I use this and it lets me disable the mail confirm for deleting, trials, etc.

    Had to edit because I linked the wrong addon. Derp.
    Edited by Roselle on September 28, 2014 12:38AM
    This one was rekt by Zenimax
  • Probitas
    Yep, the defenders rush to defend really stupid code. It is what it is, and you can't claim it makes any logical sense to confirm the delete of empty mail. You are all defending a position with no intelligent support.
  • Stratti
    Hey folks. This was actually a fix, and we had always intended to have a confirmation when deleting mail. That said, we understand that some of you would like to see a toggle for this, and are considering adding this in for a future patch.

    Here in lies why this game is failing. This is an example of the developers of this game. Clearly people are upset - they 'will consider' it. Clearly noone wanted it but it was always intended - yet not implemented to now. While they are bleeding subs myself included (2 days left) they are playing these games.

  • kewl
    Tripwyr wrote: »
    Mail now has a confirmation before deleting. This adds another step to deleting the excessive mail received from PvP.

    This is not a troll thread, I am livid that these changes keep getting added without the option to disable them.

    1st world problems :wink:

    Yes, from now on, this video game forum should only entertain questions and complaints on food distribution, over population and disease control in Africa. :(

    You are my new favorite person.
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